v3 Chapter 48: Resist (first change, first order)

Alice stood slowly, and the replica took a dress and put it on her fruit. hei66.co

"Body, you have to kill him. Now is a good opportunity. He hasn't woke up yet." The replica Alice picked up the knife on the ground and handed it to Alice.

"I know." Alice took the knife, endured the pain below, and walked towards Wu Yang lying on the ground step by step.

Alice looked at Wu Yang resentfully. "Wu Yang, I didn't expect it to be today, now is your death."

Alice's knife slashed towards Wu Yang's face suddenly, but at a distance of 0.01 millimeters, she stopped, her hands trembling constantly.

"Abominable" Alice called, her eyes were full of contradictions, her body was resisting, and Wu Yang was killed.

Alice suddenly lifted the knife again, and chopped it at Wu Yang again. The knife tip stopped when it touched Wu Yang's skin.

Alice's arms trembled, then she threw the knife aside, and she sat down on the ground with some dismay, "How could this happen? 25"

"Ontology, can't you kill him? Leave it to me." Alice picked up the knife and walked to Wu Yang's side.

Alice shook her head. "You don't need to do anything. His life is up to me."


"No, but I know what to do." Alice stood up slowly, looking at Wu Yang on the ground with complex eyes.

"Ontology, what do you want to do?"

Alice was silent for a moment, "Let's go."

"Leave?" The clone Alice froze.


"Then what should he do?"

"He, just leave him here. He may never be able to wake up." Alice said lightly, of course, she was lying to herself, how could this animal not wake up.

"Can't wake up?" Replica Alice froze.

Alice nodded. "So leave him alone, let's go."


"Nothing, if he appears again, I will kill him." Alice clenched her fists.

The replica Alice looked into Alice's eyes and shook her head, "Well, I know, since it's your own decision."

Alice glanced at Wu Yang lying on the ground, and the replica Alice went outside, waiting for them after Bai Bai.

Wu Yang was lying there quietly, the big crane was still a pillar of heaven, and there was a trace of blood on it, which looked extremely silvery.

Time has passed hurriedly for half a year.

In a certain underground base, a fruit body lays here, the fruit body has already accumulated a layer of ash, and the big hanging crane is not gray.

"Cough, cough" In the sound of the cough, the fruit suddenly moved, and then sat up like a corpse.

"Cough, cough, special, why so many ash." The fruit body sprayed a few mouthfuls of dust, yes, this is Wu Yang.

Wu Yang stood up, looked around, dangled a big crane, and walked towards the front.

Looking at the surrounding dust and the rusted steel, Wu Yang frowned slightly. "Looks like it's been a long time."

Wu Yang walked for a while and saw a large number of round glass balls. These are glass **** used to cultivate Alice's replicas, but all of them are empty.

auzw.com "They are gone." A voice came from behind Wu Yang.

Wu Yang turned his body, his clothes were undressed, and he was dangling from a big hang, just like the legendary weird Shushu, "Little Lolita, no, how are you after white?

"You slept for half a year," Bai Hou said.

Wu Yang froze, "Has it been half a year? I didn't expect that it took so long, it was miscalculated."

"What's wrong?" Baihou asked.

Wu Yang laughed very evil, "Want to know? Little Loli."

"Your smile is very impure." Baihou said.

"What this says is that my smile is not pure, it really hurts my heart." Wu Yang was distressed.

"You haven't said what's wrong with you?"

Wu Yang spread his hands, "Since you asked Little Loli, of course Shu Shu will tell you. After having happened beyond friendship with Alice happily, the t cells in my body and the t in her body The cells meet. "

"Such a thing happened." Baihou Xiaolioli was a little surprised.

"The two t-cells after the fusion merged together and became very powerful. The t-cells belonging to me returned to my body." Wu Yang did not continue.

Little White Little Lily immediately asked, "What happened after returning?"

"Little Loli, is this handsome handsome?" Wu Yang said shamelessly.

"Handsome, tell me what happened?"

Wu Yang, who had obtained affirmation, said in a hurry: "Don't worry, the t cells that have returned to my body have become very strong. These cells feel their wings are hard, and they have to fight for control of the body."

"Then how did you do that?"

"Conquer them thoroughly, but did not expect that time has passed so long." Wu Yang shook his head.

In such a long time, the metamorphic cells in Wu Yang's body led ordinary cells, and they started a continuous war with t cells, eventually completely destroying t cells.

Baihou slaps a thousand, "It's that simple?"

"It's just that it's simple, but it's actually difficult, otherwise you think why the labor and management slept for half a year." Wu Yang said uneasily, half a year, how much meaningful things can be done.

"Oh," Bai Hou said, "What are you going to do now?"

"Have you made a Lauchzi cure?"

Baihou shook his head, "No, there is no way to make it here."

"what happened?"

"Because of my sister," Bai Hou said.

"What did you do after the red?" Wu Yang frowned.

"She controlled a replica of Alice, and used this replica to destroy the device that made the healing agent. After this incident, Alice left all the replicas with her ribbon." Bai Hou said helplessly.

Wu Yang said lightly: "Why do you do this after the red?"

"She wants to destroy all living things. She is crazy."

Wu Yang smiled, "It looks like she's crazy, can't you stop her?"

"I'm not her opponent. She blocked me in this place, so I can never leave. I can't stop her."

Wu Yang smiled, "Want to leave?"