v3 Chapter 55: Claire's initiative (eighth more ...

Wu Yang spread his hands. "Alice, you are very reasonable. I was a bit sloppy. Hei .: Everyone is calm. Do n’t be scared by what I just did. In fact, I am a very kind person. . "

Otis swallowed a spit of water, and was shocked. Looking at Wu Yang, his eyes were a little frightened. Is this guy human?

Krista and the little Korean stick are both afraid, this person is more terrible than the zombie.

"What should everyone do and what to do, don't care about my existence." Wu Yang smiled kindly.

Luther struggled to his feet, blood on his head, "Damn, you bastard."

"Labor and patience have limited patience. Don't make a noise, otherwise it won't be that simple." Wu Yang said with a smile.

Baili Xiaolioli yawned boringly, "Human beings are so complicated, but artificial intelligence is better."

Claire smiled and said, "You're so young at the age, how can you talk about artificial intelligence?"

"Nothing, just casually, casually." Baihou hurriedly said.

"Well, there is actually no contradiction between us. For a fool, it is not wise to make trouble. I propose that this matter come to an end." Wu Yang spread his hands.

Luther looked at Wu Yangyi for a while and shouted, "What should everyone do and what to do."

"That's right." There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes.

Alice came to Luther, "What's the matter with you about Arcadia?"

"It was the content of the broadcast. We have received that broadcast for a week, providing food and shelter, safety and security, and no pollution." Otis said to Alice.

Luther nodded. "We thought you were sent to save us, but obviously not. To attract their attention, we put flare rounds for several days."

Alice froze, "flares? You can't see your flare from Alaska."

"Alaska?" Both Luther and Otis gave a stun.

"Yes, Arcadia, where I've been, it's a small town in Alaska," Alice said.

"Town? No, I don't think so." Luther shook his head.

"Look at it." Otis handed Alice a telescope. "Look towards the coast."

Alice looked at it with a telescope, and she saw a huge ship with a few big words written on it: Arcadia.

"See? It's not a small town." Luther smiled.

"That was a ship, and Arcadia was a ship. I see. They must be from Alaska along the coastline, searching for survivors, and here." Alice whispered to herself.

Wu Yang smiled, "I think what you said makes sense."

"Claire, show you, maybe you can remember." Alice handed the telescope to Claire.

Claire looked for a moment and lowered the telescope.


"What can you remember?" Alice asked.

Claire frowned. "I remember the beach. Someone came by kayak."

"What happened? Why didn't you go with everyone?" Alice didn't understand.

"I don't know, I can't remember." Claire shook her head.

"We need to get on that ship, Wu Yang, can the helicopter fly to where?" Alice looked at Wu Yang.

"The coast is five or six kilometers away from here. The helicopter's oil can only fly three or four kilometers. If you don't mind falling down halfway, you can try."


Claire stood alone on the corner of the roof, looking at the mad screaming zombies below.

"What are you thinking?" Wu Yang walked to Claire.

Claire looked at Wu Yang. "Wu Yang, are you really my husband?"

"You don't need to doubt this. I am your closest person in the world. I will always love you." Wu Yangxin swore.

Carlisle looked at Wu Yang's eyes. "After listening to Bai, you said that you have t virus and have super powers."

"Yeah, after letting you go, I had made up my mind to die, and broke into the base of the umbrella company alone. But with so many of them, how could I be an ordinary person, I was arrested by them, and Injected me with the t virus. "Wu Yang recalled his face.

"They watch how I mutate, but I won't do as they wish. There is always a force in my heart that supports me. That power is you. I want to see you. I can't become a zombie." Wu Yang looks at Claire's eyes, and the story is more and more exciting.

"Wu Yang." Claire moved.

Wu Yang continued, "They did not expect that not only did I not mutate, but also successfully integrated the t virus, and obtained amazing power. I killed them all, and then went to Alaska to find you, but I did not expect you to make That's it. What hurts me most is that you don't remember me. "

"Wu Yang." Claire hugged Wu Yang and put his face on Wu Yang's xiong's mouth. "Sorry, I don't remember you, but I know what you said is true, I am your woman , You are my man. "Damn, I really believe it.

Wu Yang silently praised his acting skills, "It doesn't matter, we don't need to be sorry, as long as you are good, I can still watch you, it is my happiest thing, even if you never remember me , Let me take all the pain alone. "

"Wu Yang, my man." Claire, who was so touched, took the initiative to kiss Wu Yang's big mouth, and wrapped his hands around Wu Yang's neck.

Although happiness came a little abruptly, Wu Yang wouldn't refuse, and the other woman's party took the initiative. As a man, he naturally took the initiative.

The kiss of the two sides was unstoppable, and it was dark, and took the initiative to take off each other's clothes. It seemed that it was impossible without a fight.

The clothes are almost off, and Wu Yang can't wait to launch the gun.

"Cough" came the sound of a cough.

Wu Yang and Claire looked at it. It was Alice.

Alice looked at the two coldly. "You still have to be shameless. This is different from dogs and men. Claire, don't be fooled."

Brothers, there are two more chapters. Today, there are absolutely 10 chapters. One chapter will not be missing. Chapter 9 is posted at 9 o'clock and Chapter 10 is posted at 10.30. Ask for monthly tickets, ask for rewards! Shahe is so shameless, begging my brothers anyway, the brothers won't despise me, hahaha. .