v3 Chapter 57: Release (Tenth more, first order)

Wu Yang said with a smile: "I don't like to hear what I said, how could I cheat Claire. Hei."

"Wu Yang, Wu Yang, where are you?" Clare's voice came over.

"Claire?" Chris's eyes flashed with excitement.

Claire walked down the stairs and saw Wu Yang, with a flash of surprise in his eyes, "Why are you here, I'm looking for you everywhere."

"Claire," Chris called with a smile.

"Who are you?" Claire frowned as he watched Chris in the iron cage.

"I'm Chris, your brother, Claire," Chris called.

"My brother? Wu Yang, is he telling the truth?" Claire looked at Wu Yang, and now she only believed what Wu Yang said.

Chris looked at Wu Yang. "Boy, tell me" Zero Zero "to tell the truth and tell her that I am her brother."

Wu Yang raised an eyebrow. "This arrogance really scares me, but there is no way. I am an honest person, Claire, but he is not your brother."

"Damn." Chris yelled.

"Wu Yang, you must be right, you guy, I don't know you at all, but I want to impersonate my brother." Claire looked at Chris coldly.

Alice was speechless. "I don't think he is lying to you. He may be your brother."

"Maybe? Can you give me a positive answer?" Claire said lightly.

"Boy, I'm going to kill you." Chris looked at Wu Yang coldly.

"In this sentence, I often hear people say to me, Alice, you seem to say it to me often." Wu Yang looked at Alice with a smile.

"Hum." Alice snorted, moving her face aside, giving a feeling of anger.

Wu Yang smiled, "Okay, you guys are really stingy, just kidding and enlivening the atmosphere. Claire, he is indeed your brother."

"What?" Claire frowned.

"Boy, I decided not to kill you." Chris smiled.

"Are you really my brother?" Claire said with some disbelief.

Chris nodded. "Exactly, Claire, we haven't seen each other in years."

"Brother?" Claire murmured to herself, "I believe you are my brother, but now I have lost memory."

Chris smiled, "It's okay, I believe you will remember everything, what's going on with you and this guy?"

"He is my husband." Claire looked at Wu Yang, smiling unconsciously at the corner of his mouth.

"Claire, you have lost your memory. You are sure that he is your husband. I never received your wedding invitation." Chris said lightly, but he did not believe Wu Yang.

"We sent you. Maybe it was because of the virus outbreak. You didn't receive it. After all, you have been working in the army and you haven't seen him for a few years." Wu Yang started talking again.

Claire nodded. "That's right, Chris, if you are really my brother, you should believe in my choice. I believe Wu Yang is my husband."

Alice put one hand on her forehead. "It was badly brainwashed."

Chris nodded. "I see, boy, I trust you for the time being, if you dare to do anything that hurts Claire, you know what happened."

"Oh, scared me." Wu Yang smiled.

"Can you let me out now?" Chris said lightly.

auzw.com "Why was he locked in there?" Alice asked.

Luther shook his head. "I don't know this well. When we took refuge here, we found that he was locked in."

"Why not let him out?" Claire frowned. This man was her brother. Although he couldn't remember it, Wu Yang was absolutely true.

Luther shook his head. "I can tell by looking at his eyes. He is very dangerous. He said he has a way to get out of this place, but he doesn't let him fart without letting him out. "

"We received an order from a superior to release the prisoners here. We need enough people to compete with the zombies in the street. On the street, a group of prisoners passed me. When I woke up, the troops were gone, and I Here it is, "Chris said lightly.

"It sounds fantastic," Wu Yang said with a smile.

"I'm not a prisoner. I shouldn't be here, let me out. I have a way to get out of here ..."

Claire looked at Wu Yang. "Wu Yang."

"I know, I plan to release him." Wu Yang walked towards the iron cage.

Luther stopped Wu Yang. "You can't do this, he's too dangerous."

The corner of Wu Yang's mouth was raised, "Luther, have you ever seen someone more dangerous than me?"

"No." Luther gave way.

"I think you should go in a bit." Wu Yang walked to the door of the iron cage.


"I'm afraid I accidentally hurt you."

Chris took a look of disdain. "Boy, I'm not as fragile as you think. Can you hurt me?"

"Remind you, what you don't listen to is your own business." Wu Yang kicked at the iron gate.


With a muffled sound, the iron gate was kicked off and hit Chris.

"Ah," Chris yelled, slammed into the iron gate, and banged heavily on the iron.

Luther's eyes widened, how perverted this guy was, how much energy he could kick the special iron gate with one kick.

"Well," Chris painfully spit blood on the ground and slowly stood up, "boy, you almost killed me."

"I reminded you. If you don't listen, you have to pretend. Can you blame me?" Wu Yang spread his arms.

Chris endured the pain in the body and slowly walked from the iron cage to Wu Yang's face. "You are strong."


"What you said is true." Wu Yang was not modest.

Chris walked to Claire. "Claire."

"I don't really have any memory for you," Claire said.

"What can you do to take us out of here? We have released you." Luther asked.

Chris smiled. "Follow me."

Several people followed Chris to the yard, and the large iron gate outside the yard was packed with countless zombies, roaring constantly and trying to come in.

Not far away, a giant mutant zombie dragged a large iron axe towards the iron gate.

The 10 is more complete, and the last update was a bit late. The procrastination in Shahe is still a bit serious, and the sweat is a bit. Tomorrow at least 7 more, beg your brothers for support. .