v3 Chapter 68: Wu Yang replica (fourth more, ...

Alice and Ada looked at the glass. It was dark outside, and about a minute later, the light shone in. / a>

"Ice, we are underwater." Alice looked out of the glass.

"You need assistance to get out of here, so we organized a commando to help you through the ground," Wesker said.

"They have your friend Luther," Ada said to Alice.

"Security Chief Jill Valentine arrives at the Tokyo testing ground and she is following you. She has been ordered to re-arrest you and kill you if necessary." Wesker said.

"Who ordered it?"

"After the red."

"I see. At the base in Nevada, she ruined her sister's hard work," Alice said lightly.

"The Red Queen now controls the umbrella company and she will stop you from leaving at all costs."

"I have prepared an escape path for you, you will pass through the New York simulation field to the suburbs, where you will meet with the commandos, they will **** you through the Moscow simulation field to the submarine, and then take The elevator returned to the ground. "Wesker's head suddenly blurred.

"After the red intercepted my signal, she regained control of the base. You are going fast, I can't."

Wesker's head disappeared, replaced by a red and dark picture, which appeared on the electronic screen after red.

"Don't listen to the traitor Wesker, I control now, the test subject Alice, King Ada, you stay where you are." The queen of the Red Queen said, telling the truth, compared to her younger sister Bai Hou, the Red Queen is really 矬Not a little bit.

"Let's go." Alice and Ada ran outside.

"You will all die here," said the somber Queen.

"I've heard this before." Alice shot a shot on the electronic screen.

After defeating the two mutant giant zombies in the New York simulation field, Alice and Ada passed through a layer of barrier-like things and immediately felt that they had entered a new world.

There is sunshine, lawns, trees, houses, and blue sky. This is the suburban area. If there were no destroyed vehicles, burning fire, bloodstains, this place is like a quiet and beautiful place.

"What's going on in the sky?" Alice said looking at the blue sky.

"Not really, it's just a holographic projection," Aida said lightly.

Alice and Ada walked towards the front. Ada looked at the smart watch on her wrist. "This is the meeting place. The commando is late. Where are they?"

"Someone is in the house behind you, at the window upstairs," Alice said lightly.

Ada and Alice glanced at each other, and they walked towards the house behind them.

The house was ruined and messy, with blood everywhere, and the two saw a dead zombie on the ground.

Alice walked towards a corpse, then her face changed dramatically, and she squatted down, "Wu Yang, you, how can you"

"He's not Wu Yang you said, don't be nervous." Aida walked over.

Alice pointed her finger at the body and shook her head. "Who is he then? How is he exactly like Wu Yangchang? It's not wrong."

auzw.com "Calm down and think about it, do you not allow others to have many replicas?" Aida said.

Alice took a deep breath. "You mean this person, it's a copy of Wu Yang."

"Yes, each of the three virus protection simulation experiments using replicas uses replicas, and each simulation will kill hundreds of people. The umbrella company implants basic memory into these people so that they can cope with a biochemical crisis."

After a pause, Aida continued, "This 'Wu Yang' may be a company white-collar worker, and the next 'Wu Yang' may be a beggar, or it may be an armed member of the umbrella company."

"That was the case." Alice felt relieved, not Wu Yang's body.

Aida smiled. "It seems that you care about Wu Yang very much. Just now you look nervous, as if the sky is falling down. This is not the rumored cold Alice."

Alice moved her face aside. "Nothing, I just want to kill him."

"Really?" Ada clearly didn't believe it.

There was a noise from upstairs, and Alice and Ada immediately took the gun in their hands.

Alice and Ada looked at each other, and Alice slowly walked up the stairs and headed upstairs.

After going upstairs, Alice looked around carefully and saw a dead body, her eyes changed slightly. The dead body was exactly the same as her, her replica.

"I don't know what you do here? What's the relationship with 'Wu Yang'?" Alice whispered.

Alice continued to walk towards the front, came to a bedroom, looked around carefully, and set her gaze on a cupboard.

Alice walked towards the cabinet and slowly opened the cabinet. Suddenly, a zombie rushed out and bite at Alice.

Alice shoved the zombie's head with one hand, and shot suddenly with the other, flying the zombie out, and then a headshot.

"Mummy, I hid as you said." A girl's voice came over.

Alice pointed her gun at once, and when she saw a loli, she dropped her gun.

Loli rushed towards Alice, hugged Alice's waist, and gesturing while talking, "Mum, how did your hair and clothes change?" This little Lori was Becky.

Alice looked at Becky, and it turned out that her clone was the girl's mother. This girl now mistakes her as a mother.

Alice stroked Becky's hair. "It's okay."

In one room, Alice looked at the photos on the table, and Becky was preparing to put away her things, and Ada stood by.

Alice picked up a photo frame, and the family of three was smiling happily.

"None of this is true," Aida said.

"It's true to her," Alice said lightly.

"The point is, her memories are implanted. Yesterday her memories were still blank. Sorry, but these are facts."

"Mummy, I'm ready, please." Beggy came out with a schoolbag on her back.

"Soon." Alice smiled.

Suddenly a figure flashed, and a person appeared in front of the three of Alice, "Oh, Alice, we met again, miss me."