v3 Chapter 79: Zombie fusion (first more, please ...

Wu Yang flew a dozen meters upside down and rolled several on the ground one after another. heihei 66.

Aida looked at the power that broke out, and looked at Wu Yang who was blown away. He ran towards Wu Yang with the pain below, "Wu Yang, are you all right? Me, me"

Wu Yang stood up and shook his head. "It's okay, but it really hurts. Ida, do you care about me? I'm really flattered."

Ida then realized that there was something wrong with her actions. She was so worried about this guy, but she would never admit it. She said coldly, "You think too much, but just don't want you to die so easily." This What is the reason?

"Really? Your reason is great." Wu Yang said with a smile.

"What's going on with my body? The five powers," Aida asked coldly.

"It is an uncontrollable force in my body that has entered your body, so you also have the power of wind, fire, water, soil and ice." Wu Yang explained.

Ida sneered, "I really thank you."

"Do we still need to thank our relationship? It should, it should be." Wu Yang said haha.

"Your power is in my body, aren't you alive?" Ada mocked.

Wu Yang shook his head. "The power that enters your body is actually only a small part, probably only one-tenth. The remaining nine-tenths are all in my body, but me."

"But what?" Ida asked.

Wu Yang looked at his hand. "But I can't exert their power. This power is too huge. I probably only play a tenth of it."

Ada froze, "Nine tenths of a tenth, how could this happen? How much strength can I exert in my body."

"The power in your body is one-tenth, and you probably only play one-tenth of it." Wu Yang said lightly.

"One-tenth of one-tenth, but I felt very strong when it broke out before." Ada remembered the previous situation.

"It's very powerful, even if you can only play one tenth of a tenth power, it's very powerful."

"If you can exert all the power in your body, wouldn't it be great." Aida looked at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang nodded. "Yeah, it seems that a way needs to be found, otherwise this power will be wasted."

Aida was silent, and after a while said, "Wu Yang, what do you want?"

Wu Yang walked in front of Ada. "Ada, what do I think, are you still unclear?" The body and Ada were closely together, and the distance between his face was only about five centimeters.

"I don't know." Ada moved her face aside.

"Then I will say it again, I want you to be my woman." Wu Yang said undeniably.

Ada's body twitched slightly. "Can you do it without having anything to do with Gil?"

"Maybe you are not the only woman, but I am definitely the one who loves you the most in the world." There is a level of this.

"Do you know this is unfair?" Ada said coldly.

"I don't care. I just understand that you can only be my woman. There is no other choice." Wu Yang looked at Aida's eyes.

Ada moved her face aside, "Domineering."

"A woman like you needs a domineering man like me." Wu Yang whispered into Ada's ear and exhaled.

Ada's body trembled, "Don't lean so close."

"Isn't our relationship so close? Shouldn't it be?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

Aida looked into Wu Yang's eyes. "Can you tell me something?"

"whats the matter?"

"Lyon, aren't you going to die?"


"Yes." Wu Yang admitted simply.


"Why save him? Does he have a half dime relationship with me? Besides, he has some ideas about you, which predestined him to die." Wu Yang said lightly.

Ada took a deep breath. "You are really terrible."

"The world is like this. There is no need to pretend that it is pure and unobtainable by normal means. Then go to the gun."

Ada stepped back, "You dare to say."

"I'm not just talking, I'm more focused on doing it."

"Go to the White House, where are they waiting," Aida said.

"Where do you think I will go before I get your answer?"

"Time, give me time, don't you even have that patience?" Aida looked at Wu Yang.

"Of course I do. I like to give people enough time to think about it."

Aida didn't say anything, and just ignored Wu Yang's words.

"Do you need clothes?" Wu Yang took out a suit.

"give me."

"Let me help you get dressed." Wu Yangxi laughed and started to help Aida get dressed. There was no way, such a good man.

A suit was worn for ten minutes, panting Ada's face, her face turned red, her eyes full of anger.

White House.

The sound of roars, explosions, and machine guns never stopped.

"What's going on with those zombies?" Jill looked forward, and the piles of zombies were squeezing each other, and they actually merged in the process of squeezing.

Alice frowned. "It won't be fusion, zombie fusion."

"If this is the case, it must be stopped." Chris carried a bazooka, and a rocket fired out.


The rocket bombarded the zombies that were merging with precision, blasted the nest, and flew into the sky with broken limbs.

"Also, there are, many places," Terry called.

"It looks like the Queen is going to show its power. The real battle is now underway," Wesker said lightly.

"Sky." Claire looked at the sky.

A large number of bat-like mutants began to gather from the scattered, squashing into a crowd.


One by one, the shells blasted towards the mutant bats gathered at high altitude, but the number was too large, and the killed ones would be quickly filled.

Alice's pupils changed, and a powerful pulse wave blasted at the mutant bats gathered in the sky.


The nest exploded instantly. In the strong air current, a mutant bat fell down like a raindrop.

A hissing cry came, and a huge bat-like creature flew towards Alice and others.

Today, five more, brothers, let Shahe rest for a while, it ’s really a bit overwhelming. .