v4 Chapter 18: Assault bullets (first more, please ...

"Oh my god, he's Wu Yang, Wu Yang, why did he appear here?"

"Let's run, where are the public enemies?"

"Go away, go quickly"

"Ah," the people in the auditorium panicked, and the scene became extremely chaotic. Seeing Wu Yang was like seeing a monster. hei66.co:

Iron Man saw Wu Yang and immediately issued a roar of resentment, "Wu Yang."


A whip flashing with a strong electric spark hit Iron Man, who was blown away by this blow.

The Russian waved two steel whip towards Iron Man. Iron Man stood up and began to gather energy in the palm position.

Iron Man's energy has not yet been condensed, the steel whip has been beaten, and Iron Man's neck is wrapped around, and a strong current is continuously released.

Wu Yang's figure flickered, appeared behind the Russian, took out a gun, and hit the Russian's head was a shot, instantly headshot.

"Ah," the Russian's body trembled, and he slowly fell down, looking at Wu Yang with unbelievable eyes. "You, you"

Wu Yang looked at the gun in his hand and exhaled, "Don't look at me with this look. I'm not interested in knowing your name. The villain in Iron Man 2 is going to die here, but there is nothing to regret. of."

Iron Man stumbled, "Why did you kill him?"

"Kill if you kill, Tony, I didn't expect to meet you here. Are you happy and excited when you see me?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

"Where's the little pepper? Let her go soon." Tony roared, an energy ray hit Wu Yang.

Wu Yang avoided it easily. "Do you say little pepper? She's doing fine now, rest assured, I will take good care of her."

"I want you to let her go." Tony roared and rushed towards Wu Yang.

"I said that anger without strength is a stupid act that cannot solve any problems." When Wu Yang's pupils changed, Iron Man's fist stopped when it was one millimeter away from Wu Yang's face. .

"Damn." Iron Man yelled.

"Little pepper, I won't let it go. The person who reaches my hand is mine. If you want, grab it back. The key is do you have that ability?" Wu Yang's eyes looked disdainful.


The sound of the shooting sounded, Wu Yang's body moved, and a special bullet hit his shoulder, which actually penetrated his surface skin.

The bullet attack affected Wu Yang's power of thought. Iron Man only felt that his body was light and lost his restraint.

"Ah" with a loud roar, Iron Man punched Wu Yang's face with a punch.

Wu Yang was beaten for more than ten meters and rolled several times on the ground before stopping. He slowly stood up, "It really made me a little bit embarrassed."

Wu Yang's gaze was looking towards his shoulder, and there was evil in his eyes. "There can be bullets that penetrate my skin. There can be such technology. Only SHIELD, I know who did it, give it to me. One shot, I'll give you a shot at that time. "

Iron Man looked at Wu Yang, who was almost intact, and yelled, "Hate." He rushed towards Wu Yang again.

Wu Yang's figure flashed, and he instantly appeared above Iron Man, suddenly kicking from above.



The concrete on the track was splashing, and Iron Man's body was deeply sinking into the track, engraved with a human signature.

Wu Yang's line of sight looked in one direction, and another bullet shot over. Wu Yang's hand stretched out and caught the bullet in his hand.

Looking at the place where the bullets were fired, a person's head dropped quickly on the roof of a building.

"Interesting." Wu Yang crushed the bullet in his hand into powder.

There was a roar of fighters in the sky, Wu Yang raised his head, and about a dozen fighters were flying fast.

The sound of a large number of police cars came over. In front of the racing track, dozens of police cars roared, and a large number of riot police came out of the cars.

Wu Yang shook his head. "It's a big deal. It seems that the army will come soon."

"Tony, we'll see you next time and hope you can bring me more fun by then." Wu Yang's figure flashed and appeared on the car where the line of sight changed.

The line was launched, rushed out, rushed directly to the auditorium, and leaped out after reaching the highest point.

"Wu Yang, put a little pepper." Tony stood up and yelled, "Ah"

In a luxurious room.

Little Chili's hands and feet were tied, with a tape on her mouth, she sat on G, watching the live broadcast of the Monaco International Grand Prix on TV.

Little Pepper's eyes were full of anger, ". 唔唔, 唔唔"

The door opened, and Wu Yang came in and smiled. "I don't know if the car in this game is exciting. My performance is not bad."

"Well, wow," Little Pepper stared at Wu Yang in an indignation.

Wu Yang smiled and tore off the tape from Little Chili's mouth. "Excited, after all, I watched such a wonderful show."

"Wu Yang, you devil," Little Pepper cried.

"Devil? This should be a compliment, I like this title." Wu Yang said with a smile, one hand gently stroking the face of the little pepper.

"Don't touch me." Little Pepper shook her head hard.

"Tony really cares about you. It seems lost, and then you know how important you are to him. If you let go, I bet you two will be 100% lovers." Wu Yang laughed.

"Hum, would you let me go?" Little Pepper moved her face aside.

"No, it's never possible between you, it's a pity. In fact, if you were with Tony earlier, I wouldn't rob you." Wu Yang said lightly.


"I'm not interested in shoes worn by others, but nothing happened between you and Tony." Wu Yangxie smiled.


"Fuck yourself, you can't get rid of me." Wu Yang pulled the little pepper into his arms, and blocked his mouth with his big mouth.

"Wow, wow," Little Chili's eyes flashed a strong indignation, once again being strong.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong

The doorbell rang. .