v4 Chapter 23: Unable to pull the hammer (sixth ...

State Road in New Mexico. hei66.co

A black car was running fast. The driver of the car was Wu Yang, who was easy to find. On the back seat was a small pepper that was easy to read.

"Why did you bring me out?" Little Pepper asked.

"I'm afraid of your loneliness, so I brought you out, I'm such a warm man." Wu Yang said shamelessly.

"You are the biggest scum in human history. I really don't understand what it is good for you to do so many bad things. You have a powerful force, why not use it on the right path?" Pepper shook his head.

Wu Yang showed a slight disdain. "The right way? What is the right way? Save the wounds and help the demon guard the road. Don't be funny?"

"Can't communicate with you." Little Pepper snorted coldly.

"I know that a person who has power, not yours, will become yours. A person without power, it's yours, will also become someone else. Just like Tony."

There was a flash of pain in Pepper's eyes, "Tony will definitely defeat you."

"It's still possible to defeat me in his dream. By the way, to tell you a bit, don't think of any conspiracy, if you want me to use violence." Wu Yang reminded.

Little pepper snorted. "I'm not that stupid. I don't do much work. My face has been changed by you. No one knows me."

"I'm relieved that you are doing this. I was still considering whether to tie you up. Now it seems that this is not necessary."

"Hum." Little Pepper snorted coldly. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Why are you interested in me?"

"The ghost is only interested in you," Little Pepper cried.

"You can't say that, anyway, we've kissed, and we've been on the same g."

"You go to death." Little Chili heard this is angry, anxious to kill Wu Yang.

"Don't be excited, what's the problem? Just ask, some privacy questions can also be asked, such as the length of my jb, or the length of my battle on g."

Little Pepper took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down, "Are you from World War II, right?"

"It's okay to say that."

"Why do you stay like this for so many years? Logically, you are now an old man." Little Pepper did not understand.

"I'm not immortal."

"You thought I would believe that no one can live forever." Little Pepper didn't believe it.

Wu Yang nodded. "I don't believe that's right. In fact, I directly crossed two time periods."

"What do you mean?"

"I have nothing to tell you. I disappeared at the end of World War II and completely left the world. That is to say, without me in the time after World War II, I am now back, which is equivalent to directly spanning sixty years after World War II. "

"How is that possible? It's absolutely impossible. It's absolutely impossible over time." Little Pepper shook her head, which was more difficult for her to accept than immortality.

"Whether you believe it or not, the fact is that."

"Who the **** are you?"


"A super wicked man in your mouth, there is nothing wrong with this view, I am a super villain." Wu Yang screamed, and suddenly stepped the throttle down.

"Ah, you lunatic, drive slowly."

"Hey, hey." Wu Yang sang a lot of fun.

New Mexico has a small city with a few thousand people on a plateau several kilometers above sea level, Old Bridge. On the west side of Jiuqiao City, there is a sandy land called Charming Wonderland. Although the name is good, it is charming at all, basically it is loess and little poor vegetation.

A black car ran fast on the sand, splashing with rolling loess.

"What is your purpose here?" Pepper asked in the car.

"Purpose? I never pursued a purpose when I was doing something. All I wanted was the process. In this process, I kept refreshing." Wu Yang stopped the car.

Wu Yang and Little Pepper walked down from the car. Little Pepper looked at the huge round pit in front of him and said, "What's this?"

Many cars have been parked around the huge round pit. People are all around the round pit, talking about something.

"That hammer?" Pepper looked at a black hammer in the middle of the round pit.

"Ah," a man stood next to the hammer, pulled the handle of the hammer, and pulled it hard. The strength of feeding milk was used, and the hammer remained motionless.

"Let me come." A strong man walked over, pulling his hammer with both hands, "Yeah"

The hammer was still motionless. No one could pull up a hammer that looked like it was only forty pounds at most.

"Is that hammer heavy?" Pepper asked.


"Can you pull it up?"


Pepper said with a touch of sarcasm: "Aren't you strong? A hammer can't be pulled up?"

"You have a chance to despise me."

A man tied a heavy iron chain to a hammer, and then tied the other end to a truck. The truck started and pulled the chain straight straight away, but the hammer remained motionless.


The carriage of the truck was pulled out, which surprised everyone. The hammer did not pull, but pulled the carriage away. How heavy is the hammer?

Wu Yang walked into the pit, came to the hammer, and whispered, "Thunder's Hammer."

"Do you know this hammer? Its name is Thor's Hammer?" Pepper asked.

"I know that." Wu Yang's hand rested on the hammer's handle, and a sudden burst of force gave the hammer no movement.

Little Chili's heart was very refreshing. "Sure enough, you can't move. There are things you can't do. I thought you were omnipotent. So someone will definitely beat you, I'll wait."

Wu Yang said indifferently: "A hammer is just as silly as it is in the hands. Let its owner take it."

A distant car drove over and stopped on a mound. A man wearing sunglasses stepped down from it and looked at the hammer in the round pit. "Sir, I found it."

Brothers, here is the end of the six. Let me say the sentence I repeated here n times, asking for customization, monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and all support. !! .