v4 Chapter 28: Good things being destroyed (fifth more ...

On the dry yellow land, Wu Yang and Jane each sat on a chair. hei66.co

"Tom, don't you really need to go to the hospital to see?" Jane looked worried.

"It's okay, you really don't need to bother." Wu Yang shook his head.

Jane thought for a while and thought, "Tom, are you so good to everyone? I mean, you are the same to others as to me."

"Well this"

"What's wrong?" Jane looked nervously at Wu Yang's eyes.

"Probably better for you." Wu Yang smiled.

"Really? I feel flattered." Jane smiled happily.

"Little pepper, I feel like she hates you very much, Tom, didn't you ever do something to her?" Jane's eyes were skeptical.

"Want to hear the truth?"

"of course."

"She likes a man. This man is my friend. His name is Nito, but after Nito failed in business, the whole person fell. He knew how to spend money and borrow money. I lent him many times, but I could n’t. Let Nito go on like this, so I stopped lending money to him, but in the end I did n’t expect that Nito ’s usury was hacked to death. Little Pepper thought it was my fault, I killed Nito because I did n’t borrow "Give him money," Wu Yang said as he couldn't go on, his face was in pain.

"It's not your fault. There is no way to do this kind of thing." Jane comforted Wu Yang.

"I'm really guilty. In fact, I should have lent Nito the money I paid for the mortgage, but I didn't. I killed Nito. Little pepper hated me, I don't blame her, I was wrong." Wu Yang said in grief.

Jane patted her hands on Wu Yang's back. "Tom, don't be sad, it's really not your fault."

"I'm sorry to make you laugh." Wu Yang squeezed a smile.

"Tom, you are really kind." Jane looked into Wu Yang's eyes.

"Nito's incident has dealt a great blow to me. Since then, I swear that I must treat everyone in good faith and help everyone in need." Wu Yang said without blushing.

Jane nodded, "You did it, you can do it."

"Thank you, Jane. I'm happy to help you."

"I'm happy to be helped by you." Jane looked into Wu Yang's eyes.

The eyes of the two were facing each other, and the atmosphere became strange for a while.

"Jane, is there a strange impulse in your heart?"

"Yes, do you?"

"Can I release it?" Wu Yang's head moved towards Jane.

Jane's heartbeat speeded up, her head slowly greeted her, just when the mouths of both sides were still 0.1 mm.


Jane immediately retracted her head and looked towards the source of the sound. A wooden board fell to the ground, and Pepper stood there.

"I'm so sorry, it seems to have ruined your good deeds." There was a flash of excitement in Wu Chi's eyes that ruined the good deeds of Wu Yang, but there was a little annoyance in her heart.

"No, no, haha, haha, Tom and I, Tom" Jane smiled awkwardly.

"Just passing by, you continue." Little Pepper turned and left.

Wu Yang and Jane looked at each other, and Wu Yang smiled and said, "I think she did it on purpose."

auzw.com "Yes, isn't it?" Jane's head was lowered to Xiong's mouth, and she did not dare to look at Wu Yang, and repeated three words in her heart: good shame, good Shame

"Jane, are you okay?"

"It's okay, okay, haha, haha" Kan Gan smiled.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Jane felt that she couldn't go on like this anymore, she had to return to normal, so she found a topic, "That, that, do you really think Thor is Thor?"

"It's very likely that he's probably from another world. The hammer and Thor came here together."

"But Thor didn't pick up that hammer."

"Perhaps there is an opportunity. Thor is definitely not mentally ill. I firmly believe that."

Jane nodded. "If Thor is from another world, I really want to see what it looks like."

"There will be a chance."


"I'll take you there, believe me?" Wu Yang looked into Jane's eyes.

Jane laughed, "I believe, because you are a real man, you can do what you say, and you must take me to see other worlds."

"Look, they're back." Wu Yang's gaze looked in one direction.

"It's Thor, Eric has succeeded, great." Jane said cheerfully, then hesitated, "What's wrong with Eric?"

Thor came over with Eric, ". He drank too much and then fought with me."

"I don't believe your kid is Thor, let's fight." Eric smirked on Thor's shoulder, flushed.

Jane shook her head. "Hurry up and let him rest."

Thor nodded, and carried Eric away.

"I didn't expect to get Thor back, I thought it wouldn't work out," Jane said cheerfully.

"They must send someone to monitor Thor." Wu Yang said lightly.


"Calm, surveillance will be monitored, and nothing will be found." Wu Yang said indifferently.

"It feels uncomfortable." Jane frowned.

Thor stepped out and sat down in front of Wu Yang and Jane, with a trace of vicissitudes in his eyes, "I screwed everything up, all wrong, I saw my brother Rocky, he is now a king He told me many things, and I think I must continue to bear my sin. "

"Rocky?" Jane said briefly.

"I finally understand why my father, why exile me, I really, really don't understand anything." Thor shook his head.

"Thor, you don't have to do this," Jane said.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "When you know yourself and then understand what you want to do, you will again get the power of Thor."

"What do you mean?"

"Whether he owns this hammer, as long as he is worthy, he will have the power of Thor." Wu Yang said lightly.

Thor looked at Wu Yang. "Where did you get this sentence?"

"This is not important, what is important is that you deserve it." Wu Yang's mouth rose, and the amount of lightning power in the hammer was very attractive.

There have been a lot of recent bland chapters, but believe me, this is just the calm before the storm. Please keep watching, brothers will definitely not disappoint them. Also, ask for monthly tickets and customize! .