v4 Chapter 36: Angry Shiv (third more, ...

The boss with Hiff's eyes staring couldn't believe what she saw, but instead of screaming, she forced herself to calm down. : Hei.

"It's you, how did you show up in Asgard?" Hiff slammed his hands at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang showed a wicked smile, his hands quickly blocked, and then pressed Huff's hands against g. Huff's body was struggling violently, but it had no effect at all.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Save a little effort, it's useless, just be obediently pressed by me."

"Damn, how did you come to Asgard?" Hiff said coldly.

"Well, it's naturally your credit. You brought me back." Wu Yang said with a smile.

"It's impossible, how could I possibly bring you back to Asgard."

"It's you, don't you remember? Your sword." Wu Yangxi smiled.

"You say sword." Shiv looked at the g side, the sword was gone, his face changed, "Did you change the sword?"

"That's right, it's me, so it was you who brought me to Asgard, Shiv, it's beautiful."

"Abominable, wrong, the bath." Hiff flashed a strong indignation in her eyes, and her body was seen by this person. "I killed you." Huff struggled in anger, but still couldn't break Wu Yang control.

Wu Yang sighed and broke: "Xifu, my body is awesome. Really, I don't lie to you. Even the picky person like me, sees the blood."

"I killed you, I must kill you." Shiv couldn't add more anger.

Wu Yang said innocently: "You can't blame me for this. You brought me into the bath. Now you also brought me g. I didn't expect you to love Shifu so deeply."

"You shameless bastard, I'm going to shatter your corpse." Shiv exclaimed angrily.

"Useless, you are not my opponent." Wu Yang sighed in Hiff's ear.

Shiv's body twitched slightly. "Damn it, get out of me."

"Shifu, how beautiful is your body, how can I be reluctant? I think there are many beautiful things to happen between us." Wu Yangxie smiled.

"What a joke? I just want to dig out your eyes and smash you into pieces."

"Sif, don't be so excited, I looked at your body, but rest assured, I will be responsible, if you don't mind, I can go to your parents to propose a relationship now."

"You go to death, who wants you to be responsible for this guy." Shiv exclaimed.

Wu Yang thought for a while and thought, "You seem to like Thor very much, but Thor doesn't seem to catch a lot of colds from you and treats you as a friend."

"It's none of your business."

"Why doesn't it matter to me, isn't your thing just my thing? I'll be happy to help you solve your problems. Oh, yes, you don't have to call it so loudly, no one will hear you Voice. "Wu Yang said with a smile.

"what have you done?"

"That is to make your voice impossible to pass, a little trick, so that even if you bark your throat, no one can hear it."

Shiv looked at Wu Yang coldly. "What is the purpose of your coming to Asgard?"


"What's the purpose, in fact, it's a bit shy to say it. I don't think it's good to be with you?"

"Wu Yang, right, you will regret that you came to Asgard and regret what you did. This is not the earth, it is Asgard, and it will not let you come. You are really great, but in Here you can only fail. "

"Asgard said that he looked so hanged, it scared me. No matter what I will do next, this is a future thing, Shiv, do you know what you are going to do now?" Wu Yang's eyes flashed a little Desire ang.

"What do you want to do?"

"The first woman is killed and then killed. This is the safest way."

"you dare."

"Just rushing at you, a man couldn't bear it anymore." Wu Yang's head dropped quickly, and she stuck in Shifu's mouth.

"Alas," Shiv's eyes widened, and this shameless guy was kissing her.

Wu Yangke, regardless of what Sifu was thinking, kissed freely, and turned the river in the mouth of Sifu. Of course, Sifu couldn't cooperate, and he bit his teeth and tongue through Wuyang with his teeth. The slightest impact on Wu Yang, Wu Yang continued to do happy things.

Hive's eyes are full of shame. She must kill this guy. Certainly, if this revenge is not reported, she is not the only female warrior in the fairy palace.

A drop of tears slipped from Shiv's eyes, and abominable, even tears, she was not so weak.

Wu Yang kissed Xifu's tears and said with a smile: "Why, are you dissatisfied with my skills? I cried in disappointment, and my self-esteem was hit."

"Wu Yang, I will kill you."

Wu Yang was a little depressed: "Why do many women say this to me, but no one can do it?"

"I'll do it for you."

"It seems someone is coming to you. If you don't want them to die, don't let me be exposed. You know I have the ability to kill them." Wu Yang's gaze turned to the window.

"Do you think I will accept threats?" Hiff said coldly.

"No, but things between us, you don't need to involve your friends, otherwise it is your fault, I believe you know how to do it." Wu Yang's body turned into deformed element particles, forming a sword, Placed on the g side.

"Sif, we're here for you. Why don't you go to the fairy palace? The celebration party has begun." Vostag's voice came.

Shiv looked at the sword on the g side, his eyes flashed with a strong contradiction, and shouted, "You wait a minute, I'm sleeping, don't come in."

"Okay, hurry up, we'll wait for you," Vandal called.

Shiv quickly rose up, put on his clothes, and picked up the sword in a paradox. He couldn't put the shameless here, there must be a way to kill him.

Shiv walked out of the room and squeezed a smile. "Let's go."

"Come on, there are so many delicious things waiting for us," Vestalg called.

"Eat and eat, you know." Vandal complained.

Hogan looked at Shifu without saying a word, "Shifu, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, let's go, don't let the queen wait for them." Hiff walked quickly toward the front. .