v4 Chapter 39: Deformed t cells (second more, seeking ...

Odin looked at Wu Yang who fell to the ground. "It's over. It's just a pity that Huadan Hedan is dead. Danshi is dead. He is afraid that no one can make it. It's a pity. .Co"

Hiff looked at Wu Yang who fell to the ground, and a hint of complexity flashed in her eyes. Why did she not have a little excitement when she saw the guy died, shouldn't she be happy?

"Long live Asgard, long live Asgard" I don't know who took the lead and shouted, then all the soldiers shouted.

Odin pressed his hand and motioned to all the soldiers to quiet down. "Take the human body down. His body has not been exploded. The power of Hedan is still in his body, and he will extract it. ,fast."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Several soldiers in armor walked towards Wu Yang who fell to the ground.

In Wu Yang's body, strong cell movement is taking place at this moment, and a golden energy is swimming in his blood and bones *.

As the golden energy continues to swim *, the metamorphic cells and t cells are incorporated into the golden energy, as if the golden energy is like a 21 river, and the t cells and the metamorphic cells are two different types of rivers. School of fish.

Under the action of golden energy, the fish group of t-cells and the fish group of metamorphic cells collided together. They seemed to be reluctant to collide with each other, and they were desperately fleeing.

However, under the action of golden energy, t cells and metamorphic cells cannot be separated, but can only be forced to squeeze together to form a mixed "fish school".

After the metamorphic cells and t cells were forced to mix together, the golden energy began to penetrate, madly penetrating into the cell surface of the t cells and the metamorphic cells.

The golden energy infiltrated into the cell was met with resistance. Both the metamorphic cells and the T cells were trying to squeeze the golden energy out of the cell layer.

But the amount of golden energy is too much, even if the cell surface layer is squeezed out by the metamorphic cells and t cells, it will again penetrate into the cell surface layer.

The golden energy in Wu Yang's body is rapidly decreasing, but it is not really reduced, but has penetrated into the T cells and the metamorphic cells.

The surface layer of the metamorphic cells changed from light red to gold, the surface layer of t-cells changed from bright purple to gold, and the surface layers of both cells became golden. There is no way to distinguish who is the t cell and who is the metamorphic cell.

Although it is impossible to distinguish who the two cells are, the nucleus of the two cells is unchanged. The nucleus of the metamorphic cell is a denatured element particle. The core of the t cell has five types, which symbolize wind, fire, water, and soil. , Five elements of ice power.

The indistinguishable T cells and the metamorphic cells were mixed together and started to spin frantically, as if they were placed in a blender.

After a while, the stirring stopped, and a golden cell that was three times the size of the original appeared. This is the combination of the metamorphic cell and the t cell, which should be called the "transformed t cell".

The deformed t cells spread toward the surroundings, entered Wu Yang's bones and blood, and flowed to every part of Wu Yang's body.

Three Asgard soldiers approached Wu Yang. One soldier grabbed Wu Yang's foot, and the other grabbed Wu Yang's hand, preparing to lift Wu Yang.

"Do you want to study Lao Tzu's body? Lao Tzu doesn't engage in foundation." A voice passed into everyone's ear.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Wu Yang, "How is that possible? It's alive."


Wu Yang's eyes opened, a golden light flashed, his pupils were golden, and a powerful force of thought bombarded the three soldiers beside him.

"Ah," a scream of three lives was issued, and three Asgard soldiers spewed blood out of their mouths. Before they landed, their bodies exploded and flesh flew into the sky.

Wu Yang's body stood up directly from the ground and smiled at Odin. "I'm disappointed, and I'm alive again."

"It's impossible. How could your body withstand the power of Huadan Dan," Odin called, with shock in his eyes. He is the one who understands the power of Huadan Dan best. In the days of Grandfather Odin, a great general Asgard who had made great achievements was rewarded with a Huadan Dan. As a result, the general was transformed by the energy of Huadan Dan to support the explosive body.

"Because there are two large cells in Lao Tzu's body, and his overall physical quality is seven times the limit of human beings. That Dan is really powerful and has helped Lao Tzu." Wu Yang sneered.

Thor shouted, "Less pretentious."

A huge thunderbolt that was three meters thick landed from the air and blasted towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang didn't look up, just raised a hand, and the thick thunderbolt was blocked by Wu Yang's hand.


The powerful current spread out around, and suddenly screamed, those close soldiers were directly turned into black coal.

The current slowly dissipated, and Wu Yang patted the smoke on his body. "Any other means?"

"Impossible, this is impossible." Thor shouted, his strongest thunder and lightning, 000 did not cause the slightest damage to Wu Yang.

"It's impossible for your mother to paralyze you." Wu Yang's hand waved at Thor, and a thunderbolt blasted at Thor.

Odin's face changed, and he pointed at Thor in the air. A layer of protective cover appeared in front of Thor, blocking Wu Yang's lightning.

It's stabbing!

The shields shattered, but the lightning was also offset.

Thor breathed a sigh of relief, and if he was struck by Wu Yang's thunder and lightning, he would have to peel off his skin.

"The power of thunder and lightning, you have stolen the power of thunder and lightning hammer." Odin's eyes were a little cautious, and Wu Yang had no contempt.

Wu Yang shook his head. "Aren't you old-fashioned? Didn't your son tell you before, I took the power of Thor."

"Crazy, let's take it." An Asgard fighter who was three meters tall, wearing only a layer of open wallets and a big axe in his hand, hacked at Wu Yang from the air.

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