v4 Chapter 43: Great Destruction (sixth more, ask for monthly pass)

The collision of Wu Yang and Odin, the energy spilled out, is like a rain from the air, sprinkled towards the ground. heihei 66.

But the energy rain is not real rain, but energy. When it is sprinkled on the ground or buildings, the Asgards will immediately explode.

Wu Yang and Odin are still colliding, and the energy is continuously output.

"Sir, we will help you." A large number of Asgard warriors flew into the air.

"Don't come over," Odin yelled.

Wu Yang smiled. "A group of miscellaneous fish, dare to mad."

The thunder and lightning that flowed through Wu Yang's body emanated and struck the Asgard soldiers who flew in.

"Ah, ah, ah," the screaming voice suddenly became, a black carbon "Zero Zero" with a thick billowing smoke falling from the air in large numbers.

Odin exclaimed angrily, "Wu Yang."

"Call me this seat? Isn't this seat here?" Wu Yang said lightly.

"Ha" Odin's energy burst into madness.

"That seat is here, too." Wu Yang yelled, and the golden flame on his body was more dense.

The sound of energy friction and collision continued to form a state of equilibrium in the collision with each other. An energy ball appeared. As the energy of both sides continued to output, the energy ball increased rapidly, wrapping Odin and Wu Yang. stand up.

After the energy sphere expands to a certain extent, it begins to contract sharply, and after the contraction, it is an extremely strong explosion.


The explosion of the energy ball spilled a lot of energy, once again causing great damage to the fairy palace.

In the explosion of the energy ball, Wu Yang and Odin flew out simultaneously and fell towards the ground.


During the fall, Wu Yang smashed into a tall building, and the powerful impact force directly knocked the building down.

In the collapsed ruins, Wu Yang rushed out of it, suspended below a few meters, his body was smoking, and some broken parts fell down.

"Kill, kill" A large number of Asgard soldiers rushed over and surrounded Wu Yang.

"What are you doing? You don't think you can stop this seat." Wu Yang smiled.

"Even if we can't, we will die here. We are fighting to protect Asgard."

"Ha ha, ha ha ha." Wu Yang laughed loudly, "I'm sorry, did not hold back, it is really one of the funniest jokes I have heard this time, protect Asgard, you really deserve you. . "

"Go up, kill him and protect our home." The soldiers waved their weapons and attacked Wu Yang from the air and the ground.

"Courage is commendable." Wu Yang shook his head, a greenish-gray light burst out of his head, and a blue-golden wind gushed a lot.

auzw.com When the turquoise wind hits the ground, it turns into a giant of a hundred meters of wind. If there is any difference from the original, one is height and the other is color.

The height is only one-tenth the size of the wind giant in the biochemical crisis. The battle with Odin has consumed Wu Yang's large amount of energy, and naturally there is no way to create a complete one.

The original wind giant was only light cyan, but now the color has become turquoise.

"Come out all." Wu Yang roared.

The red gold fire giant, the water gold water giant, the earth gold rock giant, the white gold ice giant, and the elemental giant are all hundreds of meters tall.

"What are those?" An Asgard warrior yelled at the five giant elemental giants.

"Let's go," Odin's voice came.

The five elements of the fierce fever began to destroy frantically, the nearest fire giant roared, and several huge fireballs shot over.

A huge flame ball exploded.

"Ah, ah," a painful shout, engulfing those who wanted to kill Wu Yang soldiers in the flames.

"Roar, roar" The five elemental giants roared, their huge bodies collided with the buildings of the imperial palace, and the wind, flames, water, rock thorns, and ice were raging.

The sound of explosions is constantly building, the buildings are collapsing, and the sound of screams and screams is sounding. Asgardians did not expect that they would be so helpless and panic ...

"Damn." Odin yelled.

A large number of Asgard warriors flew up into the sky, launching magical attacks against the five elemental giants from the air.

Wu Yang looked at all this, and shook his head. "Such a bully is so scary and I can't stand it anymore. Then I can only do that. Come out and call the beasts."

The blue light flashed across the sky, and a large number of deforming element particles were flying in the air. Fifty man-made diamonds fused freely from it and fell towards the ground.

"Artificial King Kong, it's time for you to release your power, and let's destroy it." Wu Yang shouted.

Fifty man-made King Kongs showed machine-gun shells and battled with Asgard's soldiers. The sound of blasting and screaming was endless.

The beautiful and magnificent Fairy Palace no longer exists, the ruins of collapsed buildings, shouts of slaughter, thick smoke and flames, these have become the main theme of the Fairy Palace.

"My lord, don't forget me." King Shura's voice sounded in Wu Yang's mind.

"King Shura, naturally this seat will not forget you, it is time for you to upgrade." Wu Yang raised his hands high, and a layer of golden deformed element particles soared into the air.

A large number of golden deformed element particles are rapidly aggregated, forming the outline of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the deformed element particles are quickly filled.

Eventually, a golden king of Shura appeared in the air, fancy 3.9 to be dazzling and domineering. However, King Shura's body shape changed. It was only 50 meters long and half the original length.

"My lord, is this upgraded power? Although it has become smaller, the power has increased a lot, roar." King Shura issued a roar, and a flame sprayed out, burning the earth of the fairy palace.

Odin flew in front of Wu Yang, "Wu Yang, stop all this extra destruction, your opponent is me."

Wu Yang looked at Odin and laughed, "Stop the excess destruction? Is it unnecessary? The opponent of this seat is all of you Asgard, so there is nothing redundant."

Odin pointed at Wu Yang with his spear of eternity, "No one has ever caused so much damage to Asgard's homeland, Wu Yang, you are really so angry that you will crush your body."