v4 Chapter 50: The sixth sense of a woman (sixth more, ...

Wu Yang spent ten minutes helping Alice get dressed, and it took another ten minutes to help Ada get dressed, and it took another thirty seconds to get her clothes ready. .co

"Don't you open the door?" Ida asked.

"What is it, wait another twenty minutes." Wu Yang smiled a little evil.

"It's Justin's sadness to meet someone like you."

"I know, the wicked have their own grind." Baihou laughed.

"This is what I said, I'm a good person," Wu Yang cried.

"If you're a good guy, there will be no bad guys in this world. Don't you always hang the villain by your lips? Why are you good guys now?"

"People always change. This second is a good person. The next second is a bad person. This is normal. I am such a changeable person."

"Listening to you, the sow can go up the tree. Well, you have time to play, we haven't had time to wait, let Justin come in. People miss you so much," Aida said.

Bai Hou's eyes flashed, the door opened, and Justin walked in. "Then, excuse me, Wu," and swallowed the words.

Justin exclaimed loudly, "Mr. Wu, I am really excited to see you again."

"Really?" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"Of course it is true. My loyalty to Mr. Wu can be learned from the world." Justin expressed determination.

"You speak very well. Although nothing is true, I just like to listen." Wu Yangxi laughed.

"You." Ada glanced at Wu Yang with a blame.

Justin panicked and said, "Mr. Wu, don't kill me, all I said is true."

"Have you been scared like this? I didn't say I would kill you. It would be a pity to kill you. Where would I find a dog leg like you?" Wu Yang laughed.

"Yes, yes, Mr Wu is right." Justin wiped his sweat.

"Justin, I know I haven't appeared for more than half a year, and you want to know what I'm doing, I warn you, everything is in my hands, and it will only take you seconds to die. Okay , You can get away. "Wu Yang smiled.

"Yes." Justin wiped the sweat on his forehead and went out.

"He's so scary to you," Aida laughed.

"Just beat it or you don't know the sky is thick."

"I forgot to ask you, you said before that you met a woman named Asif in Asgard. Although you only took it once, is there really no problem between you?" Alice looked at Wu Yang's eyes.

Wu Yang had to sigh, the woman's sixth sense was really accurate. He had clearly mentioned the name of Shev once, and was aware of it.

"What do you think?" Wu Yang asked back.

"Listening to the tone of your voice, I knew there was absolutely something wrong with it, Shiv? You have destroyed the imperial palace so badly that I'm afraid she hates you."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Hate is not a problem. The back of love is hate. Without hate, there is no love."

"Your psychology is always so distorted, you have to let a woman hate you, and then you make her fall in love with you again." Baihou shook his head.

auzw.com "This is no longer a heavy taste, this is already a psychological shady." Aida said.

"But it is also possible to analyze the reason. In his real world, Wu Yang was not pitted by his woman. He also gave him a hat, which led him to want revenge on the woman. So she would let the woman hate him first and satisfy him Desire for revenge. "Bai Hou said eloquently.

"It makes sense," Alice and Ada agreed.

"But he can't control the possession of the beauty, so revenge the woman, and want to take her, it's simply heartbroken, from hatred to love how much a woman hurt." Bai Hou said indignantly.

"That's right," Alice agreed.

Wu Yang sweated secretly. "I'm not the kind of person you say. Only because of different positions will women make me hate me. I dare not admit the others."

"You don't admit that it doesn't matter. The point is that everyone thinks so."

"Wu Yang, how long do we have to stay in this world, I want to go back and see Becky." Alice asked.

Wu Yang shook his head. "This is hard to say. Since it is the main world of Marvel movies, then it is not a movie, but many movies together."

"What are you going to do next?" Ida asked.

"Wait, it will be very interesting at the beginning of a big war." Wu Yang smiled a little, and the Avengers were about to start.

"We just want you to be safe and not to participate in these, but these are not possible, you need a lot of villains, and you can't get them without participating in it." Aida Man was contradictory.

Wu Yang said confidently: "Rest assured, I will definitely be fine."

"You've said this n times, but what did you do this time?"

"This time it was an accident, an accident."

"Hum, you know we're perfunctory."

Wu Yang domineeringly said: "As my women, do you believe me, or are you my woman?"

"Of course we believe in you, so you have to be good." Alice said firmly.

Old Bridge, New Mexico.

Iron Man fell from the sky and attracted the attention of many people. In the past six months, he has cracked down on terrorists and donated to poor areas, making him once again the focus of attention and regaining his global prestige.

Jane and Little Pepper came out of the house, and Jane looked at Iron Man with a little surprise, "This is"

Iron Man's mask opened, and Tony's face emerged from it, staring excitedly at Little Pepper, "Little Pepper."

"Tony." Little Pepper's expression calmed.

Tony walked towards Pepper. "It's really nice to be able to see you again. I have been looking for you all over the world until I learned from SHIELD that you were here yesterday."

"Oh." Little Pepper nodded.

"What's the matter with you?" Tony frowned, which was quite different from what he thought. The scene he imagined was Peppers hugging him excitedly.

Little Pepper shook her head. "I'm fine, it's really good."

"You lie, what about Wu Yang, this time I must kill him." Tony shouted.

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