v4 Chapter 53: Avengers (third more, ...

Hearing Wu Yang's voice, Steve looked at Wu Yang. Wu Yang was easy-changing. Steve couldn't recognize this as Wu Yang that made him hate. heihei66 .:

"You are?" Steve looked at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang pretended, pointing his finger at Steve, "You, you, I seem to have seen you somewhere, are you Captain America, right? It must be."

"Do you know me?" Steve froze.

"I grew up listening to your story. You are Captain America, but how did you live to this day?" Wu Yang pretended not to understand.

"Really? My story must be shameless, nothing is protected," Steve said mockingly.

"No, you represent the spirit of the United States, you protect a lot of people." Wu Yang smiled.

Steve shook his head. "No, I have nothing" zero zero "protected, I am a loser."

"Why do you have to think like this, you have done a good job." Wu Yang comforted.

"Do you know Wu Yang?"

"Of course I know that the human enemy that hated everyone abruptly appeared some time ago, and now it disappears without a trace." Wu Yang nodded.

Steve clenched his fists. "He was the greatest enemy of my life. I didn't defeat him during World War II, and it did so much damage today."

"Captain, don't take all the responsibilities on your own."

Steve shook his head. "This is my fault. World War II has passed so many years, but the world is still not peaceful."

"The captain looks confused." Wu Yang smiled.

"Yeah, this world is really new to me. What computers, smartphones, and people's clothes, I'm trying to adapt to all this."

Wu Yang patted his hand on Steve's shoulder. "The times are different. You have a 70-year blank period, but I believe you can, because you are Captain America."

Steve's mood slowly improved, "Thank you."

"Today must be a good day. I didn't expect to meet Captain America here." Wu Yang laughed.

"It's not a good day to meet me. I still don't know your name. What's your name?"

"My name is Tom."

"Hello Tom, I'm glad to meet you," Steve laughed.

Wu Yang thought for a while and thought, "Captain, do you have any plans recently?"

"Plan, I think about it. The arrest of Wu Yang will be put aside now. I am going to join a group called the Avengers. When a new crisis comes, I will step up." Steve stood up stand up.

"So I wish you all the best and the crisis."

"Thank you, Tom, it's time for me to leave, and meeting you made me think today is a good day." Steve waved his hand at Wu Yang and walked out of the artificial pavilion.

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes, "Captain, we will meet again."

"I'll look forward to it," Steve fired back.

Wu Yang looked at Steve's back and smiled evilly: "At that time, I don't think you will expect it."

"Who was the person who was talking to you just now?" The three Alice came over.

"Captain America, Steve, talked to him, and he said he was looking forward to seeing me next time." Wu Yang raised an eyebrow.

All three of Alice froze, "You have met him here."

"Yeah, maybe this is the so-called fate."


"It's cold, two big men, still fate." The goosebumps on Bai Hou's body started to curl up.

"His hatred for me is still so strong, I always let others remember so deeply." Wu Yang's face was filled with emotion.

"It's obviously your bad thing that you did too hard."

Wu Yang spread his hand, "No matter what means you can make people remember your life, you are successful."

"Then I think you are the most successful person on earth. After all, it has been written into the history books of various countries, although they are all negative textbooks." Baihou satired.

Wu Yang smiled, "Steve is ready to join the Avengers, and I have to act."

"What are you going to do?" Ida asked.

"Get ready to do a good job. After white, you take Alice and Gil to the space carrier of the SHIELD first, so that the guideline becomes a fighter on the space carrier. The three of you are disguised as staff inside . "Wu Yang laughed ...

Baihou nodded, "I see."

"Are you leaving now?" Alice asked.

Wu Yang nodded. "I'll see you soon. You'll be waiting for me at the space carrier."

"be careful."

"Relax, come here." Wu Yang pulled Alice into her arms and kissed him fiercely. Alice was followed by Ada.

After kissing Ada, Wu Yang looked at Bai Hou.

"What do you think I do? I won't let you kiss." Baihou gagged her mouth with her hands.

"It's fine to pinch the fart." Wu Yang squeezed a hand on the fart after the white.

Bai Houjiao shouted, "You pervert."

"Hahaha." Wu Yang laughed happily, his body exuding a stream of golden deformed element particles, wrapped him up, and flew towards the front. After landing, he became a super cool black Lamborghini ankonian Dashing forward quickly.

All three of Alice stared at him, "I didn't expect that he could become such a cool car."

"Be sure to drive him next time," cried Bai Hou.

"This idea is good, and I want to try it too. What does it feel like to open Wu Yang." Aida laughed.

"Be sure to try," Alice followed.

Bai Hou spread his hand, "Okay, we should do our thing, go to the space carrier of the SHIELD 3.9."

"Do you know where?"

"It is necessary."

Kolkata, India.

An aircraft slowly landed from the sky, and Natasha, wearing a black tights, walked down from it. Someone on the ground was already responding.

"Are you sure of his position?" Natasha asked.

"It's locked. Just lead him over."

Natasha nodded. "I see. The rest is left to me."

"Sir, please come with me. The car is here."

Natasha glanced at the car parked there, a little flash of surprise in her eyes, "Is the car cool? Lamborghini."

That's right, it's a Lamborghini ankonian. .