v4 Chapter 59: Hulk (Fifth, please customize)

Banner looked at Natasha, "Are you here to kill me? Miss Romanov, it would not be so easy to kill me. .Co"

"Of course not. I came on behalf of SHIELD."

"SHIELD? How did they find me?"

"Doctor, we have been keeping track of your whereabouts, but did not bother you, and even drove some uninvited guests for you," Natasha replied.


"Nick Fury seems to trust you, but you must follow me now," Natasha said.

"What if I refuse?"

"I think I will convince you."

"What if" he "refuses?" The "he" in Banner's mouth is naturally the Hulk.

"You haven't had an accident for more than a year. You don't want to break this ring."

"I don't always have control."

"Now the world is about to face a catastrophic crisis."

Banner smiled, "You say Wu Yang? He is really good, but in my impression, he has not appeared for a long time."

When she heard the words "Wu Yang", Natasha's expression was cold. "Can't you say him?"

"Ok, it seems there are festivals between you." Banner smiled.

"No matter what you do." Natasha's voice increased.

"When I didn't say it, calm down."

Natasha took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. "Sorry, please don't blame me."

"It's all right, what is the global crisis you just said?"

Natasha took out her phone, opened one of the pictures, and handed it to Banner. "It's this thing. It's called the Cosmic Cube, and it has the power to destroy the earth."

"So what did Frey let me do? Eat it?" Banner said, looking at his cell phone.

"No, let you find it. It was stolen. The gamma signal from it was too weak. We can't track him. You are the one who knows gamma rays best, otherwise I won't come to you."

"So, isn't Fury trying to catch me in the cage?"

"He didn't say that to me. It's better for you to go with him personally," Natasha said.

"Less to lie to me." Banner yelled, his hands snapped on the table.

Natasha stepped back immediately and pointed a gun at Banner's head.

"Don't be excited. Put the gun down. I just want to test you. If you don't shoot, I'll be fine, and you'll be fine." Benner motioned Natasha to drop the gun.

Natasha looked at Banner and slowly lowered her gun. "You will be scary like this."

"I know, but I haven't transformed."

"Actually you should be transformed." A man's voice came from the door.

Hearing this voice, Natasha gritted her teeth and said, "Wu Yang."

"Wu Yang ?!" Banner looked towards the door.

"That's right, I'm Wu Yang, Dr. Banner, first time you meet. Hello." Wu Yang smiled at Banner.

Banner stunned, "I've watched you on TV. I didn't expect to see you now."

auzw.com "Do you think I'm handsomer than on TV?"

"This, indeed."

"Wu Yang, what are you doing here?" Natasha said coldly, her face changed, "outside people."

"Do you say those men you brought? I think you must have sincerity since you came to invite Dr. Banner, and you brought people, too much disrespect for Dr. Banner, so I killed them all "Wang Yang spread his hands.

"Damn." Natasha's fist clenched.

Banner frowned. "Although I think it requires sincerity, you don't need to kill them all."

"Dr. Banner, this is not true. If you talk to Natasha, those people are your enemies. Killing them is tantamount to relieving your worries. Do n’t thank me.

"Wu Yang, what are you doing here?" Natasha said coldly.

It's interesting to make Dr. Banner a true self. Wu Yang looked at Banner with a smile on his face.

"You want me to be a Hulk?"

"Otherwise do you think I'm here for you to drink tea?" Wu Yang waved his hand. "Drinking tea with a big man, I don't think I have that interest."

"I don't plan to be a Hulk again, you're looking for the wrong person." Banner shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if you leave it alone, in my hands." Wu Yang looked at his hands.

Seeking Flowers

"Wu Yang, leave here," Natasha said coldly.

"Hurry me away? Although sad, I can't just leave like this. I haven't talked to Hulk yet. Dr. Banner, let go of your true self." Wu Yang walked towards Banner.

Natasha stood in front of Wu Yang. "You first have to ask me if I agree."

"Don't make a noise, when we and Hulk meet, we can have a good chat again." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Natasha shouted to Banner, "What are you still doing here? Come on, do you want to transform?"

Banner ran towards the window and jumped out of the window.

"It's useless, I can find him at any time." Wu Yang appeared immediately behind Natasha, and Natasha's fart slaps in the ancient, making a clear voice.

"This is the punishment for you."

Feeling the pain of the fart in the world, Natasha turned away in anger, but "Wu Yang" Wu Yang was gone.

Natasha's face changed and she jumped out of the window.

Banner ran quickly, suddenly in front of him, a figure flashed, and a voice passed into his ear.

"No need to run, you can't run away."

"It's worthy of being Wu Yang, and it's really amazing." Banner smiled at Wu Yang with a bitter smile, "It seems that you have to make me into Hulk."

"That's right, since you know you can't hide, you might as well cooperate with it, so that everyone can save trouble, right?"

"Huck's strength is too strong. Seeing him means that you will die." Banner said lightly.


Wu Yang appeared in front of Banner immediately, and gave him a slap in the face, "Better bb, it's about to be transformed."

This slap flew Banner off and rolled several times on the ground.

"This is what you asked for, I can't control it anymore," Benner snarled like a beast, his body began to swell, and the color of the skin changed toward green.

A flash of excitement flashed in Wu Yang's eyes, "Here, come, come, appear."

Brothers, today ’s update is here, ask for monthly tickets, ask for customization, and ask for flowers! Shahe needs your support! .