v4 Chapter 61: Banner's hatred (second more, ...

Natasha struggled to stand up from the ground and looked at Wu Yang and Huo Ke far away. The city of Kolkata was in front of them. Hulk and Wu Yang were allowed to enter the city, only to cause atomic bomb damage. With over 10 million people in Kolkata, how many will die?

"The SHIELD India branch was all dispatched, and the scene has lost control. Go to Kolkata as soon as possible. Heihei66." Natasha said via Bluetooth.

Natasha ran quickly forward, got into a car, and headed for the city.

Wu Yang was flying at high speed in the sky, and Hulk rammed in the back like a bison. Everywhere he passed, whether it was flowers or grass, or rock obstacles, shattered all the way.

"Come here, here." Wu Yang cried in the sky.

"Roar" Hulk yelled violently, and he was going to tear up this guy who dared to challenge him.

Has entered the urban area, the appearance of the Hulk, like a dragon into the sea, blasted its nest.

"Ah, ah," screaming voice, crowded people, as if rushed into an armored vehicle, regardless of gender, men and women, all 21 were hit and fly.

Cars, trucks, and passenger cars were hit or lifted off one by one. The Hulk continued to run, never evading any obstacles, and huge buildings were directly crashed or broken.

Wu Yang looked at the chaotic scene below and showed a wicked smile. "Crazy destruction, this is the beauty of the world."


Thunder and lightning raged in the sky, violently chopping towards the ground, wherever the lightning went, everything was smashed into ruins.

"Flame." Wu Yang roared.

The sky became brighter, and small flames shot towards the ground, and a flame rain fell.


On the ground, two violent storms as high as several tens of meters rose flat and swept across the ground with madness.

"heavy rain."

Countless drops of tapered cones are pouring down towards the ground. Even concrete-built buildings will be penetrated by such drops.


The ground was violently undulating, and huge rock spurs extended fiercely from the ground. Buildings and cars were pierced by piercings and collapsed.

"Ice cone."

Glittering ice cones poured from the sky, and the hole wore everything on the ground.

Wu Yang shouted, "Tongtong hi to Lao Tzu, let the storm be more violent."

Lightning, storms, flames, heavy rain, rock spurs, and ice cones along with Wu Yang, wherever Wu Yang flew, these will go.

"Roaring" Hulk continued to chase behind Wu Yang, two thick legs kicked vigorously on the ground, his body was like a huge shell, hit Wu Yang in the air.

Wu Yang smiled, twisted his body, and flew to the left. The Hulk flew into the air and issued an angry roar. After landing, he immediately chased in the direction of Wu Yang.

In this way, Wu Yang flew around the city in the southeast and west, and the Hulk chased after him. There was only screams wherever they went, and then there was a ruin.


The roar of fighters came, and after Wu Yang and the Hulk destroyed the city, the fighters of India's A3 finally arrived.

The two missiles were fired at Wu Yang and Hulk, respectively. Wu Yang looked at the blasting missiles. "This kind of stuff can also be used to deal with Lao Tzu and junk stuff."

"Ha" Wu Yang held a hand toward the front and instantly took the bomber in her hand.

After holding the missile in his hands, Wu Yang disappeared instantly and appeared above a fighter jet. The pilot of the fighter jet raised his head in horror.

"Look at you paralyzed, here you are." Wu Yang will hold the missile's hand and smash into the hatch, smash the hatch, and throw the missile into it.



A gorgeous flame rose, and the fighter jet was blown to pieces in the air.

The Hulk leaped on the ground and landed directly on a fighter jet. The strong hands pounded the fighter jet with madness, and the fuselage was smashed by the punch, causing the fighter jet to fall from the air.

Wu Yang and the Hulk destroyed the fighter jets. A dozen fighter jets either burst from the air in a matter of minutes, or smashed after landing.

"Roaring" Hulk would pick up a car and smash it towards Wu Yang in the air.

Wu Yang's eyes flashed a golden light, and the gas car was directly destroyed.

"Ha ha ha, Huck, you continue to play, Lao Tzu left." Wu Yang laughed wildly, already playing almost, let Banner regret in pain, the shock of the soul is always the best.

Wu Yang disappeared into the air instantly and disappeared.

The Hulk's big eyes looked around, but couldn't find Wu Yang, and immediately roared to the sky, hitting the sturdy xiong mouth with an angry hammer in his hands, "Roar, roar, roar"

Anger, anger, and the hulk's anger burst out again. He who could not find Wu Yang vented his anger on the unlucky big city of Kolkata and began a new round of crazy destruction.

"When are you going to destroy it? This 000 is what you want?" A woman's cry sounded behind the Hulk.

Hulk turned his body and looked at the woman, a hint of clarity flashed in his eyes, "howl"

After a loud roar, the Hulk's body began to shrink, his body color was returning to normal, and eventually he became a Banner wearing only ragged pants.

Benner knelt on the ground, and looked at the city ruined into ruins with painful eyes. "I, I really don't want to do this, why?" Banna yelled, and there was only endless remorse and self-blame in her eyes.

"It's not your fault." Natasha walked to Banner.

"It's my fault. If I weren't the Hulk, there would be this disaster." Banner shook his head, his face full of pain.

"It was Wu Yang who induced you to transform."

"Wu Yang." When he heard these two words, Banner's fist clenched. "Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang, me, I must crush you to pieces, without him, all this would not be If it happens, I won't do it. "

"Want to kill him?" Natasha asked.

"That's right." Banner's eyes were full of hatred.

"If you want to kill him, just follow me. Only SHIELD can let you kill him and kill him. You are also counted as your wrongdoing, and people all over the world will appreciate you."