v4 Chapter 107: Bow down (second, please customize)

Wu Yang laughed. "You are the representative of Korean sticks? It is worthy of sticks. When you say it, the bulls are" coercion ", it seems that you are very unhappy. This seat gives you a chance to speak, let's talk."

"According to our survey, your ancestors were our Koreans two hundred years ago, and you are a descendant of the Koreans, but although you are a descendant of the Koreans, we in Korea will not favor you, we in South Korea will strictly implement the resolutions of the United Nations, Destroy you, "said the South Korean stick.

Delegates from all countries present listened, Wu Yang is a descendant of Koreans? What the **** is this.

"Hahaha ..." Wu Yang laughed wildly, "I really let Lao Tzu know that people don't have to face the invincible world. Lao Tzu has become the offspring of your sticks. Cao Mu Ma, why don't you eat shit?"

"I've heard that South Korea likes to grab the culture and celebrities of other countries, what Dragon Boat Festival, Confucius, Qu Yuan are all of them, and even people all over the world originate in South Korea." A representative whispered.

"No matter how you scold, you can't change the fact that you are a descendant of our Koreans. If you are willing to plead guilty to the people of the world, we will bury you in South Korea." The South Korean sticks said bluntly.

Wu Yang almost vomited, "Fuck, cows are" forcing ", dare to say such things. Lao Tzu also obeyed you, forget it, talking to you silly" forcing "is also a waste of time. He sends a current. "


A thick current from the mouth of the bowl burst from the large chandelier above, and "shot" at the Korean stick representative.

"Ah ..." The South Korean stick screamed, his body twitched and fell to the ground, shaking.

This scene once again made the representatives present panic, screaming and fleeing, but the door still could not be opened.

Wu Yang waved his hand, "It's calm, calm, dead silly" force ", as long as you don't be too silly" force ", there should be no problem."

"You, aren't you saying that you are just a projection?" Some representatives said in horror.

"Yes, I am a projection." Wu Yang smiled.

"Then he, then he ..."

"You said that Korean stick, yes, what you see is the projection of Lao Tzu, but this does not mean that you are safe. It is very simple to want you to die." Wu Yang said lightly. .

"Abominable, abominable, Wu, Wu Wu, Wu Yang, your behavior is wrong, it is terrorism, and you will be strongly condemned." The representative of the Chao Dynasty shouted at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang looked at the representative of the Tianchao, "Forget it, for the sake of Lao Tzu who was also a Tianchao, let you go once."

"Wu Yang, as a Tianchao man, it's too unreasonable to do such a thing that damages the image of the Tianchao. You are a shame of the Tianchao ..."

Wu Yang yelled, "The one who shames you is paralyzed.

A large current from the mouth of the bowl was sent from the large chandelier, and it directly hit the representative of the Tianchao, turning the electricity of the Tianchao representative into coke.

"Does anyone else have anything to say?" Wu Yang said lightly.

Looking at the tragic situation of the representative of the Tianchao and the representative of the cudgel, the representatives of the countries shook with shock, and there was only panic in their eyes, and no one dared to speak.

Wu Yang smiled. "It looks like you don't have anything to say. You are very hanged. Representatives from various countries represent a country. What would happen if you kneel in front of Lao Tzu?"

auzw.com "All kneel down for me!" Wu Yang yelled, "Otherwise die!"

Representatives of some small countries heard Wu Yang roar and knelt down. They didn't want to die like this.

Those who think they are big countries, kneeling at the representatives of small countries, are hesitating. They represent a country. If they are known by the media, they will kneel down against the public enemy of humanity Wu Yang, so there is no need to do it.

"Wu Yang, my grand and national people, how could it be possible to kneel at your enemy in this island country, and you atomically bombed Tokyo ..."

The representative of the island nation, before he finished speaking, a current split on him, turning him into coke.

"It's really good to have national self-esteem, but it's a matter of Laozi. From now on, I will kill someone every three seconds." Wu Yang smiled evilly.


Hearing "One", those representatives who had not yet fallen on their knees immediately knelt down halfway.


The representatives who did not kneel look at me, I look at you, some legs are already trembling, and some are swallowing in fear.


The moment Wu Yang shouted "three", he immediately knelt down a lot, and there were only about a dozen people standing in the end.

Wu Yang gave a thumbs-up and said to the dozen or so representatives who did not kneel, "You are very persevering, withstand your inner fears, and show the courage and honor of your country. Congratulations. , Can go to death. "

More than a dozen currents were "shot" from the different chandelier above, and "shot" at the speed of those dozen representatives.

Looking at the current coming from "Shoot", seven or eight standing representatives shouted, "Don't kill us, we kneel, we kneel, don't, ah ..." Only screaming turned out, more than a dozen people were electrocut Carbon.

Wu Yang shook his head. "It's too late to give you a chance, but you have to show your individuality, show your country's dignity, and who will you die without dying?"

Delegates from all countries kneeling down are fortunate. Fortunately, kneeling down, the country is very important, but no matter how important it is, their own lives are not important. When they die, they cannot represent the country, but they cannot enjoy it.

Wu Yang laughed, "Congratulations, you made the right choice, and kneeled in front of this seat. Are you happy?"

"High, happy ..." A weak voice came out.

Wu Yang cried, "Are you dumb? Loudly, I can't hear you."

"Happy." The voice was louder.

"Just louder."

"Happy!" Hong Liang's voice came out.

Wu Yang said with satisfaction: "Very well, from when you say" happy "aloud, it is the beginning of the global live broadcast. Your" happy "is the opening ceremony, which means that you were just excited and passed on. The people of your respective countries on the global Internet, in all national television stations, are watching you. "

"Why, what." All the representatives present were all ashamed, and they knelt on the ground, shouting "happy", and all of them were spread. ..