v4 Chapter 109: x serum (fourth more, please customize)

What Wu Yang did at the UN General Assembly was shocked by the world after being broadcasted live after the interview.

Press conferences were held in various countries, and they were all flashy about how to eliminate Wu Yang. Some small countries simply withdrew from the United Nations Army. They can't afford Wu Yang's evil star.

Leaders of some major powers are considering national security and have all postponed their plans to eliminate Wu Yang. They must carefully plan the matter again.

Time flies, even if many people have fears in their hearts, life will continue.

The richest mansion in the world.

"After the white, how did the Hulk's cells study?" Wu Yang asked with a fragrant * banana.

Baihou raised a brow, "Want to see the results of the research? Come, let you see."

After the white eyes, a light green "color" was emitted, forming a three-dimensional projection, in which there were projections of ten mice.

"What do you want me to do with these mice? Is there a cat?" Wu Yang laughed.

Bai Hou glared at Wu Yang, "You will die if you talk later? After reading it, you will express your opinions. Now listen to me."

"Look at these ten mice, and now simulate injecting one of them into the serum extracted from the Hulk cells, and I will name it x serum," said Hou after the white.

Wu Yang smiled, "X Serum? The name is out of scum."

"Shut up," Bai Hou exclaimed, "you say dirt, you come up with a name? Damn."

"Just‘ Wu Yang Serum ’. Name it after my name, is n’t it very domineering, and when people hear it, I think it ’s awesome.” Wu Yang said bluntly.

Aida twitched his lips and said, "How dare you say," Wu Yang Serum "This is the name of the soil and the residue. In contrast, x is better, x represents the unknown, the power of this serum Is unknown power. "

"Wu Yang, don't bother, just call x serum." Alice followed.

Baihou looked up and said, "Have you heard? The eyes of the masses are clear, you guys are so terrible."

"The three of you bullied me. I'm not playing anymore, and my heart is hurt." Wu Yang hugged Aida humbly, and slammed his head on Aida's big xiong, looking injured.

Aida held Wu Yang's head down. "Stop it."

Bai Hou took a deep breath. "Dead scum, do you want to see the results? I don't want to see, I'll close it."

"Of course, you show it, I watch it." Wu Yang smiled.

"You don't need to worry about him, we are also very interested in this, after all, x serum is not just for him, maybe we can all use it." Alice said.

Baihou nodded, "This is true, you scumbag, no matter you."

"Now simulate the scene when mice are injected with" sera "x serum. Inject 7 mice with x serum and observe its changes now."

No. 7 mouse was injected with x serum, and one minute later, the mouse moved uneasily, making a painful cry, constantly twisting.


"The serum is starting to work, do you see it? Its body is swelling and getting stronger."

The body of the No. 7 mouse was swelling, and the barking sound became manic. When it swelled to a certain extent, the No. 7 mouse exploded.

"Unexpectedly, this is an accident. The dose of serum injection was not well controlled," said Hou after a little embarrassed. "This situation will definitely not happen again next time."

Alice laughed: "Failure is inevitable, keep going."

"Since the simulation of No. 7 failed, replace it with No. 3, and now inject No. 3 into x serum." After Bai's eyes, the data flashed quickly.

After injecting the serum, the mouse No. 3 tumbling on the ground one minute later. During the tumbling process, the body began to swell.

The size of mouse No. 3 eventually changed to 3 times that of the ordinary mouse and stood upright instead of the original four-footed landing.

"Squeak, squeak ..." The No. 3 Little White Tiger standing on its hind legs made a violent cry, and quickly walked towards the No. 1 White Mouse.

The mouse No. 1 ran in fear, but it couldn't run the mutant mouse No. 3. The mutant mouse held down the mouse No. 1 in a jump, and then bit off the mouse No. 1 in one bite.

The next was a slaughter among mice. The mutant mouse No. 3 killed all the mice, leaving only one.

"Squeak, squeak ..." Mutant No. 3 called bloodthirsty.

"This mouse got better after injecting x serum, but it lost control." Alice frowned slightly.

Bai Hou nodded, "Yeah, this is a common disease and loses his mind, because they are just ordinary creatures. But the power has indeed increased greatly, and cats can be killed."

A black "color" big cat appeared in the projection. The black "color" big cat saw the mutant mouse No. 3 and rushed over.

The mutant mouse No. 3 saw the cat coming, without any slight fear, and jumped on the cat's back, biting wildly.

The black "color" big cat twisted in pain, and wanted to throw the mutant rat down. After struggling to bite, the mutant mouse bit the throat of the black "color" big cat and won the victory.

"It's amazing," Aida said.

"But its body isn't working anymore. It collapsed. Serum x eroded all the cells in its body. These cells couldn't bear it, and they all collapsed." After the white shook his head.

After Bai Hou's remarks, the mutant mouse No. 3 uttered a painful howl, and her body exploded, leaving behind a pool of ground meat.

Bai Hou spread his hands. "Although these are only projection simulations, they are more accurate than physical simulations. Each step has hundreds of billions of calculations. I have selected the only one from myriad possibilities."

"Tough work." Wu Yang handed the peeled fragrant banana to Bai Hou. "Come, Shu Xi invite you to eat sweet banana."

Bai Hou looked at Wu Yang with a look of vigilance, "What is your conspiracy? Is it" medicine "under the fragrant banana?"

"Look what you said, am I the kind of person? Really, after the white you believe me, just ask you to eat a fragrant * banana." Wu Yang smiled evilly.

Alice shook her head. "You guy, why are you so evil?"

Baihou seemed to understand something. He grabbed Wu Yang's fragrant bananas and stuffed them into Wu Yang's mouth. "You eat, you eat, don't be polite." ..