v4 Chapter 112: Desperate virus (second, please customize)

"Aldrich Kirian, you still do n’t have to think about it. Wu Yang can never compromise with you. There is no relationship between him and me. He cannot do things for you and you do n’t know. He is terrible, he will only kill you. "

In an all-iron house, Little Pepper was tied to a cross-shaped iron shelf, and beside him stood a man in a suit. This man was Aldrich Kirian in the mouth of Little Pepper.

Kirian smiled. "Actually, it's not just to threaten Wu Yang. In fact, Ting is hard to tell."

"You treat me as a trophy," Little Pepper guessed.

Kirian nodded and smiled. "You know."

"Wu Yang will never let you go." Little Pepper said coldly.

"Did you just say that it has nothing to do with Wu Yang? How can you say that Wu Yang will not let me go? Isn't this inconsistent?" Kirian didn't care.

"Hum." Little Pepper snorted and said nothing.

Kirian looked at the little pepper and said, "Wu Yang's terrible world knows it, but I like to do crazy things. I believe victory will belong to me."

"Ignorant is meaningless. You haven't seen Wu Yang's power. If you have seen it, you know how stupid you are," said Little Pepper disdainfully.

"Really? Then I'll see who's stupid." Kirian spread his hands.

"What's the one you shot me with?" Little Chili remembered that she had been shot with some kind of "liquid" body before, and then she felt extremely painful and couldn't bear the heat.

Kirian smiled and said, "Let you have the power of God. That is the most beautiful thing. No matter what flaws your body has, it will make you perfect."

"It's impossible, there can't be such a thing." Little Pepper shook her head.

"There is a problem, such as the body overheating will explode, but rest assured, I will not let you have this situation." Kirian smiled.

Little Chili's fist clenched. "Overheated explosion? What exactly are your aim studying?"

"Virus, a godly virus, a desperate virus." Kirian laughed. "Thirteen years ago, I was a **** scientist who didn't pay much attention to anyone. No one cared about me, but now, I Will control everything on this planet. "

Little Chili with a hint of sarcasm, "You dream."

"Is it a dream? I will know soon. Oh, yes, I also called your former boss Tony Stark. He should be on his way." Kirian laughed.

The little pepper snorted. "You called Tony here?"

"Yes, I have to play him hard, let him die in front of global people." Kirian's eyes flashed a gloom.

"Why are you doing this? What hatred does Tony and you have?" Pepper asked.

Kirian laughed. "You ask me what hatred is between him and me? Hahaha, this is really a funny question, but who makes you a little pepper, I can tell you."


Kirian seemed to be recalling, "Thirteen years ago, a bitch, a despised fool researcher, deeply worshipped Tony Stark. He met Tony Stark at a high-level party in Switzerland, but unfortunately The thing is that Tony Rich II didn't take him seriously, he just said something to the fool researcher and asked him to wait for him on the roof. "

"The fool researcher believes that he has been waiting on the cold roof. After waiting for an hour, he still believes that Tony will come. But as a result Tony did not come. He understood that Tony would not come. From then on, he Understand the truth, only by being a superior can we get what we want. "

Little Pepper looked at Kirian. "That fool researcher is talking about yourself. You can't take revenge on society for what Tony did."

Kirian shook his head. "No, no, Tony didn't make a mistake. It was exactly he who made me realize, and I was not retaliating against society. I was going to take the society to a new era, a perfect era. "

Kirian opened his hands. "Don't you think I'm great?"

"No, you are a lunatic, not the same Kirian I used to know." Pepper said, shaking his head. Pepper and Kirian were once colleagues and worked together.

Kirian laughed. "That's right, little pepper, I'm not really the Kirian you know. I'm perfect now."

"There is never a perfect person."

When Kirian wanted to say something, when a word came, a steel suit fell on the iron plate in front of the iron house.

This steel suit is a "steel patriot" transformed by the U.S. military. Usually wearing this suit is Tony Stark's good base friend, Colonel Roddy. How come now? Is it Colonel Roddy?

The "Steel Patriot" opened, and an older man fell out of it and landed on the ground.

Little Pepper looked at the old man on the ground, eyes widened, "Mr. President ?!"

Kirian smiled and said, "Welcome welcome, Mr. President, welcome on board."

This is a huge cargo ship parked at sea. The intricate huge steel supports are built on the cargo ships, and the iron houses where the Kirian people are located are on these huge steel supports.

The president looked at Kirian, "I didn't expect it to be you."

"Yes, it's me, isn't Mr. President happy to see me." Kirian came to the president.

The president asked, "what exactly do you want to do?"

Kirian said with a smile: "Mr. President, I don't want to do anything, I just kill you on TV for a good reason. I have found a political puppet, and he will take over you at this time tomorrow."

"You can't do this?"

"Why not, take him down and tie him up," Kirian said lightly.

Little Pepper looked at Kirian, "You actually kidnapped the president."

"No, not just kidnapping, I have to kill him. This is just the beginning. I really look forward to Wu Yang's arrival. More crazy things should happen then." Kirian laughed.

Little pepper snorted, "That will be the beginning of your nightmare." ..