v4 Chapter 123: Ether particles (fifth, please customize)

The three of them looked at the three children's papers that came out, all stunned, and then all relaxed, "It was children's papers."

"Are you police?" The girl asked.

"No, I'm a scientist," Jane said.

The three children's papers were relieved. "That's all right, this is what we found by accident."

"Can you show us?"


The three children took Jane to the open space in the middle of several buildings. On this open space, there was a large truck.

A child went to the side of the truck, stretched out his hand and caught the corner of the truck. He even lifted up the truck, and it looked like there was no waste of energy.

"God." Darcy ran over.

Darcy grabbed a corner of the truck and stunned, "It feels so light, there seems to be some force holding it up."

"The gravity here is abnormal. It's almost like the moon. It's strange." Jane walked over.

"This isn't the strangest thing yet, you guys are old with us." The three children said.

"Where to go?"

"Up the stairs."

The three men and two children were on the third floor and stood in the corridor. One of them was on the fifth floor, holding a bottle in their hands.

"You're optimistic," cried Baby Paper on the fifth floor. The paper was loosened and the bottle fell downward.

The three of them looked at the bottle that wanted to fall. When the bottle fell to the second floor, it suddenly disappeared.

"Where did the bottle go?" Jane asked.

A child paper pointed above, "There."

The bottle appeared, appeared at the height of the sixth floor above, fell towards the bottom, disappeared when it reached the position of the second floor, and then appeared again, falling, disappearing, appearing, and continuing to fall ... Cycling.

"This is really incredible." Jane picked up a can in the corridor, dropped it from the third floor, and disappeared when she landed on the second floor, but did not appear from above.

Jane froze, "What's going on?"

A child paper replied: "Not every time you can come back, sometimes you can come back, and sometimes you can't."

Jane was lost in thought, and the instrument aside rang, and Jane hurriedly picked it up, looking at the screen and saying, "The last time I saw such data, I still ..."

"Still in New Mexico, right?" Darcy laughed.

Jane walked forward, "You stay here, I'll see."

Jane walked on the abandoned factory floor and came to a dark place, where the quiet is a bit scary, and timid people would never come to this kind of place.

Jane looked around, a flash of fear flashed through her heart, and suddenly many dead leaves on the ground were blown, no, it was sucked.

Jane only felt a strong attraction, which attracted her towards the front.


Jane's body moved towards the front and suddenly disappeared.


Jane felt the attraction disappeared, and there was a dim surrounding, and she was standing on a black "color" rock, with the abyss underneath.

"Hoo ..." Jane took a deep breath, took a step back, and shouted, "Darcy." But no one responded.

Jane looked around. There were only dim and big stone pillars. "What is this place?"

Jane turned her body, and behind it was a large stone, which glowed a dark red "color" from the middle of the stone.

Jane walked towards the stone, looking at the middle of the stone. This is not a whole stone, but two stones. The stone above is suspended, and it is ten centimeters away from the stone below. The gap, the dark red "color" light is emitted from this gap.

"What's this?" Jane looked at the gap and held out a hand.

In the gap, the dark red "color" "liquid" body was flowing, and quickly moved towards Jane's hand.

"Ah ..." Jane yelled, trying to get her hands back, and she felt something was in her hands.


After the dark red "color" "liquid" body disappeared, the upper stone lost its support and fell on the lower stone.

Jane wiped her hands back and forth, "Nothing, is it an illusion?" Jane suddenly felt dizzy and fell to the ground slowly.

In the dark universe, a huge conical warship swayed along with a meteorite, no different from an abandoned warship.

Suddenly the battleship glowed and started.

In the interior of the battleship, a man leaning on a strange mechanical device opened his eyes, giving a gloomy feeling, "Ether particles have awakened us, and the celestial congregation has begun once again, this time to let darkness devour everything. "

Jane opened her eyes again and looked up, and found that she was back and lying in the hall of the abandoned factory.

"What the **** is going on?" Jane stood up and patted his head. "Forget it, find Darcy first."

Jane ran out of the hall and went outside, watching the numerous police cars and policemen stunned.

"Jane, where have you been?" Darcy ran over.

Jane pointed to the police lane: "You won't call the police."

"Of course, otherwise what do you think I should do?" Darcy said for granted.

"Why did you call the police? We found a stable gravity anomaly field. You called the police, first the FBI, and then SHIELD will come." Jane called.

"Jane, you disappeared for five hours, otherwise you thought I would call the police, I can't find you everywhere," Darcy said.

"What?" Jane paused.

Pop, thunder ...

Thunder and lightning raged in the sky, people only felt weird for a while, it was clear, how could it be thunder?

Jian Shun looked in one direction, his eyes widened, and quickly walked over, turned out to be Wu Yang.

"Jane." Wu Yang smiled.


With a loud slap, Jane directly gave Wu Yang a slap.

The new month has begun. This is a month that has caused headaches for the majority of brothers. Since the beginning of school, please let me make a sad expression. Shahe has also started school, and the update has been affected, but in any case, Shahe's daily update will not be less than four changes. When the time is a little bit more, you can have five or six changes. Today is five.

Shahe is here to ask for the support of my brothers, for a monthly ticket, a new month, there is a monthly ticket to support Shahe. Come with flowers and evaluation tickets. Shahe needs the strong support of my brothers. Your support is my most powerful motivation! ..