v4 Chapter 125: Ether's self-protection (second, please customize)

Jane was shocked by the shock and lay down on the ground with one hand on her head. "Me, what's wrong with me?"

"Jane." Wu Yang disappeared instantly, appeared next to Jane, and helped Jane up.

"Wu Yang, me, what's wrong with me?" Jane's expression was uncomfortable.

"You'll be fine." Wu Yang's hand stroked lightly on Jane's hair.

A policeman called out, "Keep away from her, she's dangerous."

Wu Yang turned his body. "Can anyone in this world be more dangerous than me?"

"Wu, Wu Yang ..." The police stepped back several times in a row, panicked, as if they saw a ghost.

"Wu Yang, it's Wu Yang." All the policemen saw Wu Yang's face clearly, and the cold sweat on his head came down. He even met Wu Yang here.

"Fast, fast, quickly transfer the Prime Minister's phone, and request the dispatch of the three army, sea, air and air force, Wu Yang, Wu Yang is in London ..." A police officer shouted with a walkie-talkie. On the ground.

Ian looked at Wu Yang stupidly, rubbing his eyes forcefully, "I, I'm not mistaken, Wu, Wu Yang, Wu Yang is here."

Wu Yang looked at the sweaty policemen with a smile. "Is it necessary to panic like this? Lao Tzu just came to find Jane, and will not do any damage."

"Well, if it's okay, I'm gone." Wu Yang finished and hugged Jane and disappeared.

Seeing Wu Yang disappearing, all the policemen felt a sense of relief, "Wu, Wu Yang is gone. What should we do?"

A police officer wiped his sweat, "This kind of thing is not something our little policeman can manage anymore, see how the people above do it."

Ian ran to Darcy, "I, I saw Wu Yang, I saw Wu Yang, I was right."

"You read that right, that's Wu." Darcy said angrily.

Rumble ...

A thunder and lightning roared in the sky, and in a flash of lightning, a man with a hammer fell from the sky, "Wu Yang, where is Wu Yang? I feel the power of thunder here."

"Thunder Thor, don't you dream today, see these big men," Ian said.

"Thor?" Darcy called out.

Thor saw Darcy, "Darcy, you are here, too."

"Yeah, it's been a long time." Darcy ran to Thor.

"Darcy, do you see Wu Yang? I feel that there is the power of Thor, is he here?" Thor asked.

Darcy nodded immediately. "Yes, he's been here and took Jane away."

"I'm late." Thor clenched his fist. "The cosmic cube must be in that guy's hand. To return to Asgard, he must get the cosmic cube." Thor's fist clenched.

Darcy smiled, "I'm afraid this will be difficult."

The policemen stared at Thor, another man they could not afford to mess with.

auzw.com "I'm gone, I'm going to find Wu Yang." Thor flew into the sky.

In the sky, Wu Yang was holding Jane flying fast in the clouds. Jane looked at the clouds passing by, the whistling wind, and a flash of excitement and novelty flashed in her eyes. "The feeling of flying is like this."

"Do you feel good?" Wu Yang smiled.

"Well, but don't think so, I will forgive you." Jane hummed.

On the lakeside in the suburbs of London, by the lakeside, people flashed and Wu Yang appeared here with Jane.

"We should fly again," Jane said excitedly.

"Ok, you can fly as much as you want, don't worry, it will fly to what you want to throw up." Wu Yang said without the slightest emotion.

"You dull guy." Jane glanced at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang spread his hands. "Yeah, I'm a person with no interest at all, but why do you like me?"

"Because you are a super big liar and cheated my feelings," Jane called.

"But I'll be responsible." Wu Yang hugged Jane tightly. "It's nothing to lie to you in order to get you. You're lucky."

"Hugging too tightly, I feel so uncomfortable." Jane's hands blocked Wu Yang's xiong mouth. "Am I lucky? Is it lucky?"

"Of course." Wu Yangxie said with a smile. The other women were either robbing or strong.

Jane shook her head. "Then I'm really lucky, by the way, what's going on with my body? Why was that energy kicked out?"

"Have you experienced anything?" Wu Yang asked.

Jane nodded. "Just in the abandoned factory today, I seemed to be sucked into a dark space, and found that there was a dark red" color "in the middle of the two stones. I looked carefully. This kind of dark red "color" flowing substance, then something entered my body, and then I was fainted. When I woke up again, I appeared in the abandoned factory again. "

"I see." Wu Yang nodded. It seems that Jane still started the plot of Thor 2. The ether particles are now in Jane's body, and the surviving dark elves should also be recovered.

"What do you know?"

"The stuff in your body is an ancient and powerful weapon." Wu Yang solemnly said.

"Nonsense, something useful." Jane rolled her eyes.

"Its name is ether particle, which is one of the six infinite gems. It is a realistic gem. Most of the other gems are solid, but the ether does not have a fixed form. Usually it is a erratic" liquid "body that can be transformed into dark Red [color] transparent solid. It cannot be destroyed. "

"Ether particles ?! One of the six infinite gems? What are you talking about?" Jane said.

After Wu Yang explained to Jane, Jane said in amazement: "Are these gems so powerful? I'm really unlucky, this ether particle is in my body now, don't you say it will Will you draw on the vitality of your host? I will definitely die. "

"You treat me like dry rice."

Jane glanced at Wu Yang, "What can you do? Aren't you saying that the etheric particles cannot be destroyed, it can't stay in my body, can you **** it out?"

"Ether particle is protecting itself. Once someone wants to take it out of your body, it will launch an attack. Even me, with malicious words." Wu Yang put a hand on Jane's shoulder. on.


The powerful dark red "color" energy erupted from Jane's body and blasted Wu Yang out. ..