v4 Chapter 134: Odin's Conspiracy (Third)

On a huge battlefield, Wu Yang stood in the middle of the battlefield. Above him were thousands of Asgard fighters.

Odin and others all watched from a distance, Dou Wu field has a super strong energy shield, so don't worry too much about the damage.

Wu Yang waved to the sky. "Come on together."

"Wu Yang, I look down on people. For Shiv, we will defeat you with an oath." An Asgard warrior cried.

Wu Yang drew his ears with one hand, "I just look down on you, stunned?"

"Wu Yang, do you think you made a big noise after Asgard left, did we not consider how to deal with you?"

Wu Yang smiled and said, "What do you think about? What is Guan Laozi doing?"

"Abominable." As for Wu Yang's contempt, some soldiers could no longer control the anger. "Let's get started, destroy this guy."

"Let's get started, let this guy see the power of our Asgard. Asgard's dignity cannot be challenged."

Wu Yang yawned, "Are your cows" forced "to blow? I won't start until I start."

"Wu Yang, let you see what real power is." Thousands of Asgard soldiers shouted loudly and uniformly.

"Asgard Warrior, Fusion!" All the soldiers roared in unison, and the gold of the "color" glow erupted in the body of each soldier, and the light of the gold "color" became more and more bright. The Gard fighters were wrapped up.

Wu Yang's eyes flashed seriously, "It seems to be interesting."

In the sky, the huge golden "color" light cluster is like a sun, emitting dazzling golden light in the sky, which illuminates the huge area of ​​the entire fairy palace.

Thor looked at it from a distance. "It turned out to be successful. When I went to earth, this martial art had not been developed yet."

"Yeah, you didn't succeed when you went, this is the first time I saw it." Vandal said with a little excitement, "Fusion of the power of all Asgard fighters, how powerful is this power? . "

Odin said: "After Wu Yang's destruction of Asgard, we realized that the individual's strength is too weak, and only when they are united can they defeat the enemy. This is the first integration and I am looking forward to how it will play out. the power of."

Jane screamed dissatisfied, "Are you taking Wu Yang as a test product?"

"We just want to maintain peace in the universe," Odin said lightly.

"You jealous of Wu Yang's power. It is true that you want to suppress Wu Yang. I understand that all this is arranged by you. You first agreed to the marriage between Wu Yang and Hif, and then you made those Asgard soldiers oppose and let Wu Yang accepted their challenge, was that so? "Jane called.

Odin did not deny that "Wu Yang's power is a huge threat to the entire universe. Such a person must be subdued. The crimes he has committed against Earth and Asgard are enough to kill him countless times."

"So you use a trick to frame him?" Jane was a little angry.

"Wu Yang must pay the due price for the crimes he committed."


Jane laughed, ironically: "You guys full of benevolence, there is a set on the surface and a set on the back. Although Wu Yang is not a good person, he is at least not hypocritical like you." Actually, Wu Yang is also hypocritical.

"You are a mortal, but you have chosen your worst enemy, a mediocre human woman, who is not qualified to say anything to me." Odin said loudly.

Jane said disdainfully, "I'm faint? I don't care what Wu Yang does, he is the man I choose. Odin, you will pay a heavy price for your behavior, the whole price is Asgard."

Odin shook his head. "Do you see that huge energy barrier? That is the barrier formed by the power of the world tree. Do you think Wu Yang can come out from there?"

"Abominable, you really took great pains to deal with Wu Yang." Jian Yi's face disdain.

Thor looked at Odin. "I didn't expect my father had already planned everything. I misunderstood my father before. You are the wisest king in Asgard. This time, Wu Yang must be eliminated."

"We must be able to stand up to" **** ", and we must not be impatient in everything. Wu Yang's crimes against Asgard, I, as the king of Asgard, cannot let him go." Odin's There was a gloom in his eyes.

"I'm Wang Yingming," the people around Odin said in unison.

Vostag whispered, "We were still" worried "before. I didn't expect that the King of God had already planned everything. I really admire it."

Fan Daer smiled and said, "It is worthy to be the King of God, and we have all been in the drums. I haven't known all this until now."

"That's it, Shiv doesn't have to marry that guy," Vostag said happily.

"Yeah, Shiv, everything is fine." Thor smiled at Shiv,

Shifu looked at Wu Yang on the huge battlefield and squeezed out a smile, "Yeah, don't marry him, God King really deceived us all."

Odin laughed. "If you want to lie to the enemy, you must lie to yourself first. From the moment Wu Yang said he wanted to propose to you, I began to plan. I know Wu Yang will force Shifu to promise him I just need to push the boat down the river to eliminate all his worries and let all the fighters in Asgard challenge him. "

"Wu Yang will pay a heavy price for his sinful actions, and I will never let him go," Odin said loudly.

All the Asgards who came to watch the battle cheered, "Long live Odin, long live Asgard, long live Odin, long live Asgard ..."

Jane's brow frowned deeply, shouting at Douwu, "Wu Yang, all this is a conspiracy, Odin's conspiracy, you go away."

"Hahaha, haha ​​..." Everyone laughed. "Fool, there is no outside sound inside the barrier."

"Even if Wu Yang hears it, everything is useless, girl, you can save your worry." Vostag laughed.

Odin looked at Jane, "Guard, take her down."

"Father, she helped me on the earth. She was just blinded by Wu Yang. She was right." Thor immediately said.

Odin nodded. "The guards back down, just leave her here and watch how Wu Yang is defeated."

Jane laughed, "Haha, you will regret it, you will." ..