v4 Chapter 136: Anger (fifth)

"Ha, ha ..." The giant spirit roared loudly, and the layers of gold "color" burst out from his body, and the muscles on the body continued to expand.

Tear, tear ...

Under the impact of the powerful force, the gold "color" armor on the giant spirit **** was ruptured layer by layer, and then shattered by the impact.

These gold armor Wu Yang can only cut out a trace under the sword. Now, under the impact of the giant spirit god, it is broken in layers, which shows how much the giant spirit god's power has been raised.

Wu Yang stood at a corner of the Douwu field, pierced the silver "color" needle into his arm, and injected the green "color" "liquid" body into it. "It's time."

"Wu Yang." The giant spirit **** instantly appeared in front of Wu Yang, and an axe hit Wu Yang.


Wu Yang was hit and flied like a baseball. After flying for several kilometers, he hit the energy barrier.

The body of the giant spirit **** is no longer armored, and the muscles covered with gold are as indestructible as rocks.

"Roar ..." The giant **** yelled, "Asgard's dignity cannot be challenged, Asgard cannot be violated, dare to violate it, and only make up for it with death."

Wu Yang's hands supported the ground, and he vomited several mouthfuls of blood, and a ray of green "color" flashed through Wu Yang's eyes.

"Wu Yang." Jian yelled outside the energy barrier. "Abominable, you let Wu Yang go." Jian rushed towards Odin and was stopped by two guards.

"Why does that guy stay the same? His power is more than that." Vandal frowned.

"Maybe it was scared, after all, the giant spirit **** was so powerful that he gave up resistance." Vostag laughed.

Thor frowned, "Wu Yang's guy is insidious, definitely more than that."

"In absolute power, all conspiracy is useless," Odin said lightly, "Wu Yang has reached the end and cannot change anything."

"Destroy him, kill him, come on, come on ..." The asgards on the crowd shouted excitedly, and they hated Wu Yang extremely much.

Wu Yang's pupils turned into three gold-colored blades of wind, rising from the ground, "It's cool, right?"

"You can still stand up, and the next blow directly kills you." The giant spirit **** walked towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang's "Lu" showed a cruel meaning, "I'm afraid you can't do it. In return, this seat will completely tear you to pieces."

"It's all this time, even dare to talk big." The giant spirit shouted.

Wu Yang shouted, "Transformers shine in the quartet!"

The flame of gold "color" erupted from his body, followed by a layer of gold "color" deformation element particles emanating from his body.

The blue "color" flashed, and a large number of deforming element particles were released. The silver and white "color" deforming element particles were changed by the gold "color" gas flame emitted by Wu Yang, changing from the silver and white "color" For gold.

A particle storm of gold "color" appeared, spewing wildly upwards and upwards, and a powerful lightning flashed on the particle storm, making a crackling sound.


The five "colors" of light blue, "red", water, "color", loess "color", and snowy white "color" are emitted from the particle storm, and the five "colors" are extremely dazzling. Except for a few people such as Odin, most Asgards covered their eyes with their hands.

The light of the five "colors" is changing. The light green "color" becomes the green gold "color", the red red "color" becomes the red gold "color", the water blue "color" becomes the water gold "color", and the loess "color" becomes For the earth's "color", the snow-white "color" became the platinum "color".

"Ah ..." The roaring voice shook the world.

The storm of "color" particles of gold is moving towards a point, and shrinks inwardly towards the middle.

"The Transformer's Shining Quartet is coming!" Wu Yang roared.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the giant beast in front, the huge body up to a hundred meters, and dazzling golden "color" light. The head is green and gold [color], right arm red gold [color], left arm water gold [color], right leg earth gold [color], left leg white gold [color], and other parts of the body are dazzling golden * "color".

Those Asgards who had gone through the previous battle of the fairy palace all flashed the "color" of fear. The demon came and appeared. Will the fairy palace suffer another huge disaster?

"It's that guy, it's him, he's here again." The Asgard watching began to flee, and they were in fear.

Odin yelled, "People of Asgard, you don't have to panic. Our giant **** can defeat the enemy. Asgard's warriors will not fail. I am the father of the gods. Swear by name. "

The panic Asgard calmed down, and the words of the fathers of the gods could not be wrong. In that case, what else could they be afraid of.

Wu Yang held a gold "color" machete in his right hand. Light blue "color" thunder and lightning were flowing on his huge body, looking mighty and domineering.

"Wu Yang." Jane looked at Wu Yang in the energy barrier, leaving tears of excitement, "I knew that you wouldn't fail like this."

The giant spirit **** looked at Wu Yang, who was 100 meters high in front of him, "has he finally exposed the truth? But Wu Yang, this won't change anything. Death is your destiny, ha ...

The flame of gold "color" burst out from the body of the giant spirit god, and the body of the giant spirit **** quickly expanded until it reached a height of one hundred meters before stopping.

"Wu Yang, don't think that only you can get bigger." The giant spirit roared and waved a big axe and hit Wu Yang fiercely.

"Ha." Wu Yang roared, and the gold "color" machete waved suddenly.


The machete and the golden axe bombarded together, destroying all the gold "color" gas waves erupted from the point of impact, directly shattering the surrounding space.

The air of gold "color" continued to expand, and the ground was bursting. Fortunately, there was only one fighting field here, otherwise it would be a disaster.

The golden "color" air wave extended to the energy barrier on the edge, the energy barrier was shaking violently, but it was still unable to break, and the barrier formed by the power of the world tree was not so easy to break.

Wu Yang and the giant spirit **** went backwards at the same time, and each step back, the ground was broken and broken.

"Giant spirit god, this seat wants you to understand a little bit. This is just the beginning. Maybe you can gain the upper hand, but victory will only belong to this seat." Wu Yang's machete pointed at the giant spirit god.

"I will end you." The giant spirit **** rushed towards Wu Yang.

Odin's "Lu" outside the Douwu field gave a smile, "Wu Yang can't hold it long. His powerful body will fall apart soon."

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