v4 Chapter 144: Eloquence (third)

Odin yelled, "Thor, don't go, that's the cursed warrior."

Thor had hit with a hammer at the cursed warrior Argolim, "Go and die."

Argolim yelled and fisted toward the hammer.


A loud bombardment sounded, and Thor, with the hammer, was blown out by Algorim's punch.

"Ah ..." Thor yelled, he couldn't believe that he was blown out with a punch.

Odin disappeared instantly, appearing behind Thor who was flying backwards, catching Thor.

Numerous guards rushed towards Argolim, and the sword and spear were chopped at Argolim.

Argolim allowed these swords to be cut on him, and then a loud roar, a split in his hands, broke the sword, a dark red "color" of energy burst out from his body, and guards Boom.

"Wu Yang." Jane's voice reached Wu Yang's ear.

Wu Yang followed the voice and saw Jane sitting on the ground surrounded by a group of Asgard's guards, but none of them dared to step forward.

Wu Yang walked in the direction of Jane, and no one dared to stop him until he came to Jane.

"Jane, it's okay, I'm here, no one can move you." Wu Yang's body size shrank quickly, from ten meters to two meters high.

"I'm all worried about death." Jane looked surprised and stood up and rushed towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang embraced Jane with his hands, "It's my fault, my fault."

"It's your fault that scared me to death. I knew I wouldn't come to this ghost place anymore." Jane's tears came out.

Wu Yang's hand gently stroked Jane's back. "We will leave this place soon."



Jane looked at Wu Yang's body and frowned. "Can you change back? It looks like a crazy robot now."

"Can't go back, it can only be like this for a lifetime." Wu Yang shook his head.

Jane froze for a moment, then said firmly, "No matter what you are, you become a dog, and I follow you."

"Can't you talk about dogs, why do you always associate me with dogs?" Wu Yang said with some depression.

"You're just a dog, a good-colored dog. You've made it like this now, and see how you can get a better color." Jane said indignantly.

Wu Yang laughed, "Hahaha, Jane, you are so simple and cute, do you really think I can't go back? This is just a form of me. If you don't go back, I will directly kill a piece of tofu Forget it. "

Jane stunned, and then called out, "You liar, you lie to me again, it's so hateful, find a tofu and hit you."

"Just want to see what kind of reaction you have, your answer made me very satisfied, ha ha ha." Wu Yang smiled proudly.


"A liar, a big liar," Jan replied.

"Knowing that I can change back, aren't you happy?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

"Unhappy, you will always be a robot." Jane called, still happy inside, where it feels strange to go with the robot.

"Women always like to say irony, they are obviously happy, they have to say unhappy." Wu Yang shook his head.

Wu Yang and Jane are flirting here, no one dares to attack, the atmosphere is too peaceful, and it is too uncoordinated with the overall atmosphere of war. Elsewhere, Asgard's guards and the dark elves were out of touch, and there was a killing.

"Wu Yang, you are still a leisurely bubble woman here, all of this is caused by you." Xifu slashed at Wu Yang from the sky with a sword, "I will kill you."

As soon as Wu Yang's hand was stretched out, he easily grasped the sword that Heve cut down. "I said, who dares to disturb Lao Tzu, it turns out that you are Heve. But if you say so, I don't agree with it, all It ’s not me, but you, Odin's fool.

"Let ’s go, it's all because of you." Hiff tried to pull the sword back.

Jane disagrees. "It's also Wu Yang's fault. Asgard is really shameless. You conspired to count Wu Yang, but you failed to kill Wu Yang. Now all of this is caused by yourself. Be smart. It's stupid. "

"You ..." Shiv looked at Jane angrily.

"What do you say? Am I wrong? If Wu Yang ’s cosmic eruption broke out, you would be killed by you. Everything was fine, Wu Yang wouldn't bother you, the dark elves came Maybe it will help you. "Jane countered.

"The dark elves are attracting you."

"Yes, they came because of the ether particles in my body, but you thought I was staying on the earth, and they would not avenge you? They would go to the earth to grab the ether particles in my body and use the power of the ether particles. Come and destroy you, don't be naive. "

Wu Yang looked at Jane and smiled. "Jane, your eloquence is really good."

Jane looked up. "Because I'm talking about the truth."

"I don't care if you make sense. The source of all the errors lies in him." Hefusuo stopped having **** and stepped forward and punched Wu Yang.

"Shifu, you are doing this, it's tantamount to throwing your arms in your arms." Wu Yang held his fist in one hand and pulled him into his arms.

Hif shouted loudly, Wu Yang's body was tightly fixed, and he couldn't move at all. "Let me go, let me go."

"Xifu, you are the spoils of Lao Tzu, let go of you, naive words." Wu Yangxie smiled.

"Boot? Do you treat me as a booty?" Shiv was very angry, she was just a booty.

"What do you think?" Wu Yang laughed.

"Abominable." Heve yelled.

"Let go of my sister." A voice came over.

Wu Yang looked at his voice in the past, "It's a familiar sentence, Heimdall, but this time, you will be disappointed. Those who dare to stop Lao Tzu will die."

"Brother." Heve called.

Heimdal held a big sword, his face was cold, "I'll try it then, ha!" Heimdal rushed towards Wu Yang.

"Shifu, your elder brother is going to kill me. There is no way but to let him die." Wu Yang said cruelly. ..