v4 Chapter 156: Awkward first meeting (fifth)

In the morning, the first rays of sunlight came from the sea, and there were two big chuangs on the beach. One was sleeping with Jane and Shif, while the other was sleeping with four fruit bodies.

Wu Yang held Aida in one hand, Alice in one hand, and a little pepper fell asleep on Wu Yang's xiong mouth. What a wonderful life.

"Auch." Wu Yang sneezed, opened his eyes, and saw the white face.

"Yo, wake up." Baihou picked up the grass in his hand.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Wake up, why do you want to sleep with me? Yes, let's undress up."

"Pervert, who wants to sleep with you." Baihou airway.

"Then I continue to sleep." Wu Yang closed his eyes.

"No sleep." Bai Hou's two small hands patted Wu Yang's face. "Have fun playing last night. I have a good cabbage."

Wu Yang raised a brow. "What do you say?"

"Huh ..." Pepper opened her eyes, rubbed and rubbed her eyes with her hands, looked around, and screamed, "Ah ..."

"What's your name now, it was so loud last night, you don't have to call it now." Baihou smiled.

"I ..." Little Pepper buried her face in Wu Yang's arms. "I, I don't know anything."

"Little pepper, whether you know it or not, what happened last night." Alice and Ada opened their eyes at the same time.

Little Chili remembered the absurdity of last night. The three of them were together with Wu Yang and blushed when they thought about it.

"You bully me." Little Chili was about to get up from Wu Yang, and she uttered a painful cry before her arm was up. "Ah ..."

"It seems to be very traumatic below," Ada laughed.

Little Chili frowned and patted Wu Yang's xiong mouth, "I all blame you, just like a bull, not tender at all."

"Who makes you so beautiful, I can't stop it at all." Wu Yangxie smiled.

"Excuse me," Little Pepper muttered.

Bai Hou smiled and pointed at the sea, "Did you see those dead seabirds?"

"See, what's wrong?" Ida didn't understand.

"Your masterpiece, last night, I almost thought you were going to sink the island. It was too powerful. I cried all night, and the birds on the island were scared to death and fell into the sea." Smirked.

After hearing this, Little Chili blushed and said, "No."

"Do you want me to play your cry again?" Baihou said.

Alice shook her head. "After white, your bad taste is here again."

"Why, this is just the material for studying human ml. I'm just for research, for science, you won't understand." Bai Hou's expression that you don't understand.

"Huh ..." On the chuang next to him, Jane opened her eyes and "rubbed" and "rubbed" her dizzy head. "Okay, so uncomfortable."

"Here you are." Baihou handed a bottle of mineral water to Jane. "Run, wake up, it's very useful."

"Thank you." Jane didn't take a look at him, and took it subconsciously, taking a sip.


Jane, who was preparing to continue drinking, seemed to remember something. She looked stiffly at Bai Hou, a little beauty she had never seen before, looking at her with interest.

"Who are you?" Jane said.

"You're Jane Foster, aren't you? For the first time, my name is Baihou." Baihou laughed.

"White Queen ?!" Where did I seem to have heard it, yes, Wu Yang seemed to say, Where is Wu Yang?

"Yeah, now let me introduce you to the four fruit bodies on the opposite side. Wu Yang, the scum, will not need to be introduced, and the small pepper will not be used." Baihou smiled.

Jane sat straight and looked at Chuang beside him, "That, this is, I ..."

"Jane, how are you?" Little Pepper smiled awkwardly, and squeezed Wu Yang's waist with her hands. It was this guy that caused the current shame scene.

"Little pepper." Jian Jian said.

"Jane is it, I'm Alice." Alice was more calm, and she will definitely be together in the future, after all, there is a farm animal like Wu Yang.

"I already knew you, I am King Ada, call me Ada." Ada was also very calm.

Jane looked at the four fruits on chuang, her expression changed back and forth, and she smiled a little awkwardly, "That, hehehe, I, I have been thinking about meeting you. I really didn't expect it to be This way, how to say it, it's so special, haha. "Jane roared in her heart, what did you do, Wu Yang, you dead animal?

"Special? Calm, it's a common thing in the future, just get used to it." Baihou suggested.

Wu Yang sat up from chuang, "Jane, what do you say, okay, just get used to it."

Jane gave Wu Yang a stern glance, then immediately saw something that shouldn't be seen, and immediately covered his eyes with his hand, shouting, "Cover your stinky stuff, don't you want to face?"

"He didn't have a face in the first place. When you say face to him, it's an insult to‘ face ’in this great word.” Baihou smiled.

"Let's get up and get dressed, otherwise the beauties are embarrassed." Alice stood up with a smile.

"That's right," Ada followed.

"I thought so long ago," Little Pepper said immediately, but because of the excessive movement, he pulled a wound somewhere and made a cry, "It hurts ..."

"Slow down, come, I'll help you wear it." Wu Yang hugged the little pepper and took out the underwear.

"No, I'll do it myself ..." Little Pepper cried.

"What a fight." Wu Yang forced to wear a small pepper. "Don't move around, or it hurts again."

Jane looked at Alice and Ada in clothes, Aida's xiong department was much larger than her, and Alice's was also bigger than her, and suddenly she was not confident.

"Don't worry, it will be big by" kneading "*" kneading "by Wu Yang's animal," Baihou whispered.

After Jane looked at Bai for a moment, "Eh ..." what happened to this little beauty? The words are so embarrassing.

Alice and Ada quickly wore them on, and Wu Yang had just put on the inner peppers of the little peppers, slowly.

"I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself." Little Chili couldn't bear it anymore, and he had to come by himself.

"Okay." Wu Yang let go.

Jane yelled at Wu Yang: "Hurry up and put it on, you violent *" Lu "crazy."

"Hmm ..." Hiff made a sound, then slowly opened her eyes, looking uncomfortable, and slowly sat up, "My head hurts." ..