v4 Chapter 162: Coming Warships (first)

On the beach, several people in Wu Yang ate and drank happily on the beach.

"Come, dry this glass." Wu Yang raised his glass and shouted loudly.

"Don't you want to intoxicate us all? Then ..." Alice laughed.

"Look what you said, am I that kind of person? Besides, is there a need for that, do you still have to use that kind of trouble? Just come directly, don't say it, and do it together." Wu Yang cried.

"Okay." The girls lifted the cup together.

After eating and drinking, Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "It's time to sleep."

"Never do anything weird." Jian looked at Wu Yang warily.

Wu Yang shook his head. "This is not the point. The point is that there is only one big chuang."

"There are two in the morning," Jane called.

"There is only one now."

"So? What do you want to do?" Alice and Ada were both smiling, Wu Yang's intentions were too obvious.

"So, we can only sleep on a big chuang, there is really no way." Wu Yang shook his head, the blue "color" light flashed, a large chuang appeared, and sleeping seven or eight people was not a problem at all.

"There are obviously two chuangs, not a big chuang, you are deliberate." Jian dissatisfied.

Wu Yang said with a hint of doubt: "Who is this" mingming "? He has two chuangs. What does it have to do with me, I only have one chuang."

Jane said madly, "Ah, you are so abominable."

"Jane, don't say anything, you can't change anything, accept it obediently, just take a chuang, it won't be avoided in the future, now it's a vaccination." Little pepper spread his hand.

Suddenly Bai Hou raised his head and looked into the air. "You don't have to fight, because you don't have to be able to sleep."

"What's the matter?" The crowd followed Bai Hou's eyes and looked into the sky, but saw nothing. "Nothing?"

Alice shook her head, "Yes, it's hidden, and the air is fluctuating." Alice, who has the power of ideas, can clearly feel the inconsistent fluctuations of the air.

"Stealth? What is it?" Little Pepper asked.

"It's a huge battleship. It seems to be coming to me." Wu Yang smiled.

"Is it the Dark Elf?" Jane said.

Wu Yang nodded. "It's them. I knew they would come to me. Really, I was suddenly interrupted. I'm very upset."

"Get out of here, it's coming in our direction." Alice yelled, holding the little pepper and Jane, and disappeared in a moment.

Wu Yang dragged Aida and Shifu and disappeared into place, and Bai Hou smiled, and then disappeared into place.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The sea was broken open, splashed high, and diverted to both sides. With the rapid progress, the beach has been split, and the sand is splashing high.

Rumble ...

With the advancement of intangible objects, the island was split, and seawater poured into the large cracks that were separated until it reached the central part of the island.


In the middle of the island, a wave of air flickered, and a flash of light flashed. A huge pointed black warship appeared. The lower end was stuck in the rock and soil. This is the lower end that cut the island into a large crack.

"Appeared." Alice, Ada, Wu Yang, and Baihou suspended in the air watching the battleship.

Wu Yang said unpleasantly: "It really makes Laozi unhappy, and he even made this island crack so big."

"Do you like this island?" Ida asked.

"I intend to take this island away." Wu Yang frowned.

"Take away? Take back villain space?"

"The geography and ecosystem of villain space will continue to change with the expansion of space, so it is difficult to have a fixed place of life. However, this island is a foreign object and does not belong to villain space. It does not follow the space. Change changes, "Wu Yang explained.

Ada nodded. "This is really a good way. This island is beautiful, so wait a minute, you can't destroy it too badly."

Wu Yang smiled, "Relax."

On the ground, Pepper looked at the huge black "color" warship, "So big."

"Sure enough, it was the Dark Elves, the warship that appeared in Asgard," Jane said.

"I didn't expect that they could escape from Asgard, now they must have come to take revenge," Schiff said.

Jane looked at Wu Yang floating in the air. "It won't be Wu Yang's opponents. Ah, I really envy them. They can all fly. I want to fly to the sky alone one day."

Little Chili was also envious, "Yeah, unfortunately, the desperate virus in my body does not have the ability to fly."

"Desperate virus? What is that?" Jane asked.

"I was kidnapped at that time, and my body was injected with that kind of virus, which can give people powerful power, but the side effects are very strong. One accidentally will cause the body to overheat and explode."

Jane was a little worried, "How can this be?"

Little Chili smiled, "Rest assured, this problem has been solved perfectly now, I won't have that kind of situation."

"Is that girl so powerful?" Jane said skeptically.

Little Pepper nodded, "Yes, very powerful, the smartest person in the world, although it looks very unreliable and likes to play tricks on others." Is this a compliment or a derogation?

"Really? The smartest person?" Jane didn't believe it any more.

"All the supercomputers in the world add up to the computing power of her. She can simulate global weather changes, the results of all nuclear bomb explosions, every fluctuation in space, and accurately position the global task in ten seconds. One place to one centimeter ... "

"This is too exaggerated," Jane called.

"Exaggerated? She's a little pervert, and only Wu Yang can cure her." Little Pepper shook her head.

"What on earth is she? Humans can't do this."

"The strongest intelligence with flesh."

The huge hatch of the black "color" warship opened, and Malekis and Algorim stepped out of it.

Malekis looked at Wu Yang in the air with a venomous gaze, and yelled, "Wu Yang! Today I want to break your body to pieces, so that I can resolve my hatred."

"Yo, isn't this Malekis? Why is this so angry?" Wu Yang's figure flashed, standing in front of Malekis and Algorim. ..