v4 Chapter 170: Capture the flesh (fourth more)

"Sneak peeping" force ", come out, I have found you." Wu Yang roared.

But no one responded to Wu Yang, and no one came out.

Wu Yang said uncomfortably: "Fuck, just leave like this, why don't you give me face?"

On the distant sky, Houhou put away the holographic projection, "It's over, we should go and see."

"Wu Yang." All six of Alice flew over.

Wu Yang looked at the girls and laughed out loud. "I was just mad and awesome."

"Very powerful, really powerful, Transformers x Burst form, so powerful that it is." Ida laughed.

Bai Hou asked, "Did someone just sneak in?"

Wu Yang nodded, "Yes, the hidden ability is very good, almost concealed me."

The face of Alice and others tightened, "Who will it be?"

"I don't know yet." Wu Yang spread his hands.

"Will it be the one who" **** "the flames in black and" color "?" Bai Hou guessed.

"Who knows you? Of course, the most likely" **** "will be him, but no one knows it," Wu Yang said lightly.

Alice frowned, "It's definitely not easy to be able to peep easily and leave quietly."

"Forget it, don't think about it, it always comes. It doesn't matter if you know who it is." Wu Yang said indifferently.

Little Pepper shook her head. "Can't you be a little crisis-conscious?"

"Of course I do, but having this consciousness can't change anything, it should still come. In this case, I might as well live through every day, I don't want to worry about the food."

"Pure fallacy."

"Right, is Argolim dead?"

Wu Yang looked at the water below, "Maybe it's not dead yet."

"I ask you for nothing." Jane gave Wu Yang a wink.

"I don't know if I look down." Wu Yang landed quickly towards the bottom, landed on the sea, and all the women such as Alice also came down.

Bai Hou's eyes flashed a series of data, looked at a rock, smiled, "It's coming out."

The sea next to the reef broke open, one hand stretched out, caught on the reef, slowly climbed up to the reef, was the severely injured Argolim.

Wu Yang's figure flashed and appeared in front of Argolim. "You lost."

"Hahaha, hahaha, I lost, kill me." Argolim yelled.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be a man now."

"I am the only Dark Elf. The entire Dark Elf race has lost. It is no longer possible to dominate the universe. It is meaningless for me to live in the world. Kill me. Can be defeated in your hands There is nothing wrong with the dead. "

Wu Yang spread his hand, "Since you said so, I will obey your last wish and let you go with peace of mind."

"Thank you."


In Wu Yang's hand, a long sword of green and gold "color" appeared, and a sword slashed towards Argolim's neck.


In the blood, Argolim's neck was split open, and the blood was flowing.

Argolim exclaimed, his eyes widened and he lay slowly on the reef.

"It's over." Alice flew over, looking at Argolim's body.

"He took Malekis's body, and eventually he couldn't escape." Ada said with some emotion.

Bai Hou smiled and said, "What are you feeling, if you die, you will die. There are more big things."

The deformed x particles are scattered from Wu Yang's body, rotating around Wu Yang, Wu Yang's human posture appears, and the deformed x particles enter different positions of Wu Yang's body.

"It's changed back. It's still comfortable to look at it. It looks like a violent hedgehog." Jane smiled.

Wu Yang looked at himself, "I know, I'm handsome when I'm in a human pose."

"You don't need to be narcissistic, you're more handsome than you." Pepper hit.

"Vulgar, you don't have a pair of eyes to find beauty, you just call someone personally, I said I am the world's first handsome, dare he refute?" Wu Yang looked up.

Little Chili said silently: "No one dares to refute. It is probably scared to death directly after seeing you. You are the enemy of humanity."

Shiv looked at Argolim's body and frowned slightly. Was this guy really killed so easily? Shiv's eyes widened, and a hint of dark red "color" material flowed from Argolim's body.

"This is ..." Hif whispered to himself.

"What's wrong?" Ida asked.

"Be careful." Heve called.

A group of bun-sized dark red "color" material bodies emanated from Argolim's body and instantly "shot" on Wu Yang's leg. Due to the distance, everyone had no time to react.

It can be clearly seen that the dark red "color" material body penetrated into Wu Yang's legs.

Wu Yang trembled, "This is, special, even pitted Lao Tzu ..."

"Wu Yang!" The girls screamed at the same time, trying to get closer to Wu Yang.

Wu Yang screamed in pain, "Don't come here, be obedient, keep a distance of 20 meters, hurry up, don't worry about me."

The eyes of all the women are the "color" of contradiction, "then you ..."

"I said, don't worry about me, stay away." Wu Yang cried.

"Let's get farther away." Alice hugged Jane, Aida hugged the little pepper, and several people flew to a place about 20 meters quickly, all looking at Wu Yang worriedly.

Bai Hou somewhat rebuked: "The mass is the spirit body of Argolim. I should have discovered it, hateful!"

"This matter can't blame you, don't blame yourself, believe Wu Yang, he can solve it." Alice said lightly.

Wu Yang Yangtian shouted, "Argolim, I didn't expect you to keep such a hand, but do you think that Lao Tzu's body can be occupied by you?"

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, Wu Yang, didn't expect it, you are really too stupid and naive, I want to capture your flesh, so that I will be the strongest in the world, and the ether particles will be in hand, and I will become the universe King, hahaha. "Argolim laughed loudly from Wu Yang's body.

Wu Yang's expression was hesitant, his hands and feet were swinging back and forth, he did not listen to the call. ..