v4 Chapter 172: Big supplements (first)

Wu Yang grabbed Argorim's shoulder suddenly with a hand, and the white "color" material was sent out from his hand, spreading quickly on Argorim's dark red "color" body, and soon covered it. Argolim's small body.

"Ah ..." Argolim yelled in pain, "Stop, stop, stop ..."

Wu Yang's evil intentions, "Argolim, is it too late to let Lao Tzu stop now? If you want to take up Lao Tzu's body, then pay the price of complete death."

The white "color" substance continued to spread rapidly on Argolim. Argolim screamed, "Stop, don't do this ..." Once the white "color" substance completely covered his body, This means that he no longer exists and will become a part of Wu Yang's consciousness. Yes, Wu Yang is devouring him.

Wu Yang laughed, "Yes, you were right. Lao Tzu ’s consciousness is really not that strong, and now such a good supplement comes up. Do you think I will let it go? You are now a thousand-year ginseng. Make up, hahaha ... "

"Let me off, please, let me off. I'll be your dog and take orders from you ..." Argolim begged for mercy, and said such a low voice.

The white "color" material stopped spreading, and Algorim's body remained as it was.

"Can you really do it?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

"Yes, you can, as long as you let me go," Argolim said eagerly.

Wu Yang had a thoughtful expression, "This kind of thing still needs to be carefully considered."

"Master Wu Yang, I swear by Algolim, I must be one of Lord Wuyang's most loyal dogs, Lord Wuyang, please let me go." Argolim whispered.

Wu Yang raised a brow. "The most loyal dog, it sounds very good."

"Of course it is good, I will tear all the people blocking Lord Wu Yang to pieces," Argolim continued.

Wu Yang nodded. "In fact, these are secondary."

"Um, what's so important?"

Wu Yangxian laughed and said, "Your expression and tone are the most important."


Wu Yang laughed, "Ha ha ha ha, do you still need to ask this? Because it is very cheap, haven't you been crazy before? You do n’t find it very interesting now?"

"You ..." Algorim's remaining eye flashed a strong resentment.

Wu Yang said lightly: "It's very angry, isn't it sad to Lao Tzu?"

"No, nothing, Lord Wu Yang is right, I am so mean." Algolim began to whisper again.

Wu Yang nodded with satisfaction. "You have a good attitude and are very suitable for being a dog."

"In this case, Lord Wu Yang, you ..." Argolim's meaning was obvious, letting him go, "Let me be Lord Wu Yang's dog."

auzw.com "Hahahaha ..." Wu Yang laughed, "That's a good thing, but it's a matter of Laozi's eggs."

Argolim had only half of his face, his face "color" changed greatly, "Master Wu Yang ..."

"Stupid, you shouldn't be so naive that I would let you go. For someone who wants to kill Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is not so generous." Wu Yang's cruel "color".

"Wu Yang ..." Algorim shouted angrily.

"Do n’t bark, I do n’t lack a dog, and it ’s not easy for me to want a dog? The most important thing is that I never thought about letting you go. I just woke up and wanted to be Before you die, play with you. "Wu Yang's grim expression.

"Wu Yang, I'm going to crush you." Argolim yelled.

"Which corpse is broken? Oh, you can't do it, just call it and scold it. This will only make me more excited. This feeling is like standing on a high place and watching a silly" force "in Where are you stupid, do you understand this feeling? "Wu Yangxie smiled." Of course you don't understand, because you are the stupid "force."

"Wu Yang, you will die. I'll wait for you in hell." Argolim continued.

"When Lao Tzu will die, this is an unknown number, but you will soon die." Wu Yang yelled, and the white "color" substance continued to spread rapidly on Argolim's body, soon invading Argo Golim was half his body.

"Ah, ah ..." Argolim screamed.

"Obviously turn into Laozi's tonic." Wu Yang shouted, and only half of the head was occupied by the white "color" substance, and the rest was given by the white "color" substance. Encroached.

Argolim, with only half his mouth open, gave a final roar, "Wu Yang, I curse you for not being able to die ..."

"Go to your mother." Wu Yang yelled, and Algorim's mouth was covered by the white material. At this point, Algorim was completely transformed into a white "color". statue".

The "statue" started to squirm, and it was completely impossible to see that it was Argolim, and it finally turned into a large white "color" of "dough."

In the space, with the demise of Argolim, the half of the dark red "color" disappeared, and the entire space became a vast and white one.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Super tonic, it's time for absorption."

Wu Yang put his hand on the white "color" big "dough", and the "dough" quickly shrank and was continuously sucked into Wu Yang's palm.

A faint layer of white light emanated from Wu Yang's body, and the white "color" light continued to increase and became brighter.

"Become a part of Lao Tzu's body completely." Wu Yang yelled and completely absorbed the "dough" that was too small to be too small.

The dazzling white "color" light erupted from Wu Yang. Wu Yang looked at his hands. "This feeling of strength, ah ..." Wu Yang shouted at Yang Tian.

Two white lights flew out from behind Wu Yang, and they became Alice and Baihou after landing.

Wu Yang looked at the second daughter. "Do you feel full of power now?"

Alice nodded, "Yes, you have absorbed Algolim's consciousness, and Baihou and I are on you, but they have stained and strengthened us."

Bai Hou smiled and said: "Wu Yang, your consciousness has doubled, and Alice and I have probably increased by 0.5 times. You have swallowed Algolim's consciousness, which is undoubtedly a very correct approach. ..