v4 Chapter 178: Do you look like me (third more)

Wu Yang, who had given himself a name, came to the lawn, sat down, and didn't go to see Steve on purpose, and he would be suspicious.

Soon after, a cool sports car with black "color" drove to the side of the road, the window shook, and "the exposed" person was Natasha.

"Hello, who knows how to get to the Smithsonian Museum, I'm going to pick up a living fossil." Natasha turned in the direction of Steve.

Steve walked over, got in the car, and waved at the black man. "Glad to meet you, Sam."

Wu Yang watched the black "color" running away and stood up from the lawn. "Isn't this the beginning story of Captain America 2? I don't know if I can see the Winter Soldier Bucky. If not, That would be fun. "

"Do you know Steve?" Black Sam walked to Wu Yang's side.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Yes, I have always admired him. I was so sorry just now. I was too nervous to ask for a signature."

"Really? That's a shame, the superhero is right in front of me." Sam smiled.

"That's all right. If that's the case, then go for it, and get a signature." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Sam smiled and said, "You're afraid it's hard to catch up."

"That's not necessarily true, is Sam?" Wu Yang frowned.

"You heard my name just now, yes, my name is Sam Wilson."

"My name is Smith, I'm glad to meet you, and we will meet again." Wu Yang walked forward.

"I'll meet again, ha ha ha, really?" Sam smiled at Wu Yang's back.

Wu Yang waved his hand toward the back. "Of course, I just hope that you won't be surprised."

"Surely not surprised." Sam cried.

Wu Yang smiled with a wicked smile. "I'm afraid you'll be surprised when you get there." After walking a distance, Wu Yang looked at a building located on the river ahead.

"Three curved wings building, the headquarters of SHIELD." Wu Yang whispered to himself, "Maybe it's time to meet my wife Hill in there, no, it's not the time yet."

At night in the Indian Ocean, a flying machine was flying fast.

There are many people in the aircraft. Steve and Natasha's seven or eight SHIELD soldiers are here. A satellite of the SHIELD's "firing" ship was hijacked by international pirates. Steve took over Upon Frey's order, the hostages were rescued and the satellites "shot" the ship.

The aircraft's hatch opened, and Steve jumped directly from it and landed in the water.

In the captain's room of the satellite launcher, the international pirate Bartok sat in a chair leisurely. He hijacked the SHIELD satellite launcher for $ 1.5 billion.

A man walked in. "Batok, hasn't SHIELD responded yet? Let's kill the hostages."

"Don't you bother me?" Bartok said lightly.

"But I have something important to say." The comer continued to walk.

Bartok turned his chair and looked at the person. "Who are you? I have never seen you."

"Of course you haven't seen me, and you don't have to see me, because you are going to die." The comer smiled.

"Kill me." Bartok took out his pistol, and several pirates around Bartok also took out their guns and fired them all.

Bang bang ...


The bullets "shot" at the people.

The comer raised one hand and waved it, and all the bullets stopped 20 centimeters in front of Wu Yang. "It was really looked down upon. I actually wanted to kill Lao Tzu with this stuff."

Looking at this scene beyond common sense, several pirates were shocked, "Who on earth are you?"

"Dead people don't need to know too much." With a wave of Wu Yang's hand, the bullet "shot" back.

"Ahhhh ..." A few screams came out, and a few pirates fell down.

Bartok rolled quickly on the ground, avoiding a fatal blow, but the bullet hit his arm and broke through.

"Ah, ah ..." Bartok shouted in pain and stood up.

The comer appeared in front of Bartok in an instant. He held Bartok's neck with one hand and lifted Bartok. "It's not dead, it's a good dragon suit for Captain America 2." . "

"You, who are you exactly?" Bartok breathlessly said.

The comer "shows" a wicked smile, "What's the name now, you can call me Smith." That's right, Wu Yang's "force".

"His, Smith? You, who are you?" Bartok breathlessly said.

"Forget it, if you want to ask what the hell, you will be merciful and make you understand a ghost." Wu Yang's face flashed green, and it changed back to its original appearance.

Bartok's eyes widened, "Wu, Wu, Wu Yang ..."

"That's right, it's Lao Tzu. It's no regret to die now, after all, it's in the hands of Lao Tzu." Wu Yang laughed.

"No, I didn't expect it to be you, really ..."


With a slight force, Wu Yang twisted Bartok's neck directly, and threw Bartok's body to the ground.

"The unnecessary nonsense need not be said, and the dead need not say too much." On Wu Yang's face, the green "color" flashed and turned into "Smith".

Wu Yang sat down in his chair. "Steve, Natasha and others are almost coming. I really look forward to seeing you again, hahaha."

From time to time, the subtle gunshots and painful screams from the "shooting" of the ship could not escape Wu Yang's ears.

Time passes by every minute, about three minutes later.


The sound of glass shattering came, and a round shield broke the glass in the captain's room, rushing towards Wu Yang's back as fast as possible.

Wu Yang didn't look back, seeing that the shield was about to hit him, one of his hands suddenly stretched back, holding the shield.

Steve broke through the glass, jumped in, looked at Wu Yang holding the shield, and frowned, this man actually caught his shield so easily.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Looking at this shield, I know that it is Captain America Steve."

"You are Bartok, that is, you hijacked the SHIELD ship and turned around." Steve cried, if usually, Steve had already gone directly to work.

Wu Yang turned slowly, "Do you look at me?"

"You are not Bartok, who are you?" Steve rushed towards Wu Yang. ..