v4 Chapter 189: Abandoned military camp (fifth)

Wu Yang took out a bottle of mineral water and walked to Natasha. "It looks like your condition is a little serious. Here."

"You don't need to control it." Natasha took Wu Yang's mineral water, filled a few mouthfuls in Yangtian, her face "color" recovered a lot.

"Well, let's go." Wu Yang walked forward.

On the road to New Jersey, a black "color" car was speeding fast. The driver was Wu Yang, and Natasha sat in the co-pilot.

Natasha smiled and said, "Captain America, when did you learn to steal a car?" It seemed that Natasha was back to normal.

"This is just basic skills. Don't make a fuss."

Natasha's brow frowned slightly. "Captain, your performance today is far beyond my imagination. I thought you were changed by someone else."

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes, yes, I was changed by others, "Is it?"

"Yes, it's almost like an elite agent. If I were a bystander, I would give you a perfect score." Natasha smiled.

"That's really a compliment."

"It feels a little different from the Captain America I know. Are you really the captain?" Natasha looked into Wu Yang's eyes.

Wu Yang resolutely said, "Like Captain America." It seems that the performance is too prominent, and Natasha is somewhat skeptical of Lao Tzu.

Natasha thought about it: "Before on the space carrier, Wu Yang's guy Yi Rong deceived us all, you won't forget this thing."

"How can I forget? Wu Yang, I must not break him to pieces." Wu Yang gritted his teeth and said with a light of hatred in his eyes. It's weird to scold yourself.

Natasha looked at Wu Yang, "Really?"

Wu Yang's face "color" changed, "Natasha, don't you doubt that I am Wu Yang?"

Natasha looked at Wu Yang's eyes. "Who knows?"

"This feeling is really sad. What I fear most is not the powerful enemy, but the mutual distrust between teammates." Wu Yang shook his head.

Natasha laughed. "Just a joke, how could I not trust you, now we are the only two of us."

Wu Yang nodded, "Thank you for your trust." You trust the wrong person. What is Lao Tzu is Wu Yang, ha ha ha ha.

Under Natasha's guidance, the car drove to an abandoned barracks in the wilderness in Witton, New Jersey.

After the two got out of the car, Wu Yang looked at the abandoned military camp in front. "Is this here?"

Natasha looked at her phone. "It's from here."

"I'm from here, too," Wu Yang said with a smile, but Steve was trained here.

"Really? How does it feel to be home?" Natasha asked.

"Very good, full of nostalgia." Wu Yang closed his eyes, "Mao" feeling, Lao Tzu is not Steve.

The two entered an abandoned military camp, and Natasha walked with her cell phone.

"It doesn't seem to be here, there is nothing, no thermal imaging, no signal, and no radio waves. The person who wrote the file should use a router to prevent others from tracking." Natasha said.

Wu Yang walked towards a dilapidated building, and Natasha followed, "What's wrong?"

"I think there is something wrong with this building. Let's go and have a look." Wu Yang said.


"Feel." Wu Yang kicked the iron gate and kicked it.

Natasha sighed. "It's really hard."

auzw.com "It's nothing but nothing." Wu Yang and Natasha walked in.

Wu Yang turned on the light switch, and the electric rod on the roof turned on.

Natasha looked around and saw a sign on the front wall, "This is where SHIELD is."

"Maybe SHIELD was established here."

The two continued to walk into a room and saw three photos on the wall, two men and one woman.

"That's Stark's father." Natasha looked at the photo in the middle.

"Howard when he was young."

Natasha looked at the picture on the right, "Who is that pretty girl?"

"Paget Carter."

"She's Peggy. She didn't expect her to be beautiful when she was young. There are many rumors about her. Captain, where did she go last?" Natasha asked.

Wu Yang smiled, "You can ask her yourself."

"How to ask? You have no technical content in this joke." Natasha shook her head.

"Maybe." Wu Yang walked forward.

Natasha followed, "I heard she was robbed by Wu Yang. Is this true?"


Natasha with a slight disdain, "I knew it was true, Wu Yang, what else can you do besides robbing a woman?"

The corner of Wu Yang's mouth rises, I will let you know what else I can do.

Wu Yang and Natasha continued to walk in front of a row of iron shelves.

"There's no way here," Natasha said.

"I think there is still a way." Wu Yang reached the middle of the iron frame and pushed one hand on the iron frame on the right.

Pushed by Wu Yang, the iron shelf moved aside, and an elevator appeared in the eyes of the two.

"Captain, you are right." Natasha walked over and scanned the password input device next to the elevator with her mobile phone. "Well, the password is known."

Natasha pressed a few numbers, the elevator door opened, and the two entered.

Wu Yang and Natasha walked through the elevator to the lowest floor. The door of the elevator opened and Wu Yang and Natasha went out. This was a dark room.

Wu Yang and Natasha looked around and walked to the middle. The lights above turned on, and they saw the surroundings clearly.

There are antique computers and cameras everywhere, giving people a feeling of the sixties and seventies.

"The data source can't be here, it's all antiques here," Natasha smiled.

Wu Yang walked to a modern port. "This is not an old antique."

"Indeed, someone came here." Natasha frowned.

"Now is the time to witness the miracle." Wu Yang "plugged" the USB disk into the port.

With the "plug-in" of the USB flash drive, all the computer hosts around it started up and made friction noises, and the largest computer display screen opened.

"Are you starting the system?" Text appears on the computer display.

Natasha walked over and smiled. "I know this, type 'yes'." Natasha hit the keyboard a few times.

The green "color" snowflakes flashed on the display, and a blurry image of the human head appeared and kept flashing. ..