v4 Chapter 196: I care about killing him (second)

Wu Yang applauded: "Gao Ming, the dead can't die again. Now that Fury is not dead, it's time for us to fight back. What do you want to do?"

"Time is running out." Fury sat up from chuang, and slowly got off chuang with the help of one person.

After getting dressed, Fury looked at several people and said, "We have to discuss and come with me."

Several people followed Fury to an office-like room, and Fury sat down and took out a picture of Pierce when he was young.

"This person refused to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. He said that peace was one thing. He said that peace was not an achievement, but a responsibility." Fury said with a bit of sarcasm.

"Bad guys are always" fascinated "and" confused ". Don't care, we must stop the spacecraft carrier from firing." Wu Yang said lightly.

"I don't think the Security Council will answer my calls anymore." Fury opened a lockbox on his desk with three crystal modules on it.

"What is this?" Natasha asked.

Hill explained: "After the spacecraft carrier rises to 3,000 meters, it will use insight satellites for three-angle positioning, and become large-scale killing" **** "weapons. We must dive into the aircraft carrier and replace the above positioning module with our my own."

Hill continued: "It is useless to replace only one or two of them. You must replace them all to connect them. Because even if there is only one aircraft carrier, many people will die."

"We must assume that Hydra are on the aircraft carrier. We must pass through their level and" plug "our module into the server. Maybe we can save ..."

Wu Yang interrupted Frey's words, "We don't save anything. Not only will we destroy the aircraft carrier, Frey, we will destroy the SHIELD."

"The SHIELD has nothing to do with this," Fury called.

"The SHIELD has been infiltrated by Hydra, right under your eyelids, but no one has been found," Wu Yang said lightly.

"I found it," Fury said.

"You found it too late. Many people were dead when you found it. SHIELD is the Hydra, so it must be defeated." Wu Yang said firmly, his sense of justice was overwhelming.

"SHIELD ..." Fury wanted to say something.

"He's right." Hill spoke.

Fury froze and looked at Hill. "You really think so."

"I think so." Hill nodded slightly.

Fury looked at Natasha. "What about you?"

"The SHIELD almost killed me. This SHIELD is not my favorite, isn't it best to destroy it?" Natasha smiled.

"Don't look at me. Whatever the captain does, I just do it, just slower than him." Sam spread his hands.

Fury sighed, "Well, so many votes against me, now it's your captain's order."

Wu Yang looked at a few people, "ok."

On the top of the abandoned dam, Wu Yang stood alone. Soon after, Hill came over.

"Soon to move," Hill said lightly. "Aren't you going to prepare?"

"I see." Wu Yang looked at Hill.

Hill stared blankly, "Captain, do you think Wu Yang will appear?"

auzw.com "Why are you asking this?" Wu Yang asked.

"Because of bad things, there will always be him. If he appears this time, our actions are likely to fail." Hill said lightly.

Wu Yang smiled, "Hill, don't be so pessimistic. Even with Wu Yang this time, we don't necessarily fail."

"That guy is very camouflaged, maybe he's right among us." Hill's fist clenched.

"It is indeed possible. Who do you think it will be?" Wu Yang asked earnestly.

Hill looked at Wu Yang's eyes. "Generally, the most unlikely people are often the most likely."

"Do you think it's me?" Wu Yang smiled.

"I don't know. Everything is just speculation."

"Then use the results."

"Captain, what kind of person do you think Wu Yang is, you have known since World War II." Hill asked.

Wu Yang smiled, "Do you care about him?"

"Care, care to kill him." Hill's eyes were complicated.

Wu Yang nodded. "So, what kind of person is Wu Yang? A demon, a murderer, a lunatic, a pervert, a heartbreaker. Everyone has their own views, but they are all bad views."

"Captain, what do you think?" Hill asked.

"What do you think of me? From the standpoint of Captain America, he is the enemy of the world and my biggest enemy. I want to kill him, and that is my idea." Wu Yang said lightly, "Fuck" I want to kill myself.

"Is that so?"

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes, "Hill, what do you think of Wu Yang?"

Hill's eyes were complicated. "I? Wait until you see him." Hill finished, and walked forward.

Wu Yang looked at Hill's back, and "Lu" smiled, "You have already seen it, I'm right in front of you. Unfortunately, you can't be sure that I am Wu Yang."

Wu Yang, Hill and Sam set off, while Natasha and Fury did what they were supposed to do.

In the SHIELD broadcasting room, the three broadcasters screamed together, and the earphones on their heads made harsh sound waves, which hurt their eardrums.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the antenna?" One said.

"Let's go and see." A man stood up and opened the door.

Wu Yang came in from the door, and Sam and Hill aimed at several broadcasters with guns. "Raise your hands."

"Captain." Several ancient broadcasters raised their hands.

Wu Yang's kindness said: "Rest assured, I won't kill you, just use your radio for one."

"Okay, okay, Captain, you use, you use ..."

Wu Yang walked over and cleared his throat. "Attention all SHIELD agents. I am Captain America."

At SHIELD, everyone at work looked up and listened to the sound of the broadcast.

"You may have heard a lot about me these days, and even some people were ordered to hunt me down, but I think it is necessary to tell you the truth. Standing next to you is the Hydra, and the killing of Nick Fury is just the beginning. ".