v4 Chapter 199: Shout out my name (fifth)

A man's voice came, "Really?"

Everyone at the scene looked at them in the voice, and saw Captain America pushed open the glass door and came in with a smile.

"Captain, aren't you replacing the carrier's module? Why are you here?" Natasha asked.

Wu Yang looked at Natasha. "It's all replaced."

Fury looked at Wu Yang, unplugged the Bluetooth headset in his ear, and asked, "Hill, have all the modules been replaced?"

"It's all replaced." Hill's voice came.

"That destroys the aircraft carrier," Fury called.

"Unable to" control ", the module is not under my control now."

"What's going on?" Frey asked.

"I don't know. I can't investigate."

Pierce laughed. "Hahaha, have you seen Fury? God is not dead, God is helping us Hydra, and the world will be ours."

Natasha frowned as she watched Wu Yang, "Captain, how did you get here from the space carrier? You can't fly, Sam didn't bring you over."

"Oh, I came by fighter plane." Wu Yang smiled.

Natasha suddenly pointed a gun at Wu Yang. "Captain, you are lying."

Wu Yang looked incomprehensible. "Natasha, why are you facing me with a gun?"

Fury also looked at Wu Yang in suspicion. "Captain, there is absolutely no problem with the module, but now it is out of control. What happened during your replacement?"

"It turned out to be" chaotic. "Pierce grinned." It seems God is helping me. "

Sam walked in, "Captain, you are here, my mission is complete. Huh? Natasha, how do you point a gun at the captain?"

Sam froze and called out, "Natasha, put down your gun."

"Captain, answer my question, what happened?" Fury called.

"I said I don't know anything, do you believe it?" Wu Yang said lightly.

"Captain, what's wrong?" Sam looked at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang shook his head. "The aircraft carrier cannot be controlled. They suspect that I have moved my hands and feet."

"It's impossible, it's impossible for the captain to do it," Sam exclaimed.

"Sam, I know you have a hard time accepting it, and I have a hard time accepting it, but there must be something wrong with the captain," Natasha said firmly.

Sam pulled out his gun and pointed at Natasha. "Tell me why."

"The captain is lying. He said he drove the plane. Where is the plane? If it is a fighter on an aircraft carrier, the platform in front cannot stop at all." Natasha said coldly.

Sam frowned. "Indeed, Captain, how did you get here?"

"What are you doing?" Hill walked in from the door, watching this scene, frowning, "Are you killing each other?"

Fury looked at Hill. "Hill, what's going on?"

"The module is locked, I can't" control "it. This kind of thing shouldn't have happened. Those modules are not a problem, so." Hill looked at Wu Yang. "Captain, did nothing happen?"

Wu Yang laughed. "It seems I'm doubting me."

"Captain, this is not to doubt you, I just want to know what happened? The module will not go wrong for no reason." Fury sternly said.

"Sir, I'm here." Rumlow ran in with a gun.

Fury's gun aimed at Rumlow. "Rumlow, you're as deep as Pierce."


"I'm really sorry, Director Fury. I have been loyal to Hydra." Rumlow slowly retreated to Pierce.

Pierce smiled. "Rumlow, it's a bit funny now. They're" chaotic "inside."

"Really?" Rumlow grinned.

"Pierce, before we settle the captain's affairs, we can settle you first," Fury said coldly.

"Of course you can, but you're a bit" messy "on your side." Pierce didn't have the slightest fear.

Another person ran in. It was Sharon, who was holding a gun. Sharon saw Wu Yang, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, "Captain."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

"I'm after that guy." Sharon pointed her finger at Rumlow.

Wu Yang walked towards the window and looked outside. "It seems everyone is here."

"Captain, don't move," Natasha called.

Sharon frowned. "Natasha, why are you pointing the captain at the gun?"

Sam whispered: "They suspect that the captain has manipulated the three space carriers."

"How is that possible? The captain cannot do that." Sharon shook her head.

"I don't believe it," Sam followed. "I believe in the captain."

Sharon looked at Fury, "Secretary, don't you trust the captain?"

"There are many problems that have not been solved. I don't believe anyone until the captain proves his innocence." Fury said.

"How can this be? The captain is absolutely impossible to hurt everyone." Sharon called.

Hill faintly said, "As an agent, keep calm anytime, anywhere, even the closest ones can doubt."

"But Captain ..." Sharon lowered her head.

Sharon suddenly raised her head. "I still can't believe the captain would do such a thing."

Wu Yang laughed. "Sharon, I'm very happy, even at this time, someone believes me like this."

"I believe you too," Sam said.

Wu Yang laughed, "In fact, something really happened on the aircraft carrier."

"What's the matter?" Fury asked.

"I have rebelled." Wu Yang spread his hands.

"Rebellion ?!"

"Don't be surprised like this, just kidding, kidding, enliven the atmosphere, the atmosphere is too tense now." Wu Yang waved his hand.

"What happened?" Fury raised his voice.

Wu Yang smiled, "Let an artificial intelligence" control "it."

"Artificial intelligence? Why are you doing this?" Fury said coldly.

"Captain ?!" Both Sam and Sharon were under attack, and the captain actually did something.

Wu Yang frowned. "Why should I do this? Because it's the end of the show here, acting is unnecessary."

"Acting? Who are you?" Hill looked at Wu Yang coldly.

Wu Yang laughed, "My hill, who am I? In fact, you already have the answer in your heart, right, come and shout out my name."

"Wu Yang !!!" ..