v4 Chapter 208: This forced (first)

The man in black landed from the air, facing away from several people in Wu Yang. The sound of killing was "Wu Yang."

Wu Yang looked at the man in black with his back on his back. "Hey, I said you haven't pretended to pretend to be" forced "? With your back to us, you can show off without showing the true features. "?"

"Wu Yang, it's useless to play tricks." A cold voice came from the man in black.

Wu Yang waved his hand. "Then you don't want to talk about it, then, don't you like to observe Lao Tzu in the dark? Why did you show up at this time?"

"Everything you have is in my grasp, it's time for you to die." The man in black said lightly.

"Just that? No other reason?" Wu Yang asked.

"The dead do not need to know too much, Wu Yang. I always thought that only the two of us were selected." The man in black said lightly.

Wu Yang's brow frowned slightly. "Selected? The two of us? They seem to be very esoteric. Although I don't understand what you are talking about, I still listen to your tone, and there is a third person."

"And you are the weakest one. In order to reduce unnecessary trouble in the future, it is the best way to solve you now."

Wu Yang shook his head. "The tone you said is really unpleasant, I'm sure I will die."

"It could have allowed you to live a little longer and bring me a little more fun, but now that there is an emergency, it doesn't matter that little fun you brought to me." People in black The voice carried a strong disdain, as if killing Wu Yang was like pinching an ant.

Wu Yang smiled lightly, "Pretend to be a" man ", do you know what I want to do now?"

"doing what?"

"One punch flattened your face." Wu Yang compared a **** to the man in black.

"You can't do it. An ant's legs are powerful, it's just an ant."

Wu Yang smiled, "You're a" forced "pretender, I will give you 100 points, I only knew in front of you, I still pretend to be" forced ".

The girls of Alice frowned. This man is really arrogant. Is it really that powerful?

"Wu Yang, the tone of his speech is really harsh." Alice said lightly.

Wu Yang nodded slightly. "People who pretend to be" forced "are generally unpleasant."

Hill, Natasha, and Sharon looked at the man in black and did not speak. This person did not put Wu Yang in his eyes at all. How strong was the strength? Can it really kill Wu Yang?

"Can't be taken lightly," said Hou after a faint light.

Wu Yang nodded slightly, "Well, I can install it to such an extent that few brushes cannot be installed."

The clothes on the man in black got up without wind. "Wu Yang, is there anything else you want to say?"

"There are many things I want to say. The first thing is, why don't you turn around? Is it more sensational to pretend to be forced?" Wu Yang asked.

auzw.com "Want me to turn around?"

"Yes, to what extent is your face so ugly that you have never dared to see anyone?" Wu Yang said loudly.

"I dare not see anyone? Haha, everyone who has seen me is dead." The man in black turned slowly.

"It turned around," Bai Hou laughed, and then his face "color" changed. "What the **** is this?"

The man in black who turned around did not allow Wu Yang to see his face, because his face was wrapped in a black "color" hood, and only two eyes could be seen.

Wu Yang gave a thumbs up. "You won, I think you must be a strong female offender. Wrapping yourself so tightly is to avoid police hunting."

"I want to see my face, only the dead. When the dead is dying, I will let him remember my face."

"It's really bad taste, how does this movie world make you feel?" Wu Yang suddenly said this.

"Are you asking this world? This is not the first world I go to." The man in black said lightly.

"Not the first one? What have you done in every world you've been to?"

"Want to" touch "my bottom? But what about telling you? Hahaha." The man in black smiled gloomily.

Wu Yang listened to this laughter. This laughter is really like a person. It is already 99% sure that he is him, but why he appeared in this world is really not scientific at all. .

"The world I visited, I have turned it into a fantasy world without any power. I have the strongest power to guide everyone, and I will be the **** of all." The man in black said loudly, The horror spread toward the surroundings.

Wu Yang grabbed Hill and Natasha, Baihou grabbed Sharon, Alice grabbed the little pepper, and several of them disappeared instantly.

Several Wu Yangs appeared in the air. Hill and Natasha pushed Wu Yang hard. Wu Yang's two hands held their waists.

"I know the situation is critical now, you are saving us, but can you not move your hands" disorderly "? Hill said coldly.

"Oh, is my hand moving in" chaos "? I'm so sorry, I'm sorry ha." Wu Yang's "apologies".

Alice looked at the ground. "If you didn't dodge just now, I'm afraid we're dead."

"It's terrible power." Baihou frowned.

On the ground, all flowers and trees were withered, yellowed and lost their vitality. The surrounding buildings were not broken and exploded, but all turned into dust and drifted with the wind.

The man in black raised his head and looked at the Wu Yang people in the air. "You escaped very quickly, but you didn't expect to kill you like this. Oh, yes, you asked me about this movie world What is your opinion? "

Wu Yang smiled, "After the white, take Hill, Alice, catch Natasha, you fly farther."

"Don't need our help?" Alice asked.

"Your safety is the greatest help to me." Wu Yang landed slowly towards the ground.

Brothers, I can only do two more today, because I have to take a leave of absence to return to my homework for subject four. Tomorrow is Monday, Thursday, and the five-chapter update will return to normal on Tuesday. This is the plan. My brothers, please believe in my character. I will never brag. I will blow it, you will hit my face. ..