v5 Chapter 11: Hermione (fifth)

"All the students in the school building meet in the castle compound, and all the students in the school building gather in the compound." The trumpet sounded in the school building.

The students in the school building moved and ran towards the stairs.

"what happened?"

"I don't know, why did you suddenly gather in the compound?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"


"Malfo, aren't we going?" Gower asked.

"No," Malfoy called.

"But if you don't go, maybe you will be punished." Crabbe said a little worried. "Malfo, maybe something interesting happened, let's take a look at it."

Malfoy thought about it, "Go on."

When the three Malfoy passed Wu Yang's room, it was correct to say that they passed through Malfoy's own room and were unfortunately taken over by Wu Yang.

Wu Yang came out of it, "What happened?" In fact, Wu Yang guessed a little. It is very likely that "sex" was caused by the three students who were fainted by moving bricks.

Wu Yang looked at the three of Malfoy, and there was a wicked smile in the corner of his mouth. He had to find someone to carry the pot, hahaha.

Looking at Wu Yang, Malfoy's three bodies were shaking, this demon.

"I, we don't know," Malfoy whispered.

"I don't know, let's take a look together." Wu Yang walked towards the front.

The three Malfoy were stiff. They would rather follow a ghost than go with Wu Yang.

"I said you three wouldn't come together?" Wu Yang whispered.

"Come, come ..." The three of Malfoy followed, Malfoy gave Crab a stern glance, knowing that he would rather stay in the dormitory.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "I said the three of you, don't be so afraid, I don't eat people."

The three Malfoy cursed Wu Yang at the same time in your heart. You are more terrible than eating people. Let's die soon.

"As long as you cooperate well and everything is fine, it depends on how you do it yourself." Wu Yang smiled very friendly.

"I, we know ..." Malfoy trembled.

The four of them left the school building and walked towards the castle compound. All the students who met on the road were Hogwarts.

Malfoy met the three people he didn't want to see right now, and lowered his head. Both Gore and Crabbe's dogs also bowed their heads.

The combination of the beautiful girl and two "Sao" years is walking.

"Sao" years with light red "color" hair said: "What's wrong with you? No one provokes you like someone owes you money."

"Don't bother me, I'm fine." The beautiful whistle girl cried, deep in her eyes, her fists clenched.

Wearing glasses, with a strange scar on his forehead, "Sao" said, "What's going on?"

"I feel like I'm sick. I didn't take the" medicine. "

The beautiful whistle girl cried, "You didn't take the" medicine ", what do you know?" The beautiful whistle girl thought of the previous thing, which was a burst of fire and anger, why did she encounter such a thing.

Sao Nian, with pale red hair, said, "Look, isn't that Malfoy? Why are there palms on my face?"

auzw.com "It's not just him. Gore looks like he's crying." Glasses "Sao" said.

"It looks like it was beaten by someone." The glamour of "Sao" Nian with pale red "color" hair, "It really deserves it, who made them toe up in their usual days."

The beautiful whistle girl looked at the three Malfoy, and revealed a hint of pleasure in her eyes. Before that, she was not insulted by the three Malfoy people. "That's right, they deserve it."

Malfoy couldn't help but walked towards the three beautiful women. "What are you talking about? You muddy."

Mud species is an insulting word for "sex". It is a name given to students from pure wizarding families and to students from ordinary families.

The beautiful whistle woman couldn't help it, and the tears of qi came out, biting her teeth, "Who do you say?"

"I said ..." Malfoy said no more, and put a hand on his head.

Wu Yang "touched" Malfoy's hair. "Malfo, is this your attitude towards your classmates? Not yet apologize immediately like Hermione."

Yes, these three are Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione.

The three Hermione froze and looked at Wu Yang. Who is this person? It turned out that Malfoy apologized to Hermione.

Hermione looked at Wu Yang and frowned slightly. It seems that this person has seen her somewhere.

"Let me give this mud ..." Malfoy's eyes flashed with pain.

Wu Yang's hand used a little strength and smiled, "Malfo, please don't let me say it again?"

"I see, sorry." Malfoy lowered his head and said stiffly.

The Harry Potter and the three of them were completely stunned. The arrogant and arrogant Malfoy, who was usually apologetic, apologized. This is unscientific, right?

Wu Yang patted Malfoy's head. "You did a good job, so that's right, let's go."

Malfoy bowed his head and walked forward, and Gower and Crabbe followed.

Wu Yang glanced at Hermione, and "Lu" smiled a little, and walked towards the front.

"Wait." Hermione called.

Wu Yang asked, "Is there anything?"

"thank you."

"This is what it should be." Wu Yang looked like a good student.

"Have we met before?" Hermione asked, frowning.

"Have you seen that?" Wu Yang's eyes flashed with strong evil intentions. "Have we seen this before?"

Wu Yang walked towards the front and did see it, in the girl's dormitory.

Wu Yang can now be sure that the girl he saw changing clothes in the dormitory was Hermione. Obviously, Hermione didn't recognize him. Interesting!

"It feels like I've seen it." Hermione looked at Wu Yang's back.

"Who is he? Great, Malfoy bowed his head." Ron looked incredible.

Halibo nodded characteristically. "I have never seen Malfoy like that. Who is that student? I have never seen it before."

"I said don't bother you anymore. They didn't help at all and watched me bullied." Hermione ran forward.

"She's definitely not normal today," Ron called.

Harry Potter said, "Don't say it, it's all gone, let's go to the compound."

In the courtyard of the castle, the students formed a large circle. In the center of the circle stood Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and three trembling students. ..