v5 Chapter 21: Shapeshifter (second)

Wu Yang followed Malfoy and Crabbe to the place where Lems Lupin taught.

In Wu Yang's impression, Remus Lupin was a good friend of Harry Potter's father. Lupin was not a human, but a werewolf.

The students were soaked in the classroom, and there was a large cabinet in front of it, and the cabinet was swinging back and forth, as if there was something in it.

Lupin walked among the students. "Is it interesting? Can someone tell me, what's in it?"

"A monster," said a student.

Lu Ping nodded. "That's right, it's a ghost. Can anyone tell me what it looks like?"

"No one knows." A voice came.

Ron looked at Hermione next to him. "When did you come here?"

Hermione ignored Ron and went on to say, "Ghosts can change their appearance, they will become the most feared thing in everyone's heart, so ..."

"So it's terrible, yes, that's right. Fortunately, there is a simple magic that can expel the ghosts. Now let's experiment and don't use a wand." Lupin said.

"Follow me now, Letty Cures."

"Lady Cures."

"Very well, speak a little louder and be accurate, Letty Cures."

"Lady Cures."

"It's the easiest. It's your laughter that ends a monster. You have to force a monster to look like you think it's funny. Neville, can you help me? Don't be shy, come up. "Lupin pointed at the students.

A somewhat shy male student stepped up, Lupin asked, "Neville, what are you most afraid of?"

"Professor Snape."

Hearing this, all the students laughed.

Lupin smiled and said, "Okay, Professor Snape is scary. You are living with your grandmother" milk "and" milk ", right?"

"Yes, I don't want that thing to become her."

"Rest assured, no, you have to imagine the clothes your grandmother is wearing, clearly portrayed in your mind."

Neville nodded. "I see, she has ..."

"You just have to imagine, you don't need to say it." Lupin whispered to Neville, "Imagine the scene of Professor Snape wearing your grandmother's clothes."

"So it's started." Lu Ping pointed his wand at the cabinet, and the cabinet door opened.

The psychedelic monster, who had become Snape, came out of the cabinet with a gloomy face.

Looking at "Snape" who came, Neville was frightened, remembered what Lupin said, took the wand out, and pointed at "Snape," "Lady Cures."

"Snape" changed her clothes into a colorful aunty suit, holding a red "color" tote in her hand.

"Hahaha, hahaha ..." The students laughed.

"It's so exciting, very interesting, next." Lupin called.

The students played one by one, the ghosts became spiders for a while, and snakes for a while, but they all turned into a funny thing.

It was Wu Yang, and a dog in front was biting his own tail in a circle.

"Wu Yang, are you ready?" Lu Ping asked.

auzw.com Wu Yang nodded. "Ready, professor."

Where the dog is still in a circle, nothing has changed.

"What's going on? Why doesn't it become what he fears the most?" The students were confused and confused.

Hermione whispered, "Is this really unscientific? Doesn't he have anything to fear? It's impossible."

"I think it's quite possible, Wu Yang is very powerful." Ron looked surprised, "Well worthy of Wu Yang."

Lu Ping looked at Wu Yang. "Wu Yang, don't you have anything to fear?"

"What is fear?" Wu Yang smiled.

"It's what scares you."

Wu Yang thought for a while and thought, "What scares me? This doesn't seem to be there." It's enough to prevent Lao Tzu from doing everything.

Lu Ping laughed. "Hahaha, Wu Yang, you make me look good. There is nothing to fear. You don't need magic, you can break the illusion."

Wu Yang stretched out his hand and waved his palm. The metamorphosis began to change, from a dog to a pig, from a pig to a snake, an elephant, a tiger, a rabbit ...

Everyone was surprised to see this scene, "It's amazing, it's really amazing."

"He didn't use a magic wand, that's great."

"It's not just that he didn't use a wand, he didn't say a spell."

Ron shook his head. "It's too dangling. It can be done without a wand."

"It's absolutely deceiving." Hermione shook her head.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Don't be surprised, you all can do it."

Lu Ping frowned slightly. "You can do this without magic wands, but few people."

"Is that so? I always thought that everyone could do what I did." Wu Yang looked like he did not expect.

Lu Ping looked at Wu Yang. "Wu Yang, I heard that you have only recently enrolled in school, and you can achieve this level. Genius is like this."

"Professor, don't praise me like this, I can't help but praise." Wu Yang smiled.

The envious and admiring gaze turned to Wu Yang one after another, and they also wanted to be praised as geniuses.

"Hermione, did you hear that? Wu Yang is a genius." Ron was proud of himself, as if he had been praised as a genius.

Hermione snorted coldly, and she was very unconvinced, but she couldn't do it if she wanted to be like Wu Yang.

"he is my friend."

"You vanity guy," Hermione scolded.

Lu Ping clapped his palm. "Wu Yang, I am looking forward to your future realization. Let us applaud Wu Yang now."

"Okay," Ron called, clenching his palms vigorously.

Most of the students clapped their palms. In their opinion, Wu Yang was really powerful.

Hermione looked around and whispered, "What's so great about these grasses."

Malfoy said to Crabbe: "Seeing that guy is proud, I can't stand it anymore. I want to tell my father that I will pay him a heavy price."

"Malfoy, I support your decision, and teach that guy fiercely." Crab agrees.

Malfoy "Lu" smiled, "My father will be here in another week." ..