v5 Chapter 24: Winning the game (first)

"Hala!" Wu Yang roared and threw the ghost flying ball in his hand.

"Go in, go in, Wu Yang pitches, Slytherin scores 10 points."

Slytherin's players grabbed the ghost flying through the box, "Wu Yang, catch the ball."

Wu Yang jumped out of the broom and caught the ghost flying ball from the air.

"Ah ..." Wu Yang roared, and suddenly dropped the ghost flying ball in his hand when he was falling.

"Wu Yang is falling. Will he land? Can his goal be scored? But one thing is that Wu Yang is handsome now." The announcer shouted.

"It won't let you succeed." A Gryffindor player flew to the front of the frame, preparing to block Wu Yang from pitching to play.

"Look, it looks like Wu Yang's ball will be blocked ..."


"Ah ..." A screaming sound came out, and now the Gryffindor player blocked by his hands in front of the ball frame was blown away by the ghost flying ball.

The ghost flying ball hit the body of the Gryffindor player fiercely, blasting the Gryffindor player into the ball frame, the player's body passed through, and the ghost flying ball naturally passed the ball frame.

"This ..." The announcer looked silly and didn't know what to say.

Dumbledore and a group of professors stood up from their seats and looked at everything in shock.

There was a second of silence in the audience, and then a fierce burst broke out.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, there was a screaming sound.

When Wu Yang was about to land, he landed on a broom that flew up, flew up into the sky, raised his arm, and raised a finger.

"Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang ..." the howling voice boiled.

The announcer reacted and shouted, "This is a really hot ball. Even people have scored in the frame. It is too violent. How much strength does this require? Slytherin 10 points!"

"This ball will be recorded in the history of the Hogwarts Quidditch game." Dumbledore "touched" his beard.

The other professors nodded their heads. "Yeah, I have never seen such a violent goal. Wu Yang's paper is amazing."

"Um." Dumbledore nodded.

It was quite right that Snape's somber face squeezed out a smile and let Wu Yang participate in the game.

"Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang ..."

"It's a bunker, it's a bunker, have you seen Hermione?" Ron yelled excitedly.

Hermione shouted, "See, it's amazing."

"Um? Hermione, don't you get used to Wu Yang?" Ron asked.

Hermione said indifferently: "That, that is unpleasant to see him, but his Quidditch is really good, I am a public and private person, to admit him."

"It's Wu Yang again, it's in again, Slytherin has 10 points."

"Slytherin 10 points."

"Slytherin 10 points."



"Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang ..." The only audience left was yelling at Wu Yang.

"Slytherin is 60 points ahead of Gryffindor, but who will eventually die, it is unknown, as long as the Gryffindor catcher catches the gold" color "flying thief, then it will reverse." Yelling.

The gold "color" flying thief appeared, and appeared around Harry Potter, flashing fast.

Harry Potter started chasing, as long as he grabbed the thing, Gryffindor could add 150 points and the game was over.

"Harry Potter, Gryffindor's catcher, is pursuing a gold thief. Can he succeed? Will Slytherin's catcher Wu Yang give him a chance?" The announcer shouted loudly. .

Wu Yang stood on the broom, watching Harry Potter chasing the gold "color" flying thief, "Lu" gave a hint of evil smile, "Just give you a hint of hope first."

Malfoy pulled his stomach in the toilet, and his face "colored" came out pale. Since last night, he has been diarrhea, and he has almost pulled him out.

"Abominable." Malfoy "moped" towards the door, but "moped" was empty.

"Broom, what about my broom? Crabbe, come in." Malfoy yelled.

Crabble ran over. "What's wrong?"

"Where is my broom?"

"Broom? I don't know." Crabbe shook his head.

"Have anyone been here?"

"I think about it, I think of it, I saw Wu Yang come." Crabbe said.

"Damn." Malfoy yelled, "It must be that he has taken my broom, we are going to the Quidditch arena, my father is there, and today I must make Wu Yang pay a heavy price."

Malfoy and Crabble ran to the Quidditch arena, watching the boiling audience, and a loud rhythmic shout to "Wu Yang".

"Abominable, it's all about me," Malfoy said angrily.

"Malfoy, look, your father is in that stand." Crabbe pointed to a stand.

"Let's get over." Malfoy ran quickly towards the front, pushing away the students, "Get out, get out."

In the arena, Harry Potter quickly chased the gold "color" flying thief, grasping one hand towards the front, and the distance from the gold "color" flying thief was getting closer and closer, only a short distance away.

"Look, Harry Potter, Gryffindor's catcher, is about to catch the golden scorpion. Is this going to be reversed? Is it to be reversed?" The announcer shouted.

The Gryffindor students all shouted, "Come on, come on, come on ..."

Slytherin students, along with students from other colleges supporting Wu Yang, yelled, "Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang ..."

Harry Potter smiled, and he was about to catch it.

"Harry Potter, with me here, you can only fail." Wu Yang roared, jumped off the broom, and leaped in the direction of Harry Potter.

Harry Potter yelled, and quickly grabbed the gold "color" flying thief. He must not let Wu Yang take the lead.

Harry Potter's hand touched the gold scorpion, but one hand reached out at the same time.

Wu Yang brushed past Harry Potter and fell towards the ground.

"It happened too quickly just now, who grabbed the gold" color "flying thief? Wu Yang? Harry Potter?" The announcer shouted.

Wu Yang flipped in the air, fell at a rapid speed, and landed on the ground, kneeling on the ground with one knee, one hand supporting the ground.

All the students watched nervously. What happened just now was too fast, and they couldn't see clearly, who had been caught by the gold "color" flying thief? ..