v5 Chapter 29: King of evil spirits (first)

Wu Yang only felt that his arm was stiff, and his arm turned into a "color" of rock and soil. This is petrochemical. Rock and soil were spreading along Wu Yang's body, and soon, half of Wu Yang's body was petrified.

"Wu Yang, you will die after all." Lucius looked resentful.

Rock and soil has spread over half of Wu Yang's body, so that the students who are just cheering have all calmed down. Will they be killed when they live?

Wu Yang was completely petrified and turned into a gray "color" statue.

"Wu Yang, you have been petrified. I see how you can live now, let me die forever." Lucius screamed a little madly.

"Lao Huang" Mao, "what you think is so beautiful." Wu Yang's voice came out of the statue.

Lucius' face "colored" changed dramatically. "You, you have petrified, how can you still speak?"

"Petrochemical? This kind of thing just wants to petrify me, and you despise Wu Yang too much." Wu Yang's body quickly recovered to normal, and the rock and soil on his body faded quickly.

"This, this is impossible, impossible." Lucius stepped back.

Everyone exclaimed. The petrified curse, which was extremely poisonous just now. There is no special magic "medicine" to heal. There is no way to recover.

"Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang ..." I don't know who took the lead and shouted, and then the audience shouted again.

Hagrid, who was sitting on the pitch, laughed, "This kid, he's a monster."

"I feel the same way, more than genius, in the eyes of others, it is a monster." Lu Ping laughed.

Wu Yang pointed his finger towards Lucius, and said loudly, "Lao Tzu likes to hit those who think he is superior. I have a hundred ways to make you die, but you can't help it."

Listening to this domineering side leak and Wu Yangxian's pose, the girls in the audience only felt that their heartbeat accelerated, and Wu Yang's figure became taller in their eyes.

Hermione took a deep breath. He jumped a moment ago, and she felt that Wu Yang was handsome at the moment. It must be an illusion. This is not true.

"Hermione, your face is so red." Ron looked at Hermione's face.

Hermione covered her face with her hands, her face did get a little hot, "No, no, don't talk nonsense."

"It's definitely there, but it's not just you. It feels like the women around you are flushing." Ron looked at the girls around him, "touched" his head with his hands, and looked doubt".

In another stand, Ginny put her hand on Xiong's mouth, and her heartbeat was beating very fast just now. Ginny "touched" and "touched" her face with her hands, her face was hot.

Ginny shook her head. "Harry Potter is the best." Harry Potter saved Ginny's life.

"What a joke, Wu Yang." Lucius madly said, his hair was "chaotic", "I can't lose in your hands."

"Oh, I will let you know that I never talk empty words." Wu Yang walked towards Lucius.

auzw.com "Don't come, don't come." Lucius yelled, pointing his wand towards Wu Yang. "I want you to break your bones."

Wu Yang's pupils changed, turning into a blade of wind.

A stream of air stopped in front of Wu Yang, Wu Yang stretched out a hand, and the air flow circled around Wu Yang's hand.

"Powder broken bones? It's a very interesting word. If this airflow enters my body, can it make me powder broken bones?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

Lucius shook his head. "Impossible, impossible."

"What's impossible, isn't it just holding your spell power in your hands? Do you want it?" Wu Yang 『Lu』 gave out a cruel smile, “It's very interesting to crush the bones.”

Lupin frowned in the distance. "The airflow in Wu Yang's hand is the powder and bone broken mantra. It is beyond imagination to be able to grasp the magic power of the spell in this hand."

Dumbledore nodded his head, "I hope he can use his power correctly, I do not know if it is a blessing or a curse."

There was a flash of fear in Lucius's eyes, and he yelled, "Wu Yang, I will not lose, I will not lose. I want you to see my strongest black magic, I let you die."

Wu Yang waved at Lucius, "Then let me see."

Lucius yelled, "Wu Yang, you will regret it. Today I will let you die without burial place."

"Don't bb, let me see how powerful your magic is that I have no place to die, otherwise I'm afraid you won't have a chance." Wu Yang said lightly.

Lucius slashed the blood on his wrist with a knife, and the blood splattered, Lucius uttered incomparably: "Things darker than darkness, things darker than the night, the great King of Darkness, I petition you here, and I swear to you here, I will give them destruction for all the stupid things that stand in front of me. Come out, King of Evil Spirits. "

Lucius pointed his magic wand at the sky, and the bright red "color" light "shot" toward the sky. The sky became dark, and the dark "color" clouds gathered in the sky.

Everyone looked up and looked at the darkened sky. "Heaven, it's getting dark."

Various screams came down from the sky, which made many students tremble, and it was scary.

The black mists "shot" from the sky and gathered together to form a black mist cluster about ten meters high. Two blood-red "colors" of light "shot" from the black mist cluster.

The students looked nervously at the black mist group, "This, what is this?"

The black mist slowly dissipated and a huge black "color" skeleton appeared. He was still wearing steel armor, holding a large knife made of bone in his hand, and the blood "color" glowed in his eyes.

"What a big skeleton." A lot of young girls were scared. It was really disgusting.

Lucius panted, his face was pale, and summoning the Lord of Evil Spirits consumed all his magic power.

"Boy, you are dead. The Lord of Evil Spirits will tear you to pieces and devour your flesh. I will use your blood to sacrifice it."

"Roar, roar ..." The evil king waved the bone knife in his hand and made a scream of utter screaming.

Looking at this horrible monster, everyone has a cold sweat for Wu Yang. In the face of such a monster, can Wu Yang win? ..