v5 Chapter 31: Shame (third)

The dazzling red light slowly dissipated, and everyone saw the scene on the scene.

The melted steel armor was transformed into fresh water, and the turf on the pitch was damaged. The skeleton of the evil king was burned into ashes, and drifted with the wind.

Everyone was stunned, expressing their opinions one after another.

"It's really amazing."

"Hang up."

"Too strong, is this just a teenager about us?"

"Think about it. I don't even know how to ride a broom right now."

"Don't be ashamed, we are the same as you."


Lucius yelled, "King of evil spirits, impossible, this is absolutely impossible, all of this is false."

"Lucius, you shouldn't be against me. If you can recognize the nature of your silly" force "before, all this will not happen. Of course, there is no if in this world, I have already given you a back road . "Wu Yang landed from the air.

"I won't lose." Lucius yelled.

Wu Yang shook his head, "Look at what you are like now, what kind of face do you say this kind of thing. Well, I give you a chance, you can call everyone you know, as long as they are willing to help you , I don't mind playing with you for a while. "

"Wu Yang." Lucius said coldly, this kind of humiliation was never only given to others, but now someone came to humiliate him.

Wu Yang said loudly: "Students and professors present, who are you willing to help Lao Huang" Mao "? If you like, please come to the field."

"No." The students present shouted in unison, and the professors looked like they had nothing to do with hanging themselves.

"What a joke, I don't want to compete with Wu Yang, you will be killed."

"Yes, it is."

"Help the old Huang Mao, his brain is broken."

"Wu Yang, you did a good job and support you."


Wu Yang said with a smile: "If any of you are really willing to help Lao Huang" Mao ", rest assured that I won't take a heavy hand."

"Anyone like to help him," Hermione shouted.

Wu Yang looked at Hermione. "Hermione, I think you're right."

Immediately everyone's eyes were looking at Hermione, all kinds of gaze, such as suspicion, jealousy, guessing, curiosity, Hermione obviously couldn't stand it, and lowered his head.

Many girls looked at Hermione jealously.

"Wu Yang actually called her name in front of so many people and talked to her."

"I was in a bad mood for a moment. What's so great about Hermione, Xiong is so small."

"I really want to be called by Wu Yang in front of so many people."

"What is the relationship between Hermione and Wu Yang?"

"Wu Yang will definitely not look after him."

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Ron said enviously: "Hermione, I envy you so much."

"Are you mentally impaired? What envy does this have," Hermione cried angrily.

"Isn't this enviable? With so many people, Wu Yang just called your name, and agrees with what you say, how face-saving it is," Ron called.

Hermione thought for a while, but it seemed to be the case, but she said, "I don't care, who wants that guy to call me."

On the field.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Lao Huang," Have you heard? Do you have no friends and no one who respects you in this school? "

Wu Yang put one hand on his forehead. "It is unthinkable that one person can hate everyone. From this point of view, Lao Huang's" Mao "you are very bullish."

"Ah, stop," Lucius said loudly.

Wu Yang spread his hand. "I can't live, how can you bear me? I seem to have forgotten someone, your son Malfoy, others will not help you, your son will not abandon you.

"Malfo is there." The stands in the stands pointed in one direction. "He's running, he's about to run off the pitch."

Wu Yang yelled, "Don't run, Xiaohuang" Mao ", your old man" Lao Huang "is still here, you run, what should he do?"

Hearing Wu Yang's voice, Malfoy trembled with his feet crooked, fell to the ground, and rolled over. Regardless of the pain, Malfoy, who fell down, quickly got up and ran again.

"Hahaha, hahahaha ..." There was a loud laugh at the audience.

Lucius said gloomily: "This useless thing."

"How can you say your own son like this? It's not your fault that he is like this. Long Shenglong, Feng Shengfeng, the mouse's son will punch holes." Wu Yang laughed.

Lucius looked resentful. "Wu Yang, no one has ever given me such a great disgrace."

"That's really embarrassing."

"Wu Yang, the shame you gave me, I will make you pay back ten times and hundred times, and I will let you, hey ..."

Wu Yang appeared in front of Lucius in an instant, and a hand suddenly gripped Lucius's neck and lifted him.

"Did you make a mistake? Now is your last time, do you think you have any future?" Wu Yang said coldly.

Lucius was constantly struggling, his face "red" flushed, breathing, unable to breathe, so uncomfortable, "Wu, Wu Yang ..."

"Don't talk, enjoy the process of death, you offend people who shouldn't offend, remember my name, Wu Yang!" Wu Yang's palm was slightly hard.

Lucius's eyes were a little protruding, he was constantly struggling, but the slightest effect, "Ah, oh, let go, let go ..."

"Do you mean to let you go?" Wu Yang "dew" a smile of demon.

Lucius nodded hard, "Yes, yes, I, but, I can give you, money, money ..."

"Hahaha." Wu Yang laughed. "Money? Lao Huang" Mao ", for your humorous sake, it won't make you die so painfully."

"Wu Yang, wait." Dumbledore and McGonagall walked over.

Wu Yang said lightly: "Professor Dumbledore, it is a duel of life and death, you are not suitable to intervene."

Dumbledore nodded. "Wu Yang, I know. Can I ask you something?"

"What is it? As long as it doesn't let me put this old Huang" hair, "I can think about it." Wu Yang laughed.

Dumbledore looked at Wu Yang, "I hope you let him go." ..