v5 Chapter 33: Qiu Zhang (fifth)

Hermione looked at Wu Yang awkwardly. Wu Yang's move surprised her, "You, did you tear it up?"

Wu Yang said lightly: "Tear it, isn't this normal?"

"Wu Yang can't, isn't your dozen love letters torn up?" Ron called.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Not all of them."

Hermione's expression really looked like this, "I know, you must have left a lot, you must have left the love letter of the beautiful girl, ugly ruined."

"Some were torn, some were thrown away directly, some were burned, and some were given to other boys." Wu Yang spread his hands, "I did n’t leave one."

Ron shook his head. "No."

"You can't believe I can't help it." Wu Yang looked helpless.

Hermione said unbelievably, "Why did you do this?"

"Because I don't have this interest, I only do it for those who are interested." Wu Yangxie smiled and looked at Hermione.

Hermione twitched a little and called out, "I don't understand what you're talking about, anyway, in my eyes, you are a" color "man."

"Don't understand?" Wu Yang put a hand on Hermione's chin.

"You, what are you doing?" Hermione called, but did not slap Wu Yang's hand away.

Wu Yang reached Hermione's ear and smiled evilly, "You will understand."

Hermione took a few steps back one after another, "" Color "," Color "Lang, you ..."

Wu Yang turned around and walked towards the front. "See you next time."

"See you next time, see you next time." Ron waved his hand.

Hermione grumbled, and looked dissatisfied. "What, this" color "man."

"Hermione, your face is so red." Ron pointed at Hermione's face.

Hermione covered her face with her hands. "Ron, don't talk nonsense, no."

Harry Potter, who had not spoken, said, "Hermione, you seem to care about Wu Yang."

"Who, who cares, that guy has nothing to do with me, and I don't care at all. Harry, you don't have to be like Ron, the nerves." Hermione walked quickly toward the front.

"Who, who has the nerves," Ron cried. "It's obviously that she sees Wu Yang herself, and she's not normal. She talks about us."

Harry Potter smiled. "Wu Yang is very popular now."

"Of course it's popular. Girls see him as honey as bees. Boys also want to stab him and think I don't know the reason? They are fancy about Wu Yang's future, Wu Yang is so powerful now, It must be amazing. "Ron looked disdainful.

"Ron, then you are lucky. Wu Yang is your friend."

Ron looked up. "You're right, I'm so lucky that I became friends with Wu Yang."

Harry Potter thought for a while: "Ron, I don't think Wu Yang is too close. I always feel that he is hiding something from us."

"Harry, what do you say, everyone has a secret, or someone who is as powerful as Wu Yang, don't think too much."


It was already winter, and heavy snow was falling, covering the forest and ground with a thick layer of white snow.

auzw.com Hogsmeade Village is a pure wizarding village near Hogwarts School of Magic. The school stipulates that only third and third grade students can go there on certain Saturdays It must be signed by the guardian.

Today is a specific Saturday, and all students in grades 3 and above who have signed the guardian's sign are happy to go to Hogsmeade Village.

"It's a pity, Harry didn't get the signature of the guardian." Two men in thick clothes walking in the snow, Ron and Hermione.

Hermione reluctantly said, "That is also no way out. His aunt's family is too bad for him."

"If this is the case, Wu Yang can't come, I heard he has no family."

Hermione shouted, "Don't presume the" color "man in front of me."

"Che, don't mention it, how many girls are mentioning him, they are all thinking about how to get closer with Wu Yang."

"What does that guy do to get closer?" Hermione dismissed.

"Hermione, you are so embarrassed. Wu Yang will become a very powerful person in the future. If a girl marries him, she will become a respected wife in the future." Ron smiled.

Hermione's face changed, "You said marry him?"

"Is there a problem?"

"I, I won't let anyone marry him," Hermione called.


"No why? No reason."

Ron looked at the front. "One man and one woman in front, the man looks like Wu Yang."

"What are you talking about?" Hermione looked towards the front. The back really looked like Wu Yang. Was it really that guy?

Hermione ran forward, and Ron called out, "Hermione, wait for me."

Wu Yang is walking with a beautiful woman who looks similar to the Tianchao people. This young girl is called Qiu Zhang, a descendant of Chinese descent, very girly.

In Wu Yang's memory, Qiu Zhang was Harry Potter's first girlfriend, but the two were not together at the end.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Autumn Zhang, I really didn't expect it. I didn't expect to meet Chinese people here."

"This is probably a fate, just call me Qiu." Qiu Zhang smiled.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Is this really okay?"

"Of course."

"I hope I won't be beaten, after all, you are so popular." In Wu Yang's impression, Qiu Zhang was a golfer for the Quidditch team at Ravenclaw College and was very popular.

Qiu Zhang smiled slightly. "Wu Yang, you laughed, you are really welcome. The girl papers I know are talking about you."

"It's all fake names. In fact, I don't like being famous. It's so annoying." Wu Yang looked distressed.

Qiu Zhanggang wanted to say something, and a snowball hit her head, "Ah ..."

Wu Yang and Qiu Zhang turned their heads and looked back. Wu Yang smiled and said, "Hermione."

"That embarrassment, I hit you, I smashed the wrong person." Although Hermione was embarrassed, there was no embarrassment on her face.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "In other words, are you trying to hit me?"

Hermione walked quickly towards Wu Yang, took Wu Yang's hand, and ran towards the front, "Wu Yang, come here for me, ah ..."

Hermione's feet slipped, pulling Wu Yang down, tripping Qiu Zhang, and the three fell together, making Wu Yang feel refreshed. ..