v5 Chapter 35: I thought you liked me (second more)

"Ah ..." Hermione fell, and Wu Yang pressed somehow.

Hermione's soft white snow was under him, and Wu Yang's under her body was her soft body.

There was a strong evil in Wu Yang's eyes, and it seemed that I would have to ride Hermione anyway today, and it felt very good.

"Ah ..." Hermione screamed, "Remove your hand."

Wu Yang's face was suspicious. "What's wrong with my hand?" Wu Yang's hand squeezed a few times, very soft.

Hermione's face was "red" flushed, and her body trembled. "You, don't pinch it, bastard, I want to kill you."

Wu Yang looked at it and pinched it on Hermione's xiong. Although not big, it was still very soft. "Sorry, I'm really sorry."

"Not yet." Hermione yelled "red", her face flushed.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "I've said sorry already."

"Sorry just fine? Take it away, I'll kill you." Hermione cried.

"Reluctant to take it."

"Then you die, I want to turn you into a mouse." Hermione "touched" the wand out of nowhere, and said a word of the bird, the wand poked on Wu Yang's arm.

Hermione shouted, "Wu Yang, you" color "man, become a mouse."

Wu Yang remained the same, and did not become a mouse. "Hermione, it looks like your magic is not working."

"How can this happen?" Hermione called.

"Your magic is far worse than that, so it's useless to me, understand?"

"Damn." Hermione looked unwilling.

Wu Yang raised a brow. "Hermione, as long as you answer my question honestly, I will let you go and do nothing to you."

"Huh, I won't give in."

"If you have bones, then take your first wen away." Wu Yang's big mouth moved towards Hermione's Xiaozui.

Hermione's eyes widened, watching Wu Yang's big mouth moving over, "You, don't you think ..."

"Then don't you cooperate?"

"What's the problem?" Hermione called.

Wu Yang regretted, "If you continue to be strong, I can feel at ease and kiss, really disappointed."

"You, Se, Lang, stop talking nonsense, talk about your problem."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Hermione, why do you always make me so mean? Stop me and other girls?"

"Because you are a bitch, I want to save other girls into your claws, how many times do you want me to say?"

"Nothing else?"

"Of course not, well, I already answered, let me go," Hermione called.

"I thought you liked me, it seems that I am narcissistic." Wu Yang shook his head.

After hearing this, Hermione screamed in a panic, "How, how can you be not only a" color "man, but a narcissist, me, I will never like you guy."

Wu Yang nodded. "I see, then goodbye."

Wu Yang stood up expressionlessly and walked towards the front.

auzw.com Hermione stood up and stared at Wu Yang's back. This guy just left like this. Why is the mood so low? Damn, hate ...

Hermione ran over and blocked Wu Yang. "You, you guy, just want to go like this?"

"Otherwise, what do you want?" Wu Yang said lightly, without even looking at Hermione.

Hermione was panicked and "chaotic", "You, you bullied me, just want to forget it?"

"Sorry!" Wu Yang bypassed Hermione and continued to walk forward.

Hermione shouted, "Is that sorry to solve it?"

Wu Yang did not speak, and continued to walk.

A moment of grievance in Hermione's mind turned her body. "Wu Yang, you bastard, just because I said I don't like you? You stingy guy, I won't ignore you anymore."

"Hahaha ..." Wu Yang laughed nervously.

"What are you laughing at?" Hermione said indignantly.

Wu Yang turned around. "Hermione, I was just pretending."

Hermione froze. "Pretend ?!"

"Yeah, I want to see how you react. Your response makes me very satisfied." Wu Yang came to Hermione.

Hermione felt only a volcano erupting in her heart. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I don't want to be a strong female offender." Wu Yang said solemnly.

Wu Yang used to like to be strong. He never had a serious relationship, although as a villain, he really didn't need anything. But this time Wu Yang wanted to change a trick, and it is exactly what he was like when he was "Sao", so fall in love once again.

"What did you say?" Hermione thought she had heard it wrong, and she heard the words of a strong girl committing a crime.

Wu Yangxie said with a smile: "I mean, I want to use your reaction to see if you don't care. As a result, you care a lot."

"Damn, you lied to me." Hermione was angry.

"Isn't it great?"

"No, Wu Yang, I don't care, I don't care at all, you have nothing to do with me." Wu Yang hurriedly ran towards the front.

Wu Yang said loudly, "Hermione, I forgot to tell you something."

"I don't listen."

"Your figure is great. Xiong is a bit small, but I believe you will grow bigger and bigger."

Hermione stopped, "Wu Yang, what are you talking about?"

"I have seen it."

Hermione's body trembled a bit, and she seemed to understand something. "Have you seen it? You said you've seen it, it really is you, Wu Yang, it was you who broke into the dormitory that day."

Hermione immediately turned her body, gritted her teeth and said, "Wu Yang, you thief kui, pervert, man, man?"

Hermione looked around, but could not see the trace of Wu Yang. "Did ..."

Hermione raised her head and looked towards the sky, and it turned out that Wu Yang's animal was flying.

"Wu Yang, come down for me." Hermione ran up. "I must make you pay a heavy price."

"You can fly if you have the ability." Wu Yang laughed loudly. It's good to live this kind of life occasionally, but it can only happen occasionally. If you don't do some bad things, Wu Yang will feel itchy hands. After all, he is not a good person by nature.

Tomorrow is National Day. Brothers are happy National Day, okay, I am hypocritical. Holiday is the happiest thing. National Day is everything. Those brothers who came back from school, please enjoy yourself.

In addition, I'm really sorry, I can only change two today, brothers, please forgive Shahe! ..