v5 Chapter 42: Thanks Hermione (second more)

Wu Yang said with a smile: "I have done so many good things, who should return it?"

Hermione glared at Wu Yang, "I, I just ..."

"Kiss me?"

"Just, that's what it means. You are not content yet, do you know how valuable it is?" Hermione called.

"How precious?"

Hermione lowered her head and said, "This is me, my first time, my first time kissing someone ..."

"It looks terrible." Wu Yang nodded.

Hermione suddenly raised her head and shouted at Wu Yang: "You'll be content, you" color "man."

"Contentment, contentment, contentment, after all, you said so." Wu Yang "touched" and "touched" where Hermione had kissed before. "I don't plan to wash my face tonight, I want this feeling. "

Hermione cursed, "You disgusting guy."

"Nausea is disgusting." Wu Yang held Hermione in a hug.

"What are you doing?" Hermione called.

"It's just to save people." Wu Yang placed Hermione on the back of the Eagle Horse, then he jumped up and hugged Hermione's waist.

"Ah ..." Hermione screamed, and the horse and horse flew up.

Wu Yang drove the eagle and horse in the direction of the Dark Tower. Above the Dark Tower, there was a cage, and Sirius Black was locked in it.

Black looked at the two. "You are Hermione, who are you?"

"Come to save you." Wu Yang said lightly, stepped forward and kicked the door.

Sirius came out of it, "Hermione, Harry?"

"He should be in the hospital now, and can't come over, Sirius. Come on, leave here," Hermione said immediately.

Black nodded. "I see. Tell Harry that I will contact him."

"I know, I will tell him." Hermione nodded.

"Well, can this eagle be lent me?" Blake asked.

Hermione looked at Wu Yang. "You ..."

"Here you are, the Eagle Horse cannot be seen by the people in the school. If you see it, it will die. Otherwise, it will be better by your side." Wu Yang said lightly.

"Lady, thank you." Sirius rode on the back of Eagle Horse.

"No thanks, it's always given back to you," Wu Yang said lightly.

"Goodbye then." Sirius flew away on an eagle.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. "What to do, we've all done it, we're going back now. How high are we going down?"

"You forgot, I can fly." Wu Yang came to Hermione with a princess hug, and then jumped from the top floor.

"Ah ..." Hermione hugged Wu Yang's neck tightly, screaming constantly.

Wu Yang shouted, "Oh oh oh, isn't it great?"

"You lunatic." Hermione's tears startled.

Wu Yang landed gently on the ground. "Okay, don't cry, it's on the ground."

Hermione trembled and looked at Wu Yang. "Crazy, you are a lunatic."


auzw.com The school's big bell made a sound of a pendulum impact.

Hearing this voice, Hermione's face "colored" changed, "Let me down."

Wu Yang put Hermione down and said with a smile, "Go back quickly, otherwise it's too late."

"What about you?" Hermione looked at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang said indifferently: "The person who uses the time rotator is you, so it does not affect me in any way. Hurry back to the medical room."

Hermione nodded, ran two steps, suddenly stopped her body, turned and ran to Wu Yang's face, holding Wu Yang's face with her hands, and quickly kissing Wu Yang's face.

After kissing, Hermione ran quickly, "Don't think too much, just, just thank you."

Wu Yang uttered a wicked smile, "This chick is not honest."

Because Lupin became a werewolf, he did not know who was taken out. In order not to cause panic, Lupin quit his professorship at the school and left Hogwarts.

"Are you looking for anything? Harry Potter." Wu Yang was lying on the grass by the lake, looking relaxed.

Harry Potter looked at Wu Yang. "Thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Wu Yang asked.

"I heard Hermione say, you saved me and Sirius, without you ..."

Wu Yang waved his hand, "Don't say it's so serious, it's just a whim, don't thank me now, maybe you will curse me later."

"No." Harry Potter shook his head. "Wu Yang, I really appreciate you."

"I know."

"If you need anything from me, I will definitely do it," Harry Potter said firmly.

"Ok, what about Hermione?"

Harry Potter's gaze looked in one direction. It was a big rock, where a man was hiding.

Wu Yang called out, "Hermione, what are you doing now since you're here?"

"Who is hiding." Hermione stepped out from behind the rock.

Wu Yang sat up. "Hermione, why do you tell others about this?"

"I only told Harry, isn't that a bad thing? Why can't I say that?" Hermione looked unconvinced.

"You said it. I did good things silently, wouldn't it be known? This is not my style." Wu Yang shook his head.

Harry Potter immediately said, "Wu Yang, don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"You hypocrite, you want to let others know." Hermione despised.

Ron ran over from the front. "Hey, you're all here, really, don't call me."

"Ron, I heard your leg was bitten. Are you okay now?" Wu Yang asked.

Ron looked moved. "Wu Yang, I didn't expect you to care about me like this, and he was cured."

"Isn't it important to care about you, that's what I say." Wu Yang stood up.

Hermione looked at Wu Yang in dissatisfaction and muttered in a low voice: hypocritical guy.

"This school year is coming to an end. It will be a holiday soon." Wu Yang came to say this.

Ron said excitedly: "This holiday is fun, there is the Quidditch World Cup, this is our grandest sports event for wizards."

"Don't even think about playing. Take the final exam first. If it doesn't work well, you can repeat it." Hermione said.

Hearing this, Ron immediately languished. "It's the most annoying to take an exam. Why should there be an exam."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Ron, roar, go **** exam." ..