v5 Chapter 45: Countercurrent blood (fifth)

Wu Yang, Hermione, Harry Potter, and Ron all stopped and looked at Ginny, "It's too late, we'll attack this dragon with magic."

Hermione, Harry Potter, and Ron all took out their wands, "attack him with lightning magic."

On the three wands, thunder and lightning were issued together, and they struck the wild dragon running wild.

Hit, but the current did not affect the dragon much, it can be said to be ignored.

"The dragon is very immune to magic," Harry Potter called.

"What do you do now?" Hermione was sweating on her head, "Ginny, run away."

Ginny backwards on the ground, her eyes full of fear, watching the wild dragon running over.

"Roar ..." The wild dragon ran over and waved a paw at Ginny.

"Ah ..." Ginny closed her eyes with a scream.

The severe pain in the imagination did not come, Ginny slowly opened her eyes and looked at the figure standing in front of him, "Wu Yang ..."

"Wu Yang!" Hermione yelled.

The wild dragon's claws stopped at a distance of twenty centimeters from Wu Yang, but were still slowly moving forward.

"Ha ..." Wu Yang yelled continuously, exerting the power of the existing ideas on his body to the utmost, but the power of the dragon could not be resisted casually.

Wu Yang barely controlled the dragon's huge body, but he knew that it would not last for a few seconds.

"Ginny, go quickly," Wu Yang shouted.

Ginny panicked "chaotically" and ran towards the Hermione.

"Roar ..." The wild dragon roared, his mouth opened, and a fiery flame "shot" at Wu Yanghong.

"Ah ..." Wu Yang shouted, his body trembling, and parting out the power of controlling the wild dragon's body, to stop the flames from spraying.

The flame stopped one meter away from Wu Yang.

"Roar ..." The wild dragon roared, and the claw that could not move broke away from the power of thought, and suddenly split on Wu Yang's body.

"Ah ..." Wu Yang roared in pain, was blown out, knocked down several large trees one after another, fell to the ground, and rolled over a dozen laps before stopping.

"Wu Yang." Hermione and Ginny yelled and ran towards Wu Yang.

"Roar!" Wild Dragon Yangtian roared and walked towards Wu Yang's position.

Harry Potter cried, "Ron, we have to get rid of this dragon, otherwise the three of them would be in danger."

"The two of us lead it away?" Ron exclaimed.

Harry Potter picked up a stone from the ground, threw it at the wild dragon, and smashed it onto the wild dragon's back.

"Roar ..." The wild dragon roared, looking at Harry Potter and Ron.

auzw.com "Let's run." Harry Potter yelled.

"Harry, I hate you," Ron yelled.

Hermione and Ginny ran to Wu Yang's face, and saw that Wu Yang's shoulders to the abdomen had a deep claw mark on the bone, and blood ran wild through it, staining the ground red.

"Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang, wake up, wake up ..." Hermione and Ginny squatted down, yelling constantly.

Ginny's tears flowed, "It's all because of me, Wu Yang, you wake up, otherwise I'll feel guilty all my life, Wu Yang ..."

"Fool, you fool, you're waking up, wicked ..." Hermione yelled, two tears flowing from her eyes, "Wu Yang, please, please wake up, you want to occupy me Cheap, I will let you take it. "

Wu Yang's blood "liquid" flowing out of her body glowed with purple "color" light spots, and each purple "color" light spot was swimming rapidly.

Ginny found this, "Her, Hermione, look at it, what's going on with Wu Yang's blood?"

"Blood"? "Hermione looked at it." Light purple dots? "

"Blood [liquid], blood [liquid] flows back!" Ginny's eyes widened.

I saw that the blood "liquid" that Wu Yang ran out went against the current and quickly returned to the wound. The blood "liquid" immersed in the soil also leaked out and returned to Wu Yang's body.

Eventually, all the blood [liquid] flowed back into the wound. After all the blood [liquid] returned, he began to heal quickly. In just a few seconds, the huge claw mark was completely gone. Already.

Ginny and Hermione "rubbed" and "rubbed" their eyes at the same time, thinking that they had read it wrong, "This, isn't this true?"

"It's so good," said Ginny.

Hermione's eyes flashed a surprise, and she wiped her tears. "Although I don't know what's going on? But, is it OK for Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang, wake up soon."

In the "liquid" of Wu Yang's blood, the light spots emitting purple "color" light are merged with another part of the purple "color" light point. It is true that these purple "color" light points are t cells.

The part of the blood "liquid" that flowed out of the body was originally in a stable body environment, and it suddenly flowed out, changed an environment. This mutation awakened the t cells in this part of the blood "liquid".

In this part of the awake t-cell, the first thing is to return to Wu Yang ’s body again, so the blood “liquid” that flows out goes back again; the second thing is to fight with Wu Yang in the battle with Lucius The awake t-cells meet.

Wu Yang's eyes suddenly broke away, and her pupils changed from one blade to two blades.

"Wu Yang, you're awake." Ginny hugged Wu Yang's neck and burst into tears with excitement again. "Great, great, I thought, I thought ..."

Hermione opened her hands, where was the stiffness. She was going to hug Wu Yang's neck. She was preempted by Ginny. The excitement disappeared instantly.

Wu Yang sat up, holding Ginny's waist with one hand, and patting Ginny's back with one hand. "I'm fine, I'm fine, don't cry, it won't be beautiful if you cry again."

Ginny cried even more, "Woohoo, I, I ..."

Wu Yang's hand changed from patting to fumbling, "Well, am I okay? Why are you crying?"

Hermione couldn't bear it anymore, and ripped apart Wu Yang and Ginny. "How long are you two holding?"

"Me, I'm just too happy ..." Ginny lowered her head.

Hermione stood upset. "Harry and Ron are still being chased by the dragon. Let's go find them, hope they're fine, and go."

Wu Yang stood up, took Ginny's hand, held Hermione's hand again, and flew up. ..