v5 Chapter 47: Eat 20 tons in one meal (second more)

All four of Hermione looked at Wu Yang doubtfully, "Why?"

"Because I'm a low-key person, I don't want to be known about this kind of thing, that would disturb my normal life." Wu Yang's face was almost engraved with two words: low-key.

Ron shouted, "I'm not mistaken, I'm not mistaken. What a great chance to become famous, or a big chance to stir the magic world, you, should you waste it?"

"Ron, don't treat everyone else like you, Wu Yang is not the kind of person who admires vanity." Ginny looked at Wu Yang's eyes, something strange.

Halibo nodded, "Well, we should respect Wu Yang's thoughts. Don't talk about it."

"I just feel bad, since Wu Yang doesn't want others to know, then we won't say it." Ron said with regret.

Hermione looked at Wu Yang, with a strange glow in her eyes. "Wu Yang, I can't believe it until now, you killed this dragon."

"Really?" Wu Yang laughed.

"The dragon's body is full of treasure, but in order to show his respect for the dragon, it is not allowed to sell the dragon's body," Hermione said.

Wu Yang smiled. "Since the body is full of treasures and the dragon is hard to kill, the underground trading must be crazy."

"Yes, I heard that a drop of dragon's blood is ten gold coins, and other places are even more valuable. A hundred grams of dragon horn is worth 10,000 gold coins, and there is still no price."

Several looked at the dead wild dragon's gaze, "It's too valuable."

"So many people go to slaughter wild dragons, but they are often overwhelmed by the army. It is too difficult to kill a dragon." Hermione shook her head.

Ron looked at the dragon's blood that was flowing all over the place and shouted, "It's a waste, this blood is all money. I seem to see a golden mountain."

Hermione despised: "Ron, do you want to sell dragons? If you are known by the Ministry of Magic, you will be waiting for life imprisonment in Akazban prison. Dementors will take care of them every day your."

Ron's body froze. "This, let's forget about this."

"This is indeed a golden mountain, but for me, money or something is just a number." Wu Yang waved his hand. "So selling the dragon has no meaning at all."

"Then what do you want to do? Wu Yang, why don't we bury this dragon." Ginny's kindness broke out.

"Buried, it's a shame." Wu Yang shook his head.

Hermione asked, "You sell dragons again. What are you going to do?"

"Of course I ate it, dragon meat. I have never eaten this thing before. How can this be done?" Wu Yang wiped his mouth.

"Eating dragon meat?" The four of Hermione exclaimed.

"Wu Yang, you, aren't you kidding me?" Ron asked.

"I Wu Yang never joked." Wu Yang said earnestly.

Ginny whispered, "Eat dragon meat? So, is this really good? If it is found, we must be interrogated."

"Yes, Wu Yang is not a trivial matter," Hermione said.

Wu Yang swayed his hand, "In the opinion of a woman, killing is killed. What is terrible to eat?"

"You ..." Hermione stared at Wu Yang in dissatisfaction.

Wu Yang said lightly, "If you don't want to eat, you can go now."

"I stay, I want to eat with Wu Yang." Ginny said weakly.

auzw.com Ron nodded. "I also want to try the taste of dragon meat."

"I would have died without Wu Yang. In that case, I should bear it together," Harry Potter said.

Hermione shook her head. "You are crazy."

"Hermione, are you afraid?" Wu Yang asked.

"Huh, I'm scared? Too underestimated me." Hermione's arrogance came up.

"Then stay." Wu Yang said undeniably.

"Stay and stay."

Ron looked worried at the dead wild dragon. "But how can such a big guy eat it?"

"Cut into pieces and grill with flame magic." Wu Yang flew up, his pupils becoming two wind blades.

More than a dozen sharp air flows across the body of the wild dragon, cutting the wild dragon into pieces.

"It's amazing," Ron called.

"Next is the barbecue." Wu Yang sighed, raised one hand, and a fireball quickly formed.

The flames burned on the wild dragons that were cut into pieces. As the fire grilled, the flavours of the meat emanated, but several people in Ron could not help but swallowed, as if they were delicious.

After half an hour.

Wu Yang yelled, "I'm going to eat, I'm going to eat, don't hesitate to come here."

Ron's mouth filled with oil. "It's so delicious, it's great."

"Eating dragon meat can increase the magic power of the magician, increase immunity to magic, and increase physical strength." Hermione said as she ate.

"It's really delicious, I feel full of strength in my body," Harry Potter said.

Ginny was also satisfied, "Dragon meat is really delicious."

Wu Yang held a roasting dragon arm that was more than one meter long, and he kept whispering where he said, "It tastes very good.

In the end, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Harry Potter all snored and couldn't stop them.

"Wu Yang, how can you still eat it?" Ron called.

Around Wu Yang there were only bones on the ground, big and small bones were almost piled into a mountain.

"You are beyond the reach of pigs." Hermione shook her head.

"The average person can only eat two or three kilograms at a meal. So how much fat can humans eat? How much can Wu Yang eat while eating."

"This twenty kilos is almost there," Hermione frowned, seeming uncertain.

"Is it twenty kilos? What about ten times more than this fat man?" Wu Yang laughed.

"I know, 200 kilograms," Ron said immediately.

"Stupid, 20 kilograms tripled, how could it be 120 kilograms, 40 percent doubled, 80 doubled, 160 tripled ... 1280 kilograms ... 20480 kilograms." Hermione's simple Calculation.

Wu Yang nodded. "Almost, I can eat so much at most."

Hermione's eyes widened, and the boss with open mouth was even more shocked than Wu Yang killed the dragon. "20480 kg, this is 20 tons! Can you eat 20 tons in one meal? Don't make a joke?" ..