v5 Chapter 58: Cast a net (fourth more)

Wu Yang waved to Victor Krum. "I see. You can go. There is nothing for you here."

"what did you say?"

"Your ears are okay, I said there is nothing for you here, you can find a place to play with fun." Wu Yang turned her eyes to Hermione.

Victor Krum said a little bit angry: "Wu Yang, what do you mean?"

Wu Yang said lightly: "It's verbal."

"Wu Yang, I'm inviting Miss Hermione as my dance partner, and she hasn't answered me yet," Victor Krum said loudly.

Wu Yang smiled, "She won't agree."

"Wu Yang, why do you help me make a decision, you have a dance partner, and you can control my business?" Hermione called.

Victor Krum looked at Wu Yang, "Did you hear? Miss Granger doesn't need you to control it, Miss Granger, do you agree to be my dance partner?"

"I ..." Hermione glanced at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang frowned slightly. "Hermione, I have decided for you. If you don't comply, I will be very disappointed."

"Damn, you ..." Hermione looked at Wu Yang, took a deep breath, closed her mouth and stopped talking. Abominable, abominable, should resist this guy.

"Krum, you can go." Wu Yang said lightly.

"Wu Yang, I know you're great, but you don't want to bully people too much," Crum said.

Wu Yang turned around and grabbed Krum's neck with one hand. He lifted Krum and said ruthlessly: "How do you deceive me? I've said to you several times. You want to die, I don't mind giving you a ride. "

Krumm's hands tried to force Wu Yang's hand around his neck to open, and his feet struggled hard, but it had no effect at all.

"Don't test my patience, otherwise you don't know how to die," Wu Yang said lightly. "Killing you is not much different from pinching an ant."

"Hmm ..." Krum's face "colored" flushed, and breathing became more and more difficult.

"Wu Yang, you will kill him," Hermione called.

Wu Yang let go of his hand, and Krum fell to the ground like mud. He covered his throat with both hands and kept coughing.

"Three seconds, disappeared in front of me." Wu Yang said lightly.

Krumm struggled to stand up, glanced at Wu Yang, and stumbled towards the front.

"Well, Hermione, it's just us two." Wu Yang raised a brow at Hermione.

"I don't want to see you, you go to your dance partner." Hermione turned to leave.

Wu Yang pulled Hermione into her arms. "Where are you going?"

"Let me go, you let me go, don't touch me." Hermione cried, struggling.

"Listen to me, or you won't leave today."

"Why are you?" Hermione had a strong grievance in her eyes. "You are so abominable, I don't want to see you."

"But I want to see you, Hermione, what about being my dance partner?" Wu Yang whispered in Hermione's ear.

Hermione's body stiffened, and she said, "What are you talking about?"

"Be my dance partner."

"Are you playing with me? You already have a partner."

"I didn't, that was just an excuse for me to refuse others."

A strong surprise flashed in Hermione's eyes. "You, are you telling the truth?"


"Of course it is true. Do I have to lie to you?"

"Too, that's great," Hermione said with a little excitement, and then she felt that she was going too far, pretending to be calm, "I, I'm not happy."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Are you still angry?"

"I've never been angry, why should I be angry." Hermione quibbled.

"Then say so, be my dance partner." Wu Yang said undeniably, let go of Hermione after speaking, took a sip on Hermione's mouth, and walked quickly toward the front.

Hermione shouted, "You horrible" se "Lang, I, I don't agree to be your dance partner ..."

Hermione "touched" and "touched" her mouth with her hand, her face flushed, "" Sir "Lang, hee hee ..." Hermione couldn't help laughing, her heart was like a cheering deer, a few days of depression Swept away.

Qiu Zhang walked alone, with a thoughtful look, and said to himself, "He has a dance partner."

"Autumn." A voice came and awakened Qiu Zhang who was thinking.

Qiu Zhang looked at the people and squeezed a smile, "Digory, it's you."

"What did you seem to say?" Cedric Diggory asked.

Qiu Zhang's eyes flashed a panic "chaos", "No, you heard it wrong."

"Maybe yes, Qiu, be my dance partner." Cedric Diggory smiled.

"Be your dance partner?"

Diggry froze, "Is there any problem? There is no problem between us."

Qiu Zhang had no reason to decline, and was ready to agree, "I ..."

"Autumn." Another voice came over.

Hearing this voice, Qiu Zhang's body trembled a bit, looking down the voice, "Wu Yang."

"What are you doing here?" Dighory frowned.

Wu Yang ignored Digorly directly and said to Qiu Zhang: "It's me. You seem to have something on your mind. I'm happy to help others share the troubles. Tell me."

The disregarded Diego, a little angry: "Autumn matters, you do not have to" care "."

"Shut up, please? I speak to Qiu and have nothing to do with you." Wu Yang looked at Diggory.

Diggry smiled angrily. "It doesn't matter to me? She is my girlfriend."

"Your girlfriend? What do you want to show by this? From now on, it won't be."

"Why are you?" Dighory exclaimed.

Wu Yang smiled, "Just because I'm Wu Yang."

"It's ridiculous, Qiu, let's go and ignore this guy." Diggory was going to pull Qiu Zhang's hand. To be honest, he had never pulled Qiu Zhang's hand.

Qiu Zhang looked at Digori's hand, avoided it subconsciously, and glanced at Wu Yang. "Wu, Wu Yang, are you coming to see me?"

"Is it all right?" Wu Yangxie smiled.


Diggry cried, "Cut, don't tell him."

"But I do have something for you today, Qiu, be my dance partner." Wu Yang's face was sincere, but his evil intentions continued.

Qiu Zhang paused, "What are you talking about?"

"What a joke?" Diggry yelled. ..