v5 Chapter 62: Young people just play (fourth more)

Ron's eyes widened and his heartbeat accelerated. "That's, is it Hermione? She, why, how can it be so beautiful, this is impossible."

"Is that Ginny?" Harry Potter shouted.

Wu Yang looked at it, and revealed a wicked smile. "The three lords are here today. What will happen next?" Isn't it "forced" like the guideline said.

Both Ginny and Hermione saw Wu Yang, flashing joy in their eyes, and walked towards Wu Yang.

"Wu Yang." Ginny could not help but shouted softly.

"Wu Yang." Hermione couldn't help but shout.

The two women walked to Wu Yang's side together, all with a shyness and joy of a young girl. Today Wu Yang doesn't look handsome.

Wu Yang looked at the second daughter and smiled, "You are here. Your clothes are very suitable for you. They are beautiful."

"Thank you," both Hermione and Ginny said shyly.

"Where is Hermione (Ginny) your partner? My partner is Wu Yang." Hermione and Ginny said to each other.

After hearing this, everyone around them was shocked. Why are their dancing partners Wu Yang?

Qiu Zhangyan stopped, and their two dance partners were both Wu Yang. What happened?

"Wu Yang?" Hermione, Ginny, and Qiu Zhang all looked at Wu Yang. "What's going on? Isn't your dance partner me?"

The male "Sao" was stunned and talked for years, "Are they all Wu Wu's dance partners? This is too exaggerated."

"No, this is not an exaggeration, it is too enviable."


Wu Yang looked at the three beautiful expressions full of doubts and confusion. Ginny gave a fresh beauty, Hermione gave a noble beauty, Qiu Zhang gave a graceful beauty, three Beautiful sentry girl, three kinds of beauty.

"I know you're sleepy and confused, but I still want to say that the three of you are my dance partners." Wu Yang was full of evil.

"What did you say?" The three women said together.

Hermione took a deep breath. "Wu Yang, are you kidding me?"

"No, this is not a joke. You three, if anyone wants to quit now, I will not stop, but since then I have nothing to do with Wu Yang." Wu Yang said lightly, but his tone was strong and domineering .


Wu Yang continued: "If I don't quit now, I will tell you all my secrets, and then you will make a decision." Of course, no matter how you decide, it is impossible to change the nature of being robbed.

Ginny nodded. "Wu Yang, I see. I won't quit."

"I don't quit, you" forced "me to do so many things, you said everything to you." Qiu Zhang looked at Wu Yang's eyes.

Hermione glanced at Ginny and Qiu Zhang, "You two, **** me, I won't quit." Hermione's idea was that if she quit, Qiu Zhang and Ginny would be cheaper.

Guiyang's voice sounded in Wu Yang's mind, "It's worthy to be the boss, so it's easy to solve, the cow is" forced. "

The old woman, McGonagall, came over to Wu Yang and said, "Wu Yang, finally found you. Are you ready with your dance partner? By the way, Harry, you will pass too."

"Professor, what?" Harry Potter asked.

"Dancing, this is the old rule. There are three champions, now there are five of them. The first to enter the field to dance, you two should go in quickly. Why didn't you come here, Gregory is late." Hurrying away.


Hearing the three words of Digori, Wu Yang "shadows" a wicked smile, I'm afraid Digori is not coming today.

Harry Potter glanced at Qiu Zhang and took one of the Indian sisters away. Ron glanced at Hermione and led the other Indian sister away.

Hermione looked at Wu Yang. "We have three people now. What do you want to do?"

"Of course they are together." Wu Yang held Hermione by the left hand and Qiu Zhang by the right hand. "Ginny, hold my right arm."

Ginny held Wu Yang's right arm a little shyly, and was very close to Qiu Zhang. After all, one shook hands and one held his wrists.

"So, three beautiful ladies, let's go."

There were no more people around, they all entered the lobby.

This pair of four members of Wu Yang slowly walked to the gate of silver "color". There were several pairs standing here, Krum, Harry, and Furong, but did not see Diego.

Krum looked at the four-man group of Wu Yang, and he froze for a moment, his eyes became cold.

Harry's eyes were glancing at Qiu Zhang from time to time.

The woman Furong glanced at Wu Yang with a hint of surprise in her eyes. What's the situation, a man, three women?

The door of silver "color" slowly opened, and Krum took the lead in, followed by Furong, and then Harry.

The young girls "Sao" standing on both sides applauded.

Seeing the four Wu Yangs who walked in last, everyone's eyes flashed with surprise and puzzlement, their mouths widened, and their hands ready to slap stopped. what's going on?

Feeling the strange and puzzled eyes around her, the three daughters of Hermione bowed their heads embarrassedly. They were all Wu Yang guys.

McGonagall looked away, "What's the situation? Why did Wu Yang bring three people?"

"Young people just play, don't worry about them, let them do it themselves." Dumbledore next to him smiled and shook his head.

Wu Yang came to the middle, stopped his footsteps, and said loudly, "I know you are very sleepy and" confusing ", but I just want to ask you a word, am I handsome Yang Wu?

"Handsome!" Everyone cried out.

"The three girls around me, are they pretty?"


Wu Yang shouted, "Where's the applause?"

"Oh oh oh ..." The applause rang.

Hermione, Qiu Zhang, and Ginny all smiled. "That shameful thought was swept away. What about the four together?

Wu Yang continued to walk forward and walked to the dance floor with her three daughters.

"How are you going to dance? Are the three together?" Hermione whispered.

"Isn't it interesting to have the three together?" Wu Yang laughed.

The others looked at Wu Yang. They wanted to see what Wu Yang did. How do I jump with three people?

The ceremonial sounds sounded, and several of Krum and their respective dance partners were beating slowly.

"Beginning, as long as we cooperate with each other, then it is not a problem." Wu Yang's eyes flashed a wave of fluctuation. ..