v6 Chapter 20: Shipping (third more)

Wu Yang's breathing was a little heavy, and there was a strong evil in his eyes, and his mouth was blocked on Giselle's mouth, blocking Giselle's words back.

"Hmm ..." Giselle's eyes widened. She didn't expect Wu Yang to go straight to the base.

With one hand, Wu Yang held Giselle's head tightly and squeezed Giselle's body tightly, leaving Giselle immobilized and accepting all of this.

Wu Yang kissed Gisele unscrupulously. This situation is quite normal in a bar such as the bar.

Wu Yang let go of Giselle's mouth, and said with evil words: "Jisel, loosen your teeth."

Giselle gasped. "So, Tom, we can't do that, hurry up, let me go ..."

"It's all this time, what can't be said, Giselle."

Giselle looked into Wu Yang's eyes, "You, do you think of me as such a casual woman?"

"How could I think of you as a casual woman, I would only think of you as a goddess."

"You, how did you treat the goddess?"

"I like to pull the goddess off the horse and savagely profane." Wu Yang sighed in Giselle's ear.

"Yeah, hate ..."

Wu Yang kissed Giselle again, this time the offensive was even more severe, leaving Giselle unable to resist at all.

"No, no ..." When Wu Yang's hand "touched" Giselle's xiong department, Giselle suddenly opened his eyes, and he didn't know where he came from, and pushed **** Got Wu Yang's body.

Wu Yang took a step backwards and looked at Giselle full of wickedness. "Why, is the goddess dissatisfied?"

Giselle stared at Wu Yang with an angry look, panting, "You, you rotten man ..." Then he pushed Wu Yang again, and quickly ran into the crowd.

Wu Yang looked at the back of Giselle's rapid departure, and "Lu" smiled with a wicked smile. "Just run away like this, but it's not like your style Giselle." In Wu Yang's impression, Giselle It's the kind of bold woman.


Wu Yang's GPS in the car rang, Wu Yang took the GPS, and a circuit diagram appeared on it.

"It's finally about to start." Wu Yang drove his car and followed the route on the GPS to a warehouse.

With four cars already in the warehouse, Campos wore a pair of sunglasses and stood in front of seven or eight people with a large truck on one side.

Wu Yang looked aside, and Dom was sitting in a car.

Campos nodded at the person next to him. Four people approached Wu Yang and began to inspect Wu Yang, Dom, and the other two's cars.

"no problem."

Campos "Lu" smiled, and hooked toward the big truck next to it. The container on the big truck opened the back door, and the back door slowly dropped to the ground.

"You all drive in." Campos waved at Wu Yangren.

After all four vehicles were driven into the container, the big truck started and drove out of the warehouse.

In the dimly lit container, Wu Yang turned on the lights, and the other two dragon riders asked: "You said, where did they take us?"

"It doesn't matter where you take it, what's important is that you can get money. Isn't it our life to change your money in this business?" Wu Yang laughed.


"Brother, that's right, as long as you can get money."

Wu Yang and the two sets of drivers were talking nonsense, only Dom didn't say a word.

I don't know how long it took, the big truck stopped, the door at the back opened, and a cry came out, "Everyone drives the car out, drives it out."

The four of Wu Yang drove the car out of the container and the four got out of the car. This is also a warehouse.

"Welcome to Mexico, boys." Giselle walked over with a few people.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Is this the border between Mexico and the United States?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Giselle glanced at Wu Yang.

"No problem, no problem." Wu Yang looked at Giselle's xiong, and said with some regrets: "It looks like I'm wearing it, it's a pity."

There was a hint of shame in Giselle's eyes, "Tom, do you want to be blind?"

"I don't want to."

"Helicopters and surveillance cameras scan the heat signals at the border, but there are blind spots. I can guide you through the border through satellites. I must not make mistakes, so you must follow the instructions. Is there anything wrong?" Giselle said lightly.

While Giselle was talking, several people had already carried the boxes and put them in the trunk of Wu Yang and Dom. Needless to say, they were all drugs.

"I think Phoenix is ​​there," Dom said.

"He's waiting for you outside," Giselle replied.

Giselle took out the GPS and made a few keys on it. "Okay, everyone is in sync. Good luck."

Giselle walked towards the front and whispered, "Don't die," as he passed Wu Yang's side.

Wu Yang raised a brow and didn't speak. Looking at Giselle's back, this figure was really speechless.

In the dark night, four cars were driving fast in the sand at the US-Mexico border.

"Keep this speed to the northern border, Phoenix will take you across the border." Giselle's voice sounded in each car.

A car sprang up from the side of the four cars and drove quickly to the front, the black man in Phoenix.

Looking at the car, Dom's eyes flashed a sense of restraint.

Five people continued to drive, and in front of it was a stone mountain. Suddenly, a stone gate that was no different from the stone opened, and an underground tunnel appeared. Phoenix passed the stone gate first, followed by Dom and Wu Yang ...

"They sent a helicopter, you have to hurry, 30 seconds." Giselle's voice sounded in the car. Helicopters were sent by natural US border defenders.

"The window is going to close soon, where are you going to leave before they send ground troops."

"There are 15 seconds left."

"You're out of time, hurry up."

Phoenix passed the exit first, and as the last car passed, the amphibole door closed.

Five cars drove into a gorge. Under Phoenix's leadership, they came to a flat mountain, where more than a dozen people answered.

Four people from Wu Yang stopped the car. After ten people came to the carriage, they carried out the goods and transported them towards a black chassis with a black face. ..