v6 Chapter 28: Brian's death (first)

"Where are you going?" Mia and Giselle watched Wu Yang preparing to get on the bus and stopped Wu Yang together.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "You're staying here, waiting for me to come back."

"Are you going to find Campos? Where are you going to the US-Mexico border, right?" Giselle looked at Wu Yang's eyes with an affirmative tone.

Wu Yang nodded. "Yes."

"Bring me," Giselle said firmly. "I want revenge on that guy in Campos."

Mia followed, "I want to go with me, too. I don't want to wait here for you alone, always worried, Wu Yang, I want to go with you."

"Bring us, we won't be your burden," Mia and Giselle said together.

Wu Yang looked at the second daughter and smiled, "I understand, let us go together."

"Great." Mia hugged Wu Yang and kissed Wu Yang.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Get in the car."

On the way.

Giselle looked at Mia with curiosity. "Mia, how did you and Wu Yang meet?"

Mia said angrily: "One day, I was driving on the road, and this bad guy hit my car. I kindly rescued him. When he woke up, he threatened and insulted me. I really regret died."

"Do you regret it? I didn't see it." Giselle smiled.

"Don't care about this, even more hateful, he finally kidnapped me and was strong ..." Mia couldn't go on.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "The strong girl did it."

Giselle sweated secretly, "Your relationship is really complicated, Mia, I don't understand. For a strong woman who does you, why do you seem to love him so much, and you have a strong woman to have a relationship ?"

"I don't love him. I hate him. I want to kill him. That's it." Mia lowered her head, her eyes dodging a little.

"Oh?" Giselle obviously didn't believe. "Who did you lie to?"

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Gisel, Mia is like this, what she says and what she thinks are completely different, but what she thinks, you know."

"Abominable." Mia called to Wu Yang.


On the sand along the border between Mexico and the United States, at this moment a crazy sand pursuit is underway. More than 20 vehicles are chasing two cars, rolling up a large area of ​​dust.

The two vehicles chased in front were Dom and Brian driving in. That's right, Dom and Brian went to Campos's nest, located in the small town of Decalli near the Mexican border, and captured Campos.

In Brian's car, the captured Campos sat in the co-pilot and said arrogantly: "Give up, I would advise you to stop obediently. I am God here and no one can move me."

"Shut up." Brian yelled at Campos.

"Your guts are so big that they came here, but your guts won't save you." Campos continued bb.

Bang bang ...

More than 20 vehicles chasing behind were fired, and the bullets "chaotically" flew.

Dom yelled, "Brian, follow me. There is a hidden tunnel in front of you. Crossing this tunnel is America."

"I see, you show the way." Brian yelled.


"Tunnel? Do you really know where the tunnel is?" Campos smiled, looking at the rocky mountains in front of him.

Dome was expressionless, without a word, stepping on the accelerator, the car was racing at high speed, and rammed toward the stone mountain in front.


A stone gate integrated with Shishan was suddenly smashed, and "Lu" came out of a hole, and Dom's car drove in.

"I remember this location." Campos' eyes were cold.

Brian drove in, followed by more than twenty vehicles, one after the other, driving in, and playing a big pursuit in the tunnel. How many cars will be left in the end?

At the other end of the tunnel, Brian, carrying Campos, rushed out of the tunnel and headed forward.

Suddenly a car burst out from the side and crashed into Brian's car.

Brian's don't get knocked over, and after rolling around on the ground, he stopped rolling.

The hitting car was moving backwards, stopping for more than ten meters.

"Ah, ah ..." Brian struggled to climb out of the door and looked forward.

Brian's eyes widened, he raised his gun and yelled, "Wu Yang."

That's right, it's Wu Yang. Wu Yang sat in the driver's seat and smiled, "Mia, I need to do one thing now."

Mia looked at Brian in front and looked at Wu Yang again. "Did you want to ..."

Bang bang ...

Angry Brian shot fiercely at Wu Yang, who was sitting in the driver's seat.

The windshield of the car was shot through the holes, Mia called, and fell down.

Wu Yang yelled, stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove towards the position of Brian like a tiger.

Brian was going to leave there, and he would be hit if he didn't run again, but just after taking a step, Brian made a loud call and almost fell down, only to see the blood on his ankle.

Brian looked towards the front, his eyes widened, with the color of panic, too late to avoid, here ...


With a loud crash, Brian's body was severely hit by the front of the car, hitting the car behind him, sandwiched between two cars.

Brian's upper body bent down, lying on the car head without bones, and blood continued to flow from his mouth.

Mia looked at it all, "Brian ..."

"Don't, ah ..." An angry roar came over, and a car rushed out of the tunnel entrance. It was Dom. As soon as he got out of the tunnel entrance, he saw this tragic scene. Brian was killed by the car.

"Ah ..." Dom shouted, the vehicle was racing, and it drove over in a blink of an eye, hitting Wu Yang's body.


Under the huge impact force, Wu Yang's car was knocked out and flew out. After rolling on the ground two times, it stopped rolling and turned upside down.

"Brian." Dom shouted, got out of the car, ran to Brian, and squatted down. "Brian, Brian ..."

Only blood continued to flow along Brian's mouth, Brian didn't have a breath, and he couldn't die anymore.

"Ah ..." Dom yelled, with a strong sense of murder in his eyes. ..