v6 Chapter 31: Escape in court (fourth more)

Suddenly Wu Yang slaps in the face of the black judge and makes a loud slap.

"I just want to slap you Yankee in court, how can your US bear me?" Wu Yang said loudly.

Everyone stared at Wu Yang, even the policemen were shocked by such Wu Yang. This guy is a lunatic, a lunatic among lunatics. Is he going to be the enemy of the whole country?

Mia and Giselle looked at Wu Yang and laughed. This is their man. Who is this kind of domineering?

Dom smiled. "Is this Wu Yang? Mia, you have a good vision."

"Why can't your sister's eyes be wrong?" Mia's eyes flashed with pride.

A policeman shouted, "Stop your actions, or you will surely die and let go of the judge."

Wu Yang watched the trembling black judge with a cruel flash in his eyes. "Aren't you awesome just now? What's wrong now?"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me ..." the black judge begged for mercy.

"Wu Yang, put down the judge." The policemen shouted.

Wu Yang tilted his head, "Are you threatening me? Try again, maybe I will be scared to death."

Wu Yang's expression turned cold. "No one can threaten me. If you think I let him go, it will satisfy your wishes."

Wu Yang smiled cruelly, and put one hand around the neck of the black judge, twisting it vigorously.


The crisp bones cracked and the black judge's neck was broken.

Wu Yang threw the body of the black judge, "I've put it down as you said. Do you have anything else to say now?"

"Kill him, kill him!" A police officer shouted.

Bang bang ...

A large number of bullets "shot" at Wu Yang. Wu Yang ran quickly towards the right side, running around the wall and dodging. Rows of bullet holes were left on the wall, following Wu Yang's trail.

"Ah ..." Wu Yang roared, jumped, and landed in front of a policeman. He wrapped his hand around the policeman's neck and blocked it in front of him.

"Uh, uh ..." The policeman shouted disgustingly, and "shot" bullets on him.

Wu Yang vigorously threw the policeman in his hand and smashed the two policemen. The two policemen who were smashed sprayed blood and flew out.

Wu Yang ran in front of Mia, Giselle, and Dome, holding Mia in her left hand and Giselle in her right hand.

"Let's go." Wu Yang stepped on the iron chain between Doum's legs, and the chain was broken.

Wu Yang ran towards the outside with her two daughters and Dom fast. The two policemen on duty at the door looked at the Wu Yang who rushed out, and immediately pointed a gun at the others.

"Listen to you Malegobi." Wu Yang speeded up and rushed up. The two policemen had no chance to pull the trigger.

"Ah ..." The two policemen sprayed blood over ten meters and fell to the ground.

Wu Yang shouted, "Dom, hurry up."

"You're too fast." Dom ran over.

Bang ...

A group of policemen came from not far away and fired at Wu Yang's position.

"Dom, we split up, there is a car in front." Wu Yang put down Mia and Giselle. Both hands grabbed Dom's hand and pulled it hard. The chain was broken.

auzw.com "I see, I'll go this way." Dom ran to the side.

"Dom." Mia called.

Dom turned back: "Don't worry about me, follow Wu Yang well."

"Come on." Wu Yang ran towards the front, and Mia and Giselle followed behind Wu Yang.

"Don't let them run away, chase, shoot, let alone death." A dozen policemen ran out of the court.

Bang bang ...

"Get in the car." Wu Yang grabbed the door, pulled it suddenly, and pulled it out.

After the three got into the car, Wu Yang stepped on the accelerator and the car started.

"Stop him." The police kept firing.

With a cold expression, Wu Yang stepped on the throttle and hit several policemen who could not dodge. In the sound of screams, the policeman who flew out flew out, and blood spilled on the ground.

Bang bang ...

Wu Yang stepped on the brake, the steering wheel slammed to the right, the body swept across to the right, and the tires were rubbing fiercely on the ground.

"Ah ..." A scream came out, and a policeman was swept away by the body.

Wu Yang stepped on the accelerator and headed towards the front ladder. The speed was too fast, he flew out of the ladder directly, and then landed heavily on the ground.

Bang bang ...

"Follow, fast, don't let them run away." The police got on the car, chasing Wu Yang, and of course some chased Dom.


At dusk, a police car stopped in front of a remote villa in the suburbs.

Wu Yang, Mia, and Giselle stepped down from the car and looked at the villa in front. "Finally back."

"go in."

The three walked towards the villa, opened the door, and entered.

In the living room.

The three sat on the couch, and Giselle frowned. "Now the police in Los Angeles are looking for us. We can't stay here, and we will find it sooner or later."

"Don't worry, with me, no one can hurt you a little" hair. "Wu Yang poured a glass of water and took a sip.

Mia was a little worried: "I don't know what happened to Dom?"

"Don't worry about him, he won't be caught so easily, rest assured." Wu Yang affirmed.

"Um." Mia nodded, opened her mouth, seemed to want to say something, but restrained again.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Mia, do you want to ask, why did I kill Brian?"

"No, no ..."

"To be honest, I don't blame you."

"You killed Brian. I didn't feel anything. I mean it, but I don't understand why you did that?" Mia looked at Wu Yang's eyes.

The corner of Wu Yang's mouth raised, "Because I don't allow my woman, the man I once liked to live in this world, is this reason enough?"

Brothers, because something happened at noon, the update was delayed. Today we can only update four, and tomorrow will be normal five. ..