v6 Chapter 34: From 1 million to 10 million (third more)

Wu Yang went out and got into a car. The car started and drove towards the front.

"Is this the most dangerous place you said? It turned out to be the home of the police chief, but then no one else can think that you will hide the goods in his home and it is really safe." Giselle smiled.

Mia frowned slightly. "Is the police chief credible? I mean, will he really yield?"

Wu Yang confidently said: "Yes, there is no absolute loyalty in the world, it is just the temptation you give or not enough. And I give him enough temptation or he will become a dog for me."

Giselle's eyes rolled, "There is no absolute loyalty in the world, it's just the temptation you give or not enough. It makes sense to say that this sentence can also be used on women, right?"

"Of course, what do you want to say?" Wu Yang looked at Giselle's eyes.

"If one day a man appeared and gave me a strong temptation, I didn't resist and betrayed you?" Giselle said with a smile.

Wu Yang shook his head. "This kind of thing will not happen."

"Oh, are you so sure?"

"Because no one can be more tempting than I am to you." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Mia said, "Narcissistic guy."

"You can understand it as self-confidence, okay, that's all for now. Now go to the border of Mexico and go to Takali." Wu Yang stepped on the throttle.

Giselle smiled and said, "I'm going to do another big game."

"Wu Yang, turn on the radio. I want to hear the latest information." Mia's eyes flashed with worry.

Wu Yang smiled, "Mia, are you worried about Dom?"

"A little worried. Although he is terrific, so many police are pursuing him." Mia did not continue.

Wu Yang nodded and turned on the radio.

"The hunt for the four fugitives has already begun. Federal agents and local police have formed a joint search team to hunt down Wu Yang, Dominique Toledo, Giselle, Mia Toledo. Although every pair of eyes is looking for They, but no one knows where they are ... "

Mia was relieved. "They didn't catch Dom."

"For the super-dangerous criminal Wu Yang, fbi's bounty on him has increased from US $ 1 million to US $ 10 million. This person poses too much threat to the country and conquest. If you have information about Wu Yang, please contact the police for The country does its part. "

Giselle smiled and said, "Wu Yang, you are completely famous. A bounty of ten million dollars. There will definitely be many people coming to kill you and get that bounty."

"Then let them kill me, let me see, who killed who?" Wu Yang dismissed with a hint of disdain.

The radio broadcast continued: "We don't have any trace of personal information about Wu Yang so far, as if this person appeared out of thin air, but we can see that he is a celestial man. Many people suspect that he was sent by the celestial court to destroy the United States, but no Any evidence, I believe fbi will investigate clearly. "

Giselle and Mia also had a hint of curiosity, "Wu Yang, are you from heaven?"

"I am a Tianchao person, but it is not a Tianchao person in this world."

auzw.com "What does it mean?"

"Continue to listen to the radio. I want to hear how the American media think about me." Wu Yang smiled.

"Wu Yang's sentence," I just want to be in the court and slap you Yankee, how can your United States bear me? "It shocked and angry the entire United States. This is a blatant challenge to the authority and laws of the United States. It was a great shame for the entire United States to kill the judge and escape. It is comparable to the stigma brought by the '911 incident.'

"Many brick homes and ordinary people are very dissatisfied. They criticized the" government "for being too weak to bring people a sense of security. It is disappointing that a country cannot deal with a criminal ..."

Giselle and Mia both laughed, "Wu Yang, the US" government "is very angry."

Wu Yang spread his hands and smiled, "This is just a trivial matter. The current US president is Obama, so one day, I will stand on the White House and slap his face fiercely."

"You are getting crazy." Mia smiled bitterly.

Giselle looked at Mia, "Are you worried about Wu Yang?"

"I just want to be good," Mia said earnestly.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Relax, we will all be well. This is for sure. If I die, will you not become widows."

"You rotten man," Mia and Giselle cried.


Wu Yang's car was racing fast on the sand. They had crossed the US-Mexico border and reached the Mexican side.

"It's going to be in Takali soon, and we need to be careful," Giselle reminded.

Wu Yang smiled, "Braga is dead, but his industry still exists, and now his men are already busy fighting for power."

"You mean the current town of Decalli, is there no alert?" Mia said.

"You are smart, Giselle, where is Braga's home?" Wu Yang asked.

"It's easy to identify. After entering the town, go directly to the largest, tallest and most luxurious building in the center of the town."

The town of Taikali, the home of Braga, the town's most luxurious building, is now brightly lit.

In the lobby of the building, there was a boiling sound at the moment. There were probably nearly a hundred people, but instead of standing together, they seemed to belong to different camps.

In front of nearly a hundred people, there is a table. There are two people standing on the table, a black man and a white man. The black man wears a blindfold, and the white man has a scar on his face.

Scarface said, "Terry, what do you mean? Do you want to rebel? I am Braga's brother. My elder brother is dead. The boss's seat will be inherited by me.

"Oh, that's right, we support you Zarimo." Almost fifty people standing on the right cried.

"Zhalimo, you think you can be the boss of Braga's younger brother? The boss should be a capable person. I was born and died for Braga these years. He can develop half of my credit. He died, the boss should let me do it, "said Terry, a black-eyed grimace.

"Yes, let Trice be the boss." The fifty people standing on the left cried.

After the death of Braga, the two groups began to fight, but no one could help but no one. ..