v6 Chapter 38: Women's ambitions (second)

"Very well, you know Giselle, and her name is Mia. I have a few words to say about them." Wu Yang's eyes glanced coldly. "You have to listen well, but otherwise It will die. "

Some people could not help but shivered. Why is this guy so terrible?

"The status of the two of them is the same as mine. Their order is my order. They are your boss and your heaven. You must obey them unconditionally." Wu Yang said loudly.

Everyone looked at Giselle and Mia, and obeyed them?

"Do you understand?" Wu Yang shouted.


"People who dare not show any respect for them will be the only place where they will die." Wu Yang walked to a pillar and hit it with a palm.


Under this palm of Wu Yang, this big pillar was shattered layer by layer, flying everywhere.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they were frightened and shouted, "We dare not be disrespectful."

Wu Yang said faintly: "I hope you remember what you said, these are just hope you do well and don't do things you shouldn't do."

Wu Yang continued: "But if you are doing well in your respective positions, rewards are necessary. From now on, each of you will be raised to $ 10,000 a month."

Slap and give a date, Wu Yang still understands this truth.

"Oh oh, okay, okay ..." everyone shouted in excitement. 20,000 dollars, their current salary is less than 3,000 dollars.

Giselle frowned. "Wu Yang, is this too much?"

"Money is power, and not so much for nothing." Wu Yang whispered.

"Everyone of you, the money is not for nothing. If you don't do it well, don't ask you to do it at any time, let others do it." Wu Yang said loudly.

"Boss rest assured that we will do our best to do our best."

"That is, we must do it desperately."


After making a quiet gesture, Wu Yang continued to shout, "Very well, I trust you. And whoever you do well, there are special rewards, $ 1 million, depending on your performance."

"Oh oh oh ..."

Giselle shook his head. "Wu Yang, you prodigal son."

Wu Yang uttered a wicked smile and whispered: "To get this $ 1 million reward, he must create a value of $ 10 million. Do you think it is so easy to get it?"

"How do I feel you are a devil." Mia gave Wu Yang a grimace.

"I'm a devil." Wu Yang raised a brow. "Well, I'll go out for a while, you two and talk to them."

Wu Yang walked towards the outside. "I'm going to the toilet. Listen to what the two older sisters say?"

Giselle yelled, "Quiet down, what did Wu Yang say, did you hear it? Who else, if you didn't hear it, tell me."

"I." Someone called out.

Giselle looked over. "You, stand ahead."

"What's the big sister to say?" A big man came up.

Giselle smiled, quickly pulled out his gun, and shot a shot at Dahan's head.

The big man yelled, his eyes widened, he took a few steps backwards, and fell to the ground. There was a bullet hole in his forehead, and blood was flowing.

"That's what I want to say to you," Giselle said coldly, glancing at everyone. "Now, does anyone have any idea?"


People looked at Giselle with a chill.


"Be loud, haven't you eaten?" Giselle yelled.


Giselle nodded. "Good!"

"Apart from Giselle, you have to listen to one person, that's me, Mia Toledo. I don't want to see the dead, but if I want to die, I can help you out. Understand?" Mia loudly Road.

With the lesson learned, no one dared to say anything, shouting in unison, "Understand!"


Ten days later.

What used to be a luxurious villa in Braga is now a trio of Wu Yang.

On the edge of a large chuang, Wu Yang, Mia, and Giselle lay naked on top of each other, Mia and Giselle's faces fell asleep with fatigue and contentment.

Wu Yang kissed Mia and Giselle, kissed each other, and got off chuang, walked outside, and it was time to leave.

Shortly after Wu Yang left, Mia and Giselle opened their eyes simultaneously.

"You know he's gone, why don't you say a word?" Giselle asked.

Mia wiped her eyes with her hand. "Aren't you saying nothing?"

"Crying?" Giselle asked.

"No," Mia called.

"Just admit it, I don't want him to leave, but I don't want to be his stumbling block." Giselle shook his head.

Mia nodded. "Well, we must make some achievements and let him come back and see."

Giselle nodded and said, "In these ten days, Wu Yang has laid the foundation for everything. Those who are disobedient and uncooperative have died, and established our authority. The minions are complete.

After a pause, Giselle continued: "So all we have to do is build a skyscraper on the resources of Braga." Giselle raised a hand.

Mia took Giselle's hand. "Let's come together."

"Trafficking drugs is a stimulating thing, Mia. You have never done such a thing, can you?" Giselle smiled.

"Yes, don't underestimate me."

"Well, I want to sell drug dealers all over the world, from America to Asia, Europe, Oceania, Africa."

"You, let's get things done right now." Mia shook her head.

Giselle hugged Mia, "Mia, you're in good shape, xiong is bigger than me."

"Let ’s go, don't" chaotic "and" touch ", aren't your legs longer than me?" Mia pressed Giselle's hand.

"Leg length is only one aspect."

"Isn't Wu Yang helping you" knead "every day? Now I'll help you." Mia broke away Giselle's hand and pressed Giselle under her.

"Mia, don't" chaos ", ah ..."


Wu Yang drove his car and left the town of Teckali, heading south. He is now heading south until he reaches Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's largest city.

"Rio de Janeiro, I'm here." Wu Yang yelled, stepping on the accelerator, and the car was racing. ..