v6 Chapter 40: The secret of the chip (fourth more)

"Of course, do you still want me to go to a five-star hotel? I can't enjoy it." Dom laughed.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Want me to take you to a five-star hotel? I can help you find a horse."

Dom shook his head. "This is fine."

"Who is the car hijacker with you?" Wu Yang asked.

"I met them for the first time and Vince took me there. It's not clear what their origins were, but it didn't seem so simple, so I changed my mind and drove away." Dom Smiled.

Wu Yang thought for a moment, "They are chasing you so crazy, just for that car, there must be what they want in that car."

"Think of going together, the car I drove must have what they want."

Wu Yang went outside, drove Dom's car in, and got out of the car and said, "Let's take this car apart and see what's in it?"

"I agree." Dom laughed.

At night, Rio de Janeiro Airport.

A large plane with the usa logo landed at the airport.

The door opened, and a strong, tall black bald man came out of it and said aloud: "Be aware that we are hunting highly dangerous professional fugitives. They like to ride cars and do everything, so you have to Protect yourself and we will catch them and bring them back to the United States and let us go. "

A policeman walked up to the tall black bald man. "Worker Luke Hobster, my name is Police Chief John Omeida."

"I'm not interested in knowing who you are." The black bald Luke Hobbs said nothing to his face and continued to walk forward.

But this police chief called John Omeida didn't care. After all, it was mixed with the level of the director.

"I'm sorry to hear about your casualties. Is it really necessary to catch these two?" John Omeida asked.

Hobbs said, "Then I'm like you revealing a bit of information about these two people. I believe you have never heard of it. One is a professional criminal. He escaped twice and spent half of his life avoiding you. Guy.

"And the other one, he robbed a national money transport vehicle, caused hundreds of deaths and injuries, killed a judge in court, and threatened to humiliate the United States with a bounty of $ 10 million. And for someone like you, he wants To kill you is like stepping on an ant. "

John Omeida said with a smile: "So what can we do to help the National Security Agency ..."

Hobbs rushed to speak, "Two things. First, I need an interpreter."

"There are many public relations departments."

"Elena Neves," Hobbs immediately said, handing a piece of information to John Omeida.

John Omeida looked at the information. "She is just a patrol officer, much more experienced than she."

"I like her smile," Hobbs replied.

John Omeida said uneasily, "What about another thing?"

Hobbs stopped and looked at John Omeida. "Specially roll away."

In the slum's broken house, Wu Yang and Dom had taken the car apart and inspected every place.

The door was pushed open, and one came in.

"Vince, you're here. Wu Yang, I'll introduce it to you. This is my brother Vince from childhood to big." Dom pointed at Vince.

Wu Yang smiled, "I'm Wu Yang."

auzw.com "Yes." Vince nodded at Wu Yang.

Dom asked, "Where did you go?"

"Someone is looking for you everywhere in the slums. I can't take them to find you. I have to wait for them to go," Vince said.

"Who are they?"

Vince shook his head. "I don't know where they come from, but Dom, you need to be careful."

Dom nodded, and patted Vince's body. "You're tired too, go take a rest, and have food and wine. Eat it yourself."

"OK." Vince walked forward.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Dom, you value him."

"Brothers born and dead together grew up together, and Vince is my family."

"Family will also be forced to make a living and do something to betray their brothers," Wu Yang said lightly.

Dom shook his head. "Wu Yang, I know what you want to say, but I believe Vince."

"Do you really believe it?" Wu Yang smiled.

At midnight.

A man walked to the disassembled car. It was Vince, who pulled a chip from the circuit board.

"Want to take it away?" A voice came.

Vince turned hurriedly and looked at the people. "It's you, Wu Yang."

"It's me, do you want to take that thing away?" Wu Yang smiled.

"People who know the truth, just see nothing, go back to your room and go to sleep," Vince said lowly.

"So what do I see?" Dom stepped out.

Vince looked at Dom with a flash of fear in his eyes. "Dom, you listen to me, it's not what you think."

"What does that look like?" Dom shouted and walked to Vince's presence.

Vince explained: "I thought the task was just to steal a car, I don't know, they want a chip."

"Then you should tell me frankly," Dom exclaimed.

"Come on, Dom, let me take the chips, I'll take them to see them, they will give them to Reyes, and things will be resolved." Vince asked.

Dom whispered, "You go."

"What did you say?" Vince looked at Dom in disbelief.

"I let you go," Dom shouted.

Vince took a deep breath and slowly walked outside. At halfway, Vince stopped and looked at Dom. "You never listen to me. I told you that Brian was a police officer. You do n’t believe it, see where we are now? I ca n’t go home, Letty? Dom, where is Letty? ”

Dome gritted his teeth without saying a word. Vince went out.

Wu Yang came to the car and took the chip in his hand. "What secret is there?"

Brothers, today's fourth update, because I just wrote speed 5, I have some hands, the update is slow, and it will soon be up. In addition, these chapters of Super 5 are a bit boring, but this is all for the purpose of paving the way. Brothers, please be patient and be wonderful! ..